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General DiscussionMy Personal Dota 2 Blog [2017 Edition]

My Personal Dota 2 Blog [2017 Edition] in General Discussion

    I remembering arguing with you for ages how you reached 4.5k at one point because of spamming Specter when it was relevant and not because of actual skill.

    I climbed from 3.8k to 5k over a year ago in a period of 2 months then quit till now. You're clearly doing something wrong if you're exactly where you started back then. If you're actually interested in improving and willing to take criticism, I recommend hero spamming fotm heroes to 4.8k~ at least and expand your hero pool from there. I learned from watching replays of 6ks and 7ks that I matched up with.

    I have the mechanical skill of some 3k shitters yet I peaked at 5.5k at one point because I bothered to learn the game and understanding how to play with half a brain.


      ^ haven't you seen, I just started this earlier this month after over a year or so.
      Let's talk when I finally admit that I can't do it.


        +100 MMR for the Month of May
        57% win rate
        Won 15 of 26 Matches

        Luna: 5-1
        Viper: 4-3
        Spectre: 4-6
        Spiritbreaker: 1-0
        Axe 1-1

        I started out the climb playing all over the place picking Ogre Magi, Kotol, etc
        But after below post:

        I started standardizing my picks by revolving around the 5 heroes I mentioned above.
        And it's looking good so far!




        1) If you are climbing - make sure to limit your hero pool to 3-5 heroes only
        2) Be very conscious of every game that you play, and everything you do in each game
        3) Don't play Ranked casually, I typically use Party Queue as a warm-up match before I start Solo queue
        4) Don't get addicted and play for long hours - I get 3 wins in a weekend, then I stop and just play Party Queue if I still want to have some fun


          no ranked games this weekend. I got reported to freaking low prio after playing party queue #damn


            hello i am blackxargon, i won an equivalent of 4 wins during the month and here's my 5 tips on how to win in dota 2's ranked matchmaking



              Player 153433446

                Want to get to 5k? Play offlane.
                There is no shortage of midlaners or safelaners...any fool can farm in safelane with a babysitter.

                Go solo offlane since its the hardest lane and pick faceless void, why fv? ....Because you are the team, you can destroy whole teams with enough farm and good chronos.

                If you get only xp from the offlane thats finr, but if you dominate, then you will probably win the game.
                Its their hard carry on the otherside and fv can be very op on the lane.

                Get lvl 6 then request gank or go gank...then switch between jungle and lane.

                Buy manta diffusal skadi refresher and finish the game.

                Worked for me multiple times a while back.

                Give it a shot, you wont be disappointed.
                Gotta get out of that 4k trench bro.


                  out of low prio now, let's see if i can have couple of wins


                    I now realize how retarded this is when I did a post (road to 4k) similar to this. Bumping your post ever now and then. Thats why i stopped doing it. :smile:

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      WIN, MMR up to 4194


                      Luna, Safe Lane Carry
                      K-D-A: 8-6-15
                      GPM: 516
                      XPM: 614
                      Dmg: 26.1k (23.6%) of total 110.4k damage

                      Almost lost this game with a mid game ULTRA KILL from Juggernaut.
                      It took MUTING of 2 SUPPORTS for me to have a clear head in trying to turn the game around.
                      And as most teams do in 4k MMR tier, they throw the game away.

                      We straight push their mid T4 towers but they were able to counter push and gave us a scare as they took 2 raxes MID and BOTTOM.
                      But good thing a solo Invoker can actually stop a 5-man rax push just by spamming his skills.
                      We got the return kill and a pick-off as we won the game.


                        WIN, MMR up to 4218


                        Luna, Safe Lane Carry
                        K-D-A: 9-3-19
                        GPM: 542
                        XPM: 567
                        Dmg: 22.3 (24.3%) of total 91.6k damage

                        I had to first pick my Hero as I saw my teammates marking Juggernaut and Morph Safe Lane.
                        It was a gamble as they can counter easily - they picked Invoker + Necro + BB + AM + venge
                        It was a strong core especially if they get it running in the early game.
                        But good thing our Pudge played it very well as he setup a few kills early on to establish our strong lanes.

                        We snowballed from there as we raxed them around 20-25 minutes as no one can stop our push.
                        They got no disables other than Venge Stun/Swap and Invoker skills - but he didn't have Scepter, etc and BB was soft.
                        AM wasn't online yet and we gladly took raxes and kills.

                        GG easy.

                        Weekend don! 2 wins + 5 Win escape from Low Prio.
                        Not bad at all.

                        Have a great week!

                        doc joferlyn simp



                            LOSE, MMR down to 4194

                            K-D-A: 5-5-6
                            GPM: 369
                            XPM: 445
                            Dmg: 26% (14.4k) of total 54.9k

                            Started out as a cancer team
                            - Void took Storm's bounty rune
                            - Void went to bottom jungle w/ axe around minute 5
                            - all teammates trash talking each other

                            ES mid is a thing now?
                            - Storm got out-laned by ES
                            - ES got 11-minute dagger and 15-minute shadow blade

                            - looking back, it was very wrong for me to rotate to mid lane when I was kind of having an ok time at bottom
                            - I died to ES 2x getting surprised he already had blink + shadow blade

                            - we got sucked into our side of the map with the threat of max totem ES
                            - I never got back to bottom lane and BB became tanky
                            - Trash talk never stopped as Void was 0-4

                            GG cancer. 1st game on a sunday morning!

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              WIN, MMR up to 4219


                              Luna, Safe Lane Carry
                              K-D-A: 3-6-12
                              GPM: 606
                              XPM: 644
                              Dmg: 15% (15.7k) of total 100.1k damage

                              not my best game.
                              Soloing against kunkka, stupidly tanking the tidebringer procs
                              i tanked the ganks while our BS killed low HP heroes
                              I also got relaxed seeing there were internal issues on enemy team (i.e ES camping mid, Phoenix got dc but OD resuming, etc)

                              gg easy but bad


                                LOSE, MMR down to 4198


                                Luna, Safe Lane Carry
                                K-D-A: 10-9-21
                                GPM: 492
                                XPM: 779
                                Dmg: 22% (32k) of total 143.2k damage

                                - Necro Offlane got outlaned so bad
                                - Mid game all our towers are gone
                                - Necro and Wind started laughing at my Agh's Scepter progression (in-spite of 0 support coz of BS jungle)
                                Agh's Scepter
                                - I turned the game around with that 27m Scepter by getting around 5 kills in a row
                                - Kills which would have never been possible because of their tremendous GOLD and XP advantage
                                Late Game Mistake
                                - As we turned the game around, Lina got items as well
                                - We went for Roshan and nobody was hitting aside from me, they were just outside waiting even though Void was still down
                                - Game ended with Necrophos Greaves + Euls + Blademail

                                GG but a loss I can accept


                                  LOSE, MMR down to 4174


                                  Luna, Safe Lane Carry
                                  K-D-A: 4-5-3
                                  GPM: 449
                                  XPM: 549
                                  Dmg: 20% (12.1k) of total 58.8k damage

                                  This was last week's game can't remember fully but I know we had a strong early game but enemy grouped up and executed successful mid game ganks while our TA never joined.
                                  I had to itemize very defensively with Linken's to evade SD + Duel + Slard Corrosive.
                                  Looking back.. Hurricane Pike + Linken's will never get me anywhere.


                                    LOSE, MMR down to 4150


                                    Viper, Safe Lane Carry
                                    K-D-A: 7-6-7
                                    GPM: 524
                                    XPM: 549
                                    Dmg: 22% (26.7k) of total 119.6k damage

                                    We had a strong early game, I wanted to go Tank build coz we have PA anyways but good thing I still went DPS coz PA was shit.
                                    Our BB was strong but I don't know about his Abyssal Blade purchase.

                                    I also had a mistake of buying Scepter too early.. couple of weeks I haven't used Viper. I should have went maelstrom first.
                                    Could have been a defining moment while we were pushing Raxes.


                                      bum p

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        I manage to reached 5K without go to any lane,it should be very easy for normie right?

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                        Potato Marshal



                                            5k dogs :facepalm:

                                            meteor hammer

                                              wish u were a us player


                                                WIN, MMR up to 4174


                                                K-D-A: 5-3-10
                                                GPM: 638
                                                XPM: 563

                                                Im a bit late in logging my games. I played this last week and I was trying to salvage an already -100MMR weekend. Good thing this game is I had good agressive/roaming supports - BH, Axe and Slardar. Really, it just takes a couple of good picks and my Luna games can easily carry 4k noobs.

                                                Enemy Jugg was playing good this game inspite of heavy feeding from his team. But he made 1 mistake during clash as he died easily after a good Slardar stun.

                                                Rest was easy. Game ended in 27min.

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  WIN, MMR up to 4198


                                                  K-D-A: 2-8-19
                                                  GPM: 336
                                                  XPM: 400

                                                  Weirdly played as a support here since enemy had PA and one of my teammates stole my Luna.

                                                  I could literally say that I was the game changer here since I was always able to proc my static link whenever Slark or PA jumps on someone.

                                                  Not a very good decision to force a late Midas @30 minute since I died quite a few items before that.

                                                  But the most important thing is that we got the win.


                                                    WIN, MMR up to 4220


                                                    K-D-A: 3-1-11
                                                    GPM: 748
                                                    XPM: 680

                                                    This game just goes to show that you can jungle and win with any hero in 4k shit.

                                                    I literally didn't care about my team for the first 15 minutes because Juggernaut stole my lane and the cancer in me told me to pick Luna and go full retard.

                                                    My item progression:
                                                    - Poor Man's Shield
                                                    - QB to Iron Talon
                                                    - additional QB
                                                    - Midas
                                                    - Use all fountains so I save time from walking to/from base
                                                    - tried out the Agh's Scepter rush with Brown boots
                                                    - Upgraded to Boots of Travel
                                                    - Bought Refresher Orb

                                                    I mean come on, with a very static enemy lineup of Magnus, Kotol, Enigma, SF and TB. Who will even come to contest my jungle?

                                                    I ended the game properly by buying Manta + Butterfly + Skadi since the Agh's + Refresher was total shit against enemy lineup haha.

                                                    WIN w/o even trying!


                                                      i still have no idea what the point of this is, using that method you'll never reach 5k.


                                                        ^ @Cookie just one of those silly games where my ego is bigger than winning :-/

