General Discussion

General DiscussionLaning against a dark seer

Laning against a dark seer in General Discussion

    how the hell do i lane against a dark seer with melee core and melee support?

    In my last game our tower literally fell at about minute 6, at which point i burned through 2 sets of tangos and still died 1 time.
    I avtively tried to avoid the orbed creeps and pulled these creeps into tower range whenever i could but i still has horrible farm. luckily i got carried by my good team, the also had a medusa which messed me up VERY bad.
    (silencer fuckded up though, he went offlane with BB instead of trilaning)

    any tips? see dark seer, immedieatly abandon lane and go jungle?

    Also can you check my itembuild? i felt like manta was bad because medusa just killed my illus in seconds, so i tried to be able to fight without illusion.

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    Savvy Cat

      Feed mercilessly. I am not joking in the least.


        Iron talon can help. As CK you can also use some mana to pull the shelled creep into tower range.

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        Rektdalf the White

          As Krypt said, get iron talon and use it on shelled creep, with ck's absurd dmg it's then like two more hits to finish him. When he uses his shell on ur creeps, try to abuse aggro so you can separate them.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Dark seer doesnt do anything later let him fat let him fat


              He won't do much with farm, all he really needs is mek/blink for teamfight. Dark Seer needs levels more.
              If the Dark Seer is solo, harass him out of xp range. Time it with when he ion shells a creep, so he can't ion shell himself and manfight. Then go back to farm the wave, albeit under tower.

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