General Discussion

General DiscussionAn Idea for a Razor Build...

An Idea for a Razor Build... in General Discussion

    I've been thinking, a good Razor can have a 100% uptime on Static Link on teamfights, yes? And on the early game, Static Link wrecks mid a lot and cost just a measly 50 mana. Albeit with an 8 second recharge from minimum to maximum damage. So, why not go octarine on him? It makes him more tanky, with approximately 450 health bonus, and solves his mana problem (overkill tho), and you can have maximum damage if you meet an enemy hero, and the enemy hero cant retaliate, especially non mobile and physical dependent heroes. Plasma Field just adds a mana burden on Razor at the early game, so just leave it at level 1, for the vision. On the other hand, Unstable Current is super useful for Razor's mobility. The Item build is Phase -> Aquila -> Vanguard -> Octarine -> Satanic/Tarrasque. And the skill build is 1-4-2-1 at level 8

    TLDR : Razor in my mind can be meta viable again, especially if built as a tank, wrecks the enemy's early and mid-game, and take advantage of Static Link's great uptime combined with Octarine


      Sorry for the Wall of Text tho, hope it's a good read and I'm expecting feedback, so it's to leave some below :)



        Personally I would work blademail in there. Also if razor uses static link gets stunned the link breaks and he has no damage what does he do? Absolutely nothing. Hero needs reworking.

        Potato Marshal

          Out of all of Razor's problems as a hero, static link's cooldown isn't even among the top 10.


            I may have forgotten to input a BKB into my build tho, just focusing on octarine.

            Potato Marshal

              This build doesn't really make sense, how are you going to farm and get kills? How are you able to chase enemies to reliably keep them in range and stopping them from running away from you when the fight turns bad? Why get a vanguard on a ranged hero? Why build nothing but hp items and 0 armor items? Why focus around lowering cooldown on static link if you have no attack speed? Why get a satanic at all if you have no damage items? Why keep plasma field at level 1 to save mana if it has the same mana cost at all levels?


                Plasma field's mana cost combined with Static Link and Eye cost a hefty lot for Razor on the early game. Razor's early game damage output with the stolen damage is enough for him to kill enemies swiftly in the early-mid game. Movement speed is enough for chasing. Plasma field will be maxed by the mid game.

                This build is only to tank and anti-carry the enemy team. This build doesn't require much farm to work. Razor is NOT the main damage dealer in your team. Your job is to keep the enemy carry not doing damage, and destroy the backlines with the damage stolen and tank as much as you can.


                  but the problem is if you mess up a static link you are now literally just a creep with a ton of hp and the enemy can pretty much ignore you.

                  Potato Marshal

                    Static link is 50 mana. I don't know why you would rush a 5900 gold item to lower static link cooldown to 20 seconds when you're not likely to use it more than once in a teamfight. People aren't going to stand around for 8 seconds while you steal their damage then stand still for another 10 seconds for you to slowly right click them to death.


                      This build is still experimental, will ASAP try it when i get out of lp.

                      Supports doesn't have the mobility to escape Razor, as well as jungling heroes except those with invis and blink. With 20 seconds cooldown, you'll use it more than once i reckon.


                        not necesaraly, if it gets broken first 2 seconds you don't deal much rightclick and you can be pretty much ignored. You can easily lose the fight before static link comes back off cooldown.


                          You all got good points, I agree with most of them. But, the teamfight depends on the initiation. If Your team got a good initiation, you can follow it up with Static Link and pretty much secure the carry kil at least.


                            @bearcat0611, you can do a lot of things to Razor in a teamfight but "ignore" isn't one of them - especially if he has Eye going.


                              You fight around the razor the way you would fight around an underfarmed medusa. You can't completely ignore it but it's not killing you.


                                Razor's talent tree made him quite strong imo... I don't think you need to change the tradicional build a lot, and since 7.05 I've played with and against him and the razor did a good job carrying... It's just a matter of it being picked again on competitive games and he'll look strong again


                                  skadi is just better

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Can you steal more damage than the enemy has?

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      Just rethink your whole build please. Vanguard into octarine is just...

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                                        basically youre trying to be like Bane in lane (stealing damage) so enemy carry cant LH. but Bane is a better hero than Razor

                                        I think they need to add Aghanim to his Plasma field considering how thats the only useful level he has.

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          Not maxing Plasma first is a sin. Playing Razor in ranked is a sin.
                                          Mana is not the issue for Razor. Your skills have moderately long CD. With a Drums, Aquila or maybe Medallion you can use plasma 4 times in 2 minutes with mana left to use eye of storm and static link, I guess

                                          Play him with Shaman maybe... the only thing he needs is a lockdown
                                          Treads Aquila SnY
                                          Then this item build makes me think... wouldn't it be better if I just play Troll?

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            People will still just force staff out of link. Razors main issues right now are ult range sucks and gets eaten up by creeps if any around, link is too easy to break especially with the prevalence of pikes, and he sucks at farming. Your suggestions don't fix any of those issues.


                                              Razor was always strong, octarine could be interesting in my opinion

                                              Savvy Cat

                                                I see Razor; I pick ranged damage dealer.


                                                  he really needs a rework tbh. My thought is making static link a passive and he steals damage when he attacks a hero. That solves the issue of static link being so easy to break and it fits well with his other skills. Then unstable current could become like an aoe active slow or something like that.

                                                  Savvy Cat

                                                    Sadomasochism passive from QoP custom games.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      So many easy ways to fix him. Buff link break distance, buff his range, buff ult range and make it hit what you attack like dp ult and he's fine


                                                        What if razor can suck a heros damage to negative such that he starts healing enemies with his right clicks LUL


                                                          What about a talent for 2 static links. And they can reattach if heroes get in range


                                                            lets think a bit, you build oct vanguard phase etc, razor can suck damage and have a huge physical damage but... lack of AS, that means only thing he do in fights is suck damage ? i can name you 10+ better tanks to play, but obviously on 1-4k bracket you can play and try it

                                                            but razor problem no in hes Q or static link, its about his ult, imagine with agh that ult gonna slow enemy heroes (like 50% slow) only something like that could bring him back


                                                              This sounds like my joke troll build proposals for sniper and bloodseeker except even less viable and funny.


                                                                shiva is infinitely better.
                                                                so is skadi, ac, butterfly, aghs, bkb, pike, and sny.
                                                                octarine doesn't at all fit razor
                                                                is this a troll?


                                                                  I still see Razor being viable, but it's way too niche; as in "exclusive counter pick" niche. I have a decent number of games w him, and almost all of them are against OD mid. That's how situational he has become.
                                                                  In regards to the build, I don't think it is viable. The ult is average; it isn't useful enough to dedicate 2 items to its use(Aghs and Octarine)

                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                    ^How does Razor counter OD
                                                                    I thought it's the other way around

                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      I don't think Razor really counters OD or vice-versa.


                                                                        I saw an article previously from this site mentioning how Razor beats OD lane, I tried it several times and it works pretty decently. Lvl 1 OD imprisonment range is low, Razor can steal his damage without fear of imprisonment, then bully the lane w superior dmg. Then when you have the early level advantage, 3rd skill makes it painful for OD to imprison you; if you start stealing dmg before he does it, he's slowed and you steal dmg while inside, further bully the lane. Even if he goes for the max orb build(which is pretty underwhelming), you still bully him enough early into the laning stage to get the level and LH advantage.


                                                                          For those of you who shun razor in ranked - Meh I rape with Razor in 3-4K MMR mostly Offlaning and Midding. Even raped as a Support roaming Razor one tmie rofl. Offlane vs PA, Sven or Low damage supports like Rubick, Lina, Veng. You go 2 3 2 3 3 4 with a Windlace, Wand, Aquilla. Then you force everyone out of top lane and jungler out of jungle. I then Farm into AGHS, to maximize damage/ Tower Push. If im being targeted way too much by AOE like disruptor, Underlord, Etc... I will go BKB into Heart, Refresher. Works Magic on towers and even heroes. If My team needs DPS I go, Phase, Aquilla, Aghs, Silveredge(where applicable) AC, Skadi. its freaking sick. it makes you tanky as crap attack JUST fast enough to be a problem and the Skadi just works damn well in Leash situations. As far as octarines go its Crap. His Heal from output without refresher would suck and the item does not make you anywhere as tanky as a Heart, AC, Satanic, Skadi or Bfly would. I think I have a 60% winrate with the hero in ranked. Any team that has high burst or lockdown is a big No, Do not pick razor you will lose lane. Examples, Sky if hes good, Dazzle, Bane, Juggs, KOTL. Boy I fucknig hate KOTL.

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