General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich one is better for lycan?

Which one is better for lycan? in General Discussion
Tommy Shelby

    Armlet or Vlad?
    In what condition one is better than the other?


      Armlet does basically nothing for your summons and necro book...

      But what do i know.. i'm just a 69 mmr garbage can

      doc joferlyn simp

        Armlet for fighting oriented, this is for you are the main carry and want to abuse your early powerspike with your Shapeshift. You aren't likely to be going Necrobook or other aura items, probably going for Desolator/Armlet/Sabre/Basher and prioritize going with your team.

        Vlad for more pushing oriented ie your team is stronger in the early game but you aren't the main carry ie pos 2/3 in terms of farm priority. Go full pushing potential with Necrobook or early BoTs.

        Not set in stone however, so feel free to mix things up depending on what you feel is needed. Lycan is like Juggernaut he is very flexible with the item build.


          I've never known lycans to get armlet. But then again, what do I know

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Those two items don't fill the same role. It's fine if you get both, but you should choose between Armlet/Echo Sabre and Vlads/MoM.

            mr. rabbit

              armlet is rly good ever since the passive rework


                Mask of madness? Nvm. I don't play Lycan anyway.

                Johnny Rico

                  Armlet with lifesteal is pretty gud, but you need the lifesteal as lycan

                  Cancer Malaria

                    Vlads everytime, armlets may be good when lycan use his ultimate go give overall high right-clicks damage, but vlads overall can synergies well with lycans 1st, 2nd, 3rd ability.


                      fight build : armlet,MoM,basher,bkb, whatever good . lycan is the almost the only hero who don't care about silence after popping R

                      pushing/ratting build : vlad , necro , AC , bkb/heart , whatever you want

                      in super ultra game scenario (only happened to me once): satanic+heart/skadi+abbysal+bkb+mkb/daedalus/bloodthorn+AC



                        Savvy Cat

                          Armlet is what I see on 1st page Lycans alongside Echo Sabre.


                            armlet is fighting oriented and vlads is pushing oriented.


                              Vlad better I think, it combined well with his controlled units(wolves, necro and other)

                              Tommy Shelby

                                Seems like pros have more love to armlet + MoM
                                Armlet feels way stronger than vlad in early game

                                casual gamer

                                  armlet gives u 90 damage i hear damage helps u push

                                  dont tell anyonre its a secret

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    WHICH ONE IS BETTER FOR LYCAN?

                                    Generally -Vlad
                                    Armlet situation better then vlad,it's also depending on individuals play style


                                      Afaik armlet gives 65 dmg


                                        Thing with licetea's lycan as compared to pros lycan is that licetea split pushes and rats way more, he buys things like necrobook and vlads cuz those synergize well in accomplishing his playstyle. Pros play lycan as more of a fighter, in which armlet, echo sabre, and basher shine a lot more.


                                          Fighting lycan doesnt rlly want to go necrobook


                                            So it all comes down to player preference and the situation


                                              Go both playstyle and run out of slots 20 mins in


                                                MoM looks awesome on Lycan

                                                Tommy Shelby

                                                  Guess im gonna buy armlet from now on.
                                                  But necrobook is just too good of an item for lycan to skip. Whats your opinion of mixing them up? Something like treads -> armlet -> mom -> necro -> situational (end the game at this point)


                                                    the main reason why lycan fall off like rock after 35 mi is that summoning units are useless after that timing for fight , thats why lycan fighter don't build necro so he can use this gold to scale better with manfight items, on the other hand most players consider lycan necro+vlad for ratting while they are actually for destroying early game and finish before 35 min mark

                                                    also jdf8

                                                      feral impulse + base damage = ????

                                                      also jdf8

                                                        lycan gets 77 damage from armlet, 81 if he also has vlads


                                                          i saw more armlet lycans at kiev. mp from secret went for mask of madness armlet bkb ac treads kinda build. more fight oriented

                                                          also jdf8

                                                            armlet mom: 77 damage 120 ias 500 hp lifesteal for4k5 on an uptempo hero wew