General Discussion

General DiscussionLooks like Monkey King got overnerfed

Looks like Monkey King got overnerfed in General Discussion

    So far in Kiev Major Monkey King is the 2nd highest pick at 25 games.

    However he has won only 7 of them (28%).
    Eventually the pros will start realising that he is far more of a liability than a good presence (if their coaches aren't tipping them off to this already then why are they even being paid).

    Got way over nerfed imo.


      His early game was nerfed hard. I tried playing him one time. Using skill 2 cost too much mana with not so reliable slow unlike before.

      Player 404335202

        I thought its just a video game !


          "some people" were complaining about him being the best roamer and he need to get fucked

          right now riki is almost the best roamer, shall he get nerfed?


            because some people got the arcana and valve got their mony and nerfed him now they need mony from jug.


              roaming is like his core. riki is easy to counter.


                you may be right. but you have to be careful with tournament statistics

                Player 281121816

                  Skill 2 is not about mana, its about to jumping around, and save urself

                  also jdf8

                    hey can we censor/ban this shit instead of skim impersonators im actually 100% triggered

                    also jdf8

                      mods i need ur social justice pls ban this child rapist murderer name and avatar kthx

                      Cancer Malaria

                        but his scouting potential early game is still highly mobile compared to other roamers, and as a 4th position his ult is really good in TF


                          High impact vision + forcing people to respond early game.
                          High impact ult late game.
                          Annoying AF stun all stages

                          Dire Wolf

                            Idk dude it's hard to judge, like watching this match mks team lost but kuroky started like 3-0-5 when his team was like 8-3 scoreboard. He had been in every kill and only reason they didn't get completely blown out. They lost cus they didn't rush silver edge quick enough/no bb counter and they had very poor way of dealing with tb as well.


                            This one played well too, a couple big ults just annhilated tbirds.