General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you make your team listen to you?

How do you make your team listen to you? in General Discussion

    Like, I picked Axe and got 10-1 in first 15 minutes and my team decides to AFK jungle when we can push and take down racks. If I try to split either I will get picked off or my team will decide to take on a 4v5 fight and lose. And if I ask my team to stay with me cause I have the highest net worth and XP, they would just simply ignore me. I have tried muting and I have tried using mic, nothing really seems to work.

    Now, I do get games where people do listen but in majority of 2k games, no one does and as a result we lose the advantage and eventually lose. And since I like to play more early - mid game heroes to create advantage for my team, my hero usually falls off in late game. On the other hand, if I go carry my team would usually fail to hold onto the game till I come online.

    I really need some insights on this. My winrate have gone done significantly in the last few weeks.

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Share dick and weed jokes and talk about how women are subhuman. That always seems to work for me.


        Go alpha on their beta asses

        doc joferlyn simp

          Take damage talent build Mjollnir and AC and take those towers down yourself after you've killed the entire enemy team.


            Adjust to their gameplay(?). That's what I usually do. Increase more you net worth advantage. Farm enemy jungle (i find this the most common mistakes at 2-3K bracket). Maximize the resources you can get from the map while depleting the enemies resources. Be patient. As long as you don't commit mistakes. You're good. Just improve your game sense. Came from 2.9k (grinding to 4k). Games usually go 40 minute long in 2-3k brackets, which you can already end by minute 30.


              Improve you game sense man. It's vital.


                I made a smurf and got high 4k on it and apparently I have no issues winning there as long as we dont get outplayed, but winning in 2k is very cumbersome.

                The most frustrating thing is, I get reported for asking people to participate in 2k and therefore my behavior score went down by a lot and I have been getting worse allies.


                  I had a 4K too. I know how you feel. I find it easier to win in 4K too tbh. I don't know man, but I think I know now how to win at 2-3K bracket.


                    This was my first account. I wasn't satisfied with the MMR of this account. 3.3K calibration (calibrated when Ranked MMR was first introduced), was stucked for like a year at 3.3K decided to give the account to my cousin (he dropped it to as low as 2.6K) then I decided to create a new account, was calibrated at 4K flat, won most of my games and reached 4.5K, that's the point where I stopped playing for months.

                    Cancer Malaria

                      I use this communication guide, works sometimes


                        Based on my last conduct summary, I got reported 6 reports in 10 games which made my behavior score go down by 3600 points LOL. However I got 24 commends in the last 10 games, but it doesnt seem to effect the score in anyway. I have been losing more nonetheless.

                        Potato Marshal

                          Have you tried drawing dicks and swastikas on the minimap?


                            Yes I did, but that helped me gather additional two reports from my teammates.


                              It's hard to play when u r winning as a plAymaker and your team wants to use the space to farm. Then u end up making mistakes that cost you the game. So just be patient in such games.


                                Its not about mistakes, its about pushing the advantage through. I cant see how and why would you not push when you have all of their enemy team down and you decide to farm jungle.


                                  That's what always happen at 2k bracket lol. I also find that playing with 3k-4k player is actually easier than playing at 2k. Generally I love hero that can be a good playmaker and able to push tower (IMPORTANT !!) instead of hero like axe that need help from teammates to push. I remember going to shitstorm because we were able to kill all of opponent's hero and that Bloodseeker/Legion/PA/Sniper actually running to the jungle again instead of taking down tower. They don't understand how to push the advantage, which is why they stuck at 2k (also had bad map awareness and think that support need to deal damage as much as them).

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    Pee on them to show dominance.


                                      I have been playing on my smurf more these days (4k) and I find games to be way relaxing, cause I literally have to tell my team nothing at all since they already know what to do. All I have to do is just play my hero right and we win most of the time, unless we get outplayed. In 2K, I simply cannot win a game without literally playing a heavy hitting core with pushing abilities and since this is my main I feel like I will never reach higher brackets with this account.


                                        You grind your account first to 4K. Pick the heroes you're good at especially at 4k less bracket. I also tried it. That's why I like spamming TA since she can snowball and take down towers fast enough which is typically the problem at low tier bracket. They seldom also know how to counter her. I'll be versatile again once I reach 4K.


                                          Yea I guess I have to grind MMR. Except a few games, I usually get these horrendous obnoxious kids in my team who not only refuse to listen but are heavily mechanically impaired, no matter how much I tell them they choose to do their thing. I have tried to motivate my team and tried to keep a positive outlook, but still the idiots wouldn't focus objectives and therefore lose.

                                          What I have noticed is, if you get reported say even one time you will start getting paired with more retarded allies, which further obliterates your winrate even more. And in games where my team cannot figure out what to do and I step in to direct them, they will either report me or simply ignore, even though I have the highest stats in the game.

                                          Poormans Shield

                                            i'm not a 4k player but i played with a lot of them. u should know that most of 2k players don't even watch a single game and they don't even know what are the levels or items on every hero. so you can't expect that they know what is the tempo or advantages are in the game and must of them want to be hard carry with more than 6 item and they don't engage well. so if you had 4k account just forget about 2k. i played always sup and i was too much comfortable with 4 or 5 k carries cuz they see the map and know that i am a good warding sup cuz i just watched a lot instead of playing myself so i know where should i put them. but in 2k or less maybe sup put 10 ward in map but the carry still nagging about vision in game. they simply don't see or like our friend said they don't have map awareness. good luck :)

                                            yung griphook

                                              try to say it in as neutral/ friendly a way as you can. I've found that people in my bracket are just looking for an excuse to tilt out of control, so the way you say things matters in that regard. If that doesnt work, mute them and try your best.

                                              Direstui Pacar Main Dota

                                                Share dick and weed jokes and talk about how women are subhuman. That always seems to work for me.


                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Follow them around til they decide to push. Theres' not much you can do except pick solo pushers.


                                                    Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                                      Thing with sticking with 4k account is that the 4k account isn't my main and all my items are in my 2k account. Everytime I switch back from 4k to 2k, I feel I can do much better cause 4k is supposedly much tougher, but I end up losing more in 2k than in 4k. LOL.

                                                      @ShiptoWreck, I communicate with my team is a very positive way. Thing is most of the times, they dont give a flying duck, however when they do it becomes extremely easy to win that game. For e.g. Unfed LC don't duel the 6-slotted Centaur, Duel the Sniper (no linkens and ungaurded) - Response from LC: "Reprot 6k peru"


                                                        Why do people think 4K is good? It's just the epitomy of trash tryhards like me.


                                                          4K isn't good, but it is better than 2K. I do get a/c buyers, 100 games old players, and all sorts of miracles in my 4K, but usually the majority of 4Ks are better than 2K. Or should I say, they atleast know what the objectives are.


                                                            I really need help to win these 2k games. No matter how much I ask for help these idiots wont listen and I simply cannot win 1v5. Games like these are unwinnable - . How many f...king times do I have to ask these idiots to group up and push before we lose the advantage. OMG.

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                                                            Chao Vritra

                                                              I find that the mouse wheel quick chat options almost work better than talking. I was told once that American accents are perceived as arrogant and cocky sometimes. Not sure if that is true or not, but I could perhaps see that with how some people talk and our heavy use of sarcasm.


                                                                If u find your team not listening and not wantin to take objectives, don't sit around passively and just slowly bleed your advantage away. Start controlling the game and force the enemy to make mistakes.

                                                                Looking at your cs as an axe in a 40+ min game, it's obvious you could have done a lot more in that. So don't place all the blame on your team. Push lanes out, try to get solo pick offs if any enemy farms lane. Get bigger items that give u good fight in late game and not those garbage items


                                                                  tell them to uninstall and play league of legend and make sure you tell them that their instant ban when they act like a toxic dota 2 player so they will follow your order.

                                                                  or maybe they think your unskilled and ignores you or probably A FREAKING COWARD 1 MMR NEWBIE.


                                                                    WHY IN THE WORLD THEY PLAY DOTA 2 WHEN THEY CAN'T EVEN FIGHT OR PUSH?!


                                                                      I use chat wheel most of the time and only use voice if I really have to.

                                                                      And I do realize that farming instead of trying to solo push 1v5 is better however, you got to see the draft. If we have better late and/or our team is more "mechanically" efficient then farming is a good idea but if your team either falls off late vs the enemy team or is less "mechanically" efficient than enemy then you have to push to keep your lead. Also, keep in mind these idiots don't even do their part during TF and/or get caught off and die. So, you got to create advantageous situations which is why I pick heroes like Axe where I can lead and hold the game for the team.


                                                                        well in this meta it is not so easy to just deathball end the game you know.

                                                                        there are 2 types of fights to take. the fights u have no choice but to take because you are not prepared and won't really lead to objectives even if u won. and then there are those fights u take that are favourable because it gives ur team momentum to take objectives and snowball. try to find the second type of fights.


                                                                          Avoid the first ones
                                                                          Those fights are usually just skirmishes that can cause you 1 or 2 heroes to die but instead people tunnel vision and go there although that fight was unfavorable, causing 4 man/teamwipe
                                                                          Go cut some waves, split push and cause rotations to make them unable to capitalize on their hero advantage or at least trade objectives which is pretty good too when you're behind


                                                                            Avoid fights? Idiots would walk right into 5 man and then flame that team is retarded. Or worse, get ganked with full vision and then AFK. You simply cannot do anything to win these games. I have seen that I get these games for 4-5 games straight then it reverts back to more efficient players. So I get people who listen and win a few games back to back, then get idiots for similar amount of games and then lose.


                                                                              They're idiots, why are you still listening to them or expect them to understand you?


                                                                                get better yourself. you cant control people so why not just understand the game beter urself and get good enough to snowball most of the games in that bracket and get out of the hell ASAP??


                                                                                  there would SURELY come a point where this will certainly reduce and you would actually enjoy playing it a lot, as you go up. that what i beliieve, hence i want to get out of this hell bracket.

                                                                                  Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                                                    Honestly one of the biggest things I've noticed that makes the team listen is voice chat. Before the creeps spawn just like joke about how stupid the new towers look or something. In my opinion, if you have fun and actually try to be friendly with your team, youll win more games.


                                                                                      lol in 2k they mute the guy using voice chat. not me tho i dont mind its better i think


                                                                                        Exactly, if you use voice chat more often, chances are 2K ppl will likely ignore or report you for comm abuse. I am leaning more towards grinding MMR by spamming mid only.


                                                                                          Have been trying to communicate with as much positivity as I possibly can, but most of them just couldn't care less. If we win early game, then ppl try to listen little more, but if you lose early game omg these idiots just make terrible decisions every single time and start flaming. And if you try to calm them down, chances are you will get reported LOL.

                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            i like how every1 thinks theyre way smarter than ppl in their own bracket and expects them to always listen to them for some reason


                                                                                              Daytime with 2 wards, one could see 2 enemies coming into the jungle. You ping your jungling teammate and he still continues to farms and then dies, and yet people think the guy pinging thinks he is 8k.


                                                                                                It's always laughs and glhf at the start until some one gets tilted (me)