General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiant advantages over Dire

Radiant advantages over Dire in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    My last 6 months winrate:
    Radiant: 61% winrate (159 games)
    Dire: 50% winrate (140 games)

    This month:
    Radiant: 63% winrate (61 games)
    Dire: 43% winrate (41 games)

    doc joferlyn simp

      Has been like that ever since stats were being started to be organized and recorded


        Still better camp positions for radi while no rosh advantage anymore


          I always stuck on dire anyway

          Rektdalf the White

            Please - radiant: 69%, dire: 31%.

            Story Time

              i think radiant gets more radiance :) and dirediance does not even exists, lol izzy


                nothing new here. Most ppl suck at dire


                  Idk why, but I also noticed the same, and the gap is huge for me: 59% winrate for radiant, 49% for dire

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    477-54.51% Radiant
                    Last Match 8 days ago
                    465-59.57% Dire


                      i think it has to do with more by visual aspect
                      playing tinker dire giving me cancer for instance