General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me find new heros

Help me find new heros in General Discussion

    I have a very limited hero pool for core positions.

    I dislike hardcarries that are farm dependent.

    I love "brawl" heros like CK and Huskar or to some extend WK that get some lvls, 1 or 2 key items (armlet and echo on CK, armlet on huskar, armlet and maelstrom on WK) and then go and force a teamfight
    with their early power spike.

    I also love playing centaur, spirit breaker, tidehunter and magnus.

    I sometimes try playing AGI heros but i never quiet enjoy them.

    Supports i already have my niche picks and heros i enjoy, but i cant seem to find more then 2 carries I enjoy playinh.

    Anyone that reads this and immedeatly thinks "Hero XYZ would fit this guys playstyle"?

    doc joferlyn simp

      Stay on CK since people in lower brackets don't take advantage of his weak farming skills, and you can usually win an outfarming competition versus both sides of the game, given enough time.

      It seems like you gravitate towards tanky heroes in general. But if what you're looking for is setting the tempo of the game, try LC and BB. They can function very well with just 1 core item and are hard to take down. Basically they need to take you out first or else they'll lose the teamfight.


        You can try PA, yea she needs farm but she gets the farm by killing heroes, instead of killing creeps like other agi carries. Same goes for ursa. He is even less farm dependent (usually just needs blink + vlads or hod, and you can go fight).


          I like Ursa quiet a bit, ill try playing him a few times

          Is Dragon Knight safelane valid?


            i've found them!!! they're all here:

            jk, i have no idea what you like

            so just do hte all hero challenge and stick to whatever you felt like you enjoyed.

            my suggestion is sandking

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              Not really, because his damage output can be quite low without a lot of farm, and he doesn't farm very fast at all. If you want to make safelane DK work you need to take a lot of towers and get a big advantage early on or you will fall behind quickly


                mid DK is valid ofc but i don't think safelane is that great , so how about legion commander or tiny ,both focus on crossing the map killing everything moves


                  Maybe TB

                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                    Venge carry


                      You will enjoy ursa for sure


                        Its a bit unpopular opinion, but i suggest visage, there is only handful of heroes that visage can't kill when it is lvl 6. Its a 1v1 brawl kind of hero coz when you kill someone, your familiars will be out of charges and they're your main killing material so you need to rest them a little bit. Your 400 dmg nuke spell also relies on your familiars coz your familiars dealth damage will return to you as nuke charges for your nuke spell. I recommend mid btw


                          yes, visage is one of my favourite supports. supports are not the issue, i can play almost all and many good including unpopular ones.

                          im lacking in carries i enjoy playing, for pos 1

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                          зачем я начал поиск

                            Abaddon, Underlord, Axe are all brawl heroes in certain builds.


                              Brawl carries --> tanky carries that get into the thick of it. Sven wk, ursa troll


                                I do have the same issue in my games. Any good advices for me as well?


                                  I'm not talking about support visage tho, i only play him mid as a core and thats where the highest winrate is for this hero


                                    PA? Although she's lame af

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      Tiny is fun, blowing people up in one combo during the mid-game, then tearing through towers and rax in the late.

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        Is Tiny good this patch? His 3rd skill is just + 6 armor if against ranged and his lvl 20 and lvl 25 talents are so shitty

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Relies on burst too much.

                                          Kitable hero as well, about as much as Sven.


                                            why don't you play a normal game and random. that is now your new hero


                                              Bristleback and Tiny come to mind. Both are not so popular as a pos 1 though nowadays but I do see it from time to time.

                                              yung griphook

                                                Learn LS hes fuckin good right now and likes to fight as well