General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is it easier for me to win in 4k than it is in 2k?

why is it easier for me to win in 4k than it is in 2k? in General Discussion

    i just dont know


      because 2k usually have mind like this "CARRYY MANY KILL SO MUCH WOW KILL LA KILL BABY 30/0/30 EZ"
      and 4k mmr+ usually go for current meta combo or counterpicking the enemy hero
      2k think if you had more kill it will be so cool, which is not.
      supp with 0/10/30 and a win match far better then cary with 30/10/0 and lose match
      just my oppinion


        2ks pick heros that they cannot play and then lose to a spammer

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Because you are 10K material man,2K is holding you back,4K hold you back less but if you can get 9.0K account where they won't hold you back much,you will rise to 10K in less then 50 game man

          1-IceTea 🌟

            ^This is what you want to heard is it?


              oh nice !! 1-icetea got a blue star !! :D

              死の恐怖 Haseo



                  @IceTea, lel, elitist.
                  @OP, I feel the same way. When I play with my 3.6-4.5k mmr friends, games are alot easier. Not just because their skill level is equal or higher than mine, but because we work together better as a unit.
                  Basically, raising MMR in 2-3k requires (if you are only a 3-4k mmr player)
                  A) The ability to lead your team. And if you aren't a charismatic leader, you will be muted within a few minutes of getting in game.
                  B) Playing support when your team insta-locks cores - and actually being pretty decent at it. If I play a 2 stack in Ranked matchmaking, my friend and I play support and trilane to wreck their offlane + mid.
                  C) Learning how to play from behind. 3k games are extremely lopsided, 1 team winning over the other in 20 minutes (unless they prolong a 3 kills to 50 kills game for no reason). You need to be the one making the other team respond to YOU, not you to them.
                  D) Learning how to lane alone as a pos. 1. Often, carries will freak out if they don't get a support in lane. TBH, I'd rather lane alone then have a support who doesn't know basic DotA. At least laning alone will let me get a earlier level advantage which one can use.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                  зачем я начал поиск

                    Because Dota 2 rating system is dogshit at small deviations.


                      How many report you got when playing in 4k?
                      When you want to win in 2k just abuse their lame respawn time. So much free hit. I think they treat all their skill as ultimate because idk why i can kill ppl w/o being stunned it really make no sense

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        You might have what they call, the I love getting carried syndrome.


                          Because you're probably a team player and a dogshit 1v9er


                            Because you're probably a team player and a dogshit 1v9er


                              yo animu guy dont use void plz i want my heroes to stay under the radar

                              Vem Comigo

                                actually 2k players are more skilled than 4k ones, i played some low prio games with some people with 6kmmr, and got macthed with full stacks of 4ks, and they are completely retarded, they know the mechanics, but execute them worst than 2k players, that barely know shit but can execute what they know good.

                                lm ao

                                  You're a delusional sourgraper who wants to present some stupid illogical correlation as an established fact just to get some pats on the head from a bunch of autistic online broads.

                                  And yes 2k is harder than 4k or 6k.

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    low 4ks are dogshit
                                    idk why i meet better core players at 3k mmr

                                    Goblin slayer

                                      Just because you're winning doesn't mean you belong there. There is a term called being carried.

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        My <insert current MMR> bracket is really much more difficult with much more challenging opponents than in <insert current MMR + 2000> matches. I should really deserve an extra several thousand points of MMR because I queued up with my higher MMR friend that one time and won the match.

                                        Goblin slayer

                                          1-icetea releasing his inner Cookie


                                            no licetea its not waht i wanted to hear.

                                            if by 'being carried' you mean 'not have to 1v9 almost ever' then yeah i do love that.

                                            and i mean playing on a 4k account and not stacking with higher mmr friends.


                                              iguess thisis just discussion for fun. its natural to win more when you have non-useless teammates.


                                                its natural to win more when you have non-useless teammates if you know how to cooperate*

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  Because mmr is a social construct


                                                    I know why I do better in higher mmr games. I am a decent support player, but a shitty carry. Having good allies is much more important to my success than crappy enemies.


                                                      Cause 2k games are 5 carry lineups and they don't give a F*ck, while 4k is a reluctant individual who is forced into the support role and wants to win MMR. My advise climbing in 2k, is pick a carry Mid and if you are good enough, you can usually carry your team as the other side is also 5 carries that don't give a F*ck. Most importantly don't try too hard enjoy the game and you will do just fine. Good Luck.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        honesty when im saying 2k im talking about 2.9k


                                                          To win consistently inv2k you must always 1vs9 while on 4k you got team


                                                            I would assume it still applies until you maybe reach the mid 3k's when you have that reluctant player or you become that player. I can't say for certain as I have just started this journey from 1.6k.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              Hmm...maybe you are so good at cooperation with other then, some player good at a thing and other not,I believe there will be 2K who cooperate with teammate much better then me,I just 1v5 memeing around all the time HAHAHAHAHA

                                                              'Give me solo lane and fuck off,I will feed the cour if I see anyone in x lane'

                                                              This is the line that I spam the most now,and I have to clear 4 LPQ HAHAHAHAHA

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                In 2k mmr, you are fighting your own team to win the game. In 4k mmr, you are fighting the enemy team.


                                                                  why is it easy to lose but easy to make a pro win the game? my 0.00% winrate turned 0.01% my feed account.



                                                                    2K NOOBS THAT ARE 1 MMR DUH.


                                                                      I know someone like this, and have seen his mistakes that lead to it.

                                                                      He tends to just expect very specific things from other players based on what hero they pick. It seems like in 4k, everyone knows what is expected from their position and does it to some extent. My friend plays off this very heavily, often commiting things to this assumed knowledge.

                                                                      The problem is, in 2k, you can't expect this. You cant expect the Anti-Mage to get tons of farm under free farm conditions, or your team's main damage to follow up on your initiation,... This doesn't mean that these players are worse then other 2ks, and it doesn't mean people never do these things. But you can't expect it. That Anti-Mage who doesn't farm well under free farm may be a great fighter, which makes up for it. The damage dealer who didn't follow up may be good at defending high ground... You know how much quantity of skills each player has, but it's luck of the draw which skills they are. So if you play around the assumed they will do, you'll end up feeding every time that isn't the case.

                                                                      My friend also tends to tilt really, really hard when this stuff happens...


                                                                        supports in 0-4k are hte same

                                                                        they don't do jack shit for the whole game

                                                                        you can sustain 4k as a 2k mmr player or just slowly drop without looking like an acc buyer only to the fact that oyu don't need supports 0-4k.

                                                                        example; tzjinzo

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                          I used to rage at people who bought Glimmer Cape against BH or Slardar until a few months ago - when I realized how stupid I was.


                                                                            Because in your particular case (as well as Snu's) you guys are so much better than your bracket. Seriously you constantly win in higher MMR brackets but can't win in 2K , if that isn't the proof that you are just too damn good and are held back by your team I don't know what is. In fact I am preparing a letter for Gabe dubbed "Victims of the trench" and I will use you and Snu as prime examples of people that deserve to be in higher MMR but can't due to the system. Don't let anyone dissuade you, you deserve higher MMR.


                                                                              @snu "In 2k mmr, you are fighting your own team to win the game. In 4k mmr, you are fighting the enemy team."

                                                                              You are so right, we at 4k mmr are some of the ascendant beings that don't intentionally feed, or pick 2 safelane carries or midders, and most definetely none of that happened in last 5/7 games that I played.


                                                                                Lol at Bon's letter to gabe...

                                                                                That made me laugh really hard actually!


                                                                                  ^ we get enough testimonies we can launch a documentary fully exploring the struggle of people stuck in the trench, it would help if one of those people killed themselves so that people can see that it's a real made-up issue



                                                                                    LOl staph !!!!
                                                                                    you are making LOL at work and everyone is asking " what's so funny , what are you laughing at?"

                                                                                    On DB, you could have a 12 day long doc from all the testimonials... then get LICE tea in here talking about the struggle to over come toxic players while he Jungles to 5k and beyond.


                                                                                      Having played from 2.5-3.8k the 2K bracket was interesting. Someone saying people knowing what to expect from others as a sort of common knowledge - there are certain mmr pockets in that range where players are much more competent. Idk why that is but I find 2.2-2.3 k players seem to " get it" where at 2.4-2.5k is a shit fest. Then to 3k things are good again... 3-3.2k is shit again. Someone explain that lol.


                                                                                        4k and 2k has their same skills. Always ruined the game and make the opponent wins