General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll seems actually broken in my memer bracket

Troll seems actually broken in my memer bracket in General Discussion

    Immortal hero with seemingly unlimited dmg
    he isn't even super kitable cuz he is extremely fast.

      just get a huskar and purge his axes off easiest games of your life


        Huskar dies to him afaik

          you cant die when you have +3 items over troll


            Troll farms faster than huskar, and he deal entirely physical dmg, he is actually so good against huskar. Wtf r u on?

            Pale Mannie

              i've beaten enough huskars with troll already to know that huskar is just a beyond dogshit hero


                I mean seriously? 1ks are arguing about troll farming faster than huskar? Back in the hoho-haha and troll metagame my friend huskar spammer got from 5.2 to 6.7 or some shit solely by spamming huskar. Troll is dogshit when huskar comes with 5-10k net worth on top of him at 15 minutes.


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                doc joferlyn simp

                  Troll does farm faster than Huskar, but Huskar has more snowball potential


                    TROLL SEEMS ACTUALLY BROKEN*


                      I think troll is definitely a huskar counter and huskar is so shit right now that pretty much every hero in the game is a huskar counter. The only reason huskar wins games is because he is the first carry to come online because by level four huskar is now ready to kill things.


                        I suppose you are comparing huskar way way back too. Well if u get 24 min satanic as huskar against troll. The huskar is gonna win. But lesbi real


                          Took u guys awhile to realize troll is broken. lul


                            Because you let him what he wanted to do
                            Because you cant outfarm him
                            Because you let him do what he wanted to do

                            Fee Too Pee

                              Ehhh so many counters for him actually

                              Spell caster laughs at him
                              Axe rapes him
                              Kiter also rapes him

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                Ursa and Lycan can man fight troll btw that's 2/3 of my hero pool and WK winning Troll also by having better team fight present then him


                                  lice tea, putting aside your outplaying skills, i think ursa vs troll is 50 50 mid game. but late game troll is definitely better

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                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    ^I have to agree,late game troll is good.

                                    But Ursa with Abyssal+Agh(can ulti out all things including purge stun) is still being underrated.
                                    Ursa weakness in late game is because of kite and crow control,but he won't have problem with stand and manfight troll even in late game

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                                      Troll is so fkn good. Went 6.3 -> 6.8 by spamming him 2 months ago. The only hero I had problems against was axe. Axe just kills you from 100% hp to 0 if you dont have a defensive support.
                                      Btw troll can manfight any hero in mid or late game with equal farm.


                                        troll is just outright broken atm, not just in your bracket

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                                          not picked as much in lower brackets though.


                                            troll is my fav hero


                                              troll is actually so fun
                                              u just run at things and spank em
                                              such a baller, everybody has to run

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                                                I'm too lazy to learn any new hero


                                                  does anyone know how troll's ultimate's audio work? how would enemy hear it/not hear it?

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    enemy doesnt hear it when they dont see him


                                                      if the enemy sees your team, do they hear it? and do u have to be near whoever is frenzied to hear it?

                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        no, as i saw it

                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                          why do people listen to a 1k shitter

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Use the ult to farm. Most trolls hold it til team fights or towers but cd is so short. Ancients for sure, even large camps I use it. As long as you have mana go for it. I don't think enemy hears it else they'd know every time you roshan. You don't hear ursa when he does rosh do you?

                                                            Why are you talking about what heroes can man fight troll? That is not how you counter him. You need to kite his ass. Counters are like sniper, TB, viper with pikes, bkb piercing disables, stuff like that. Troll has ranged form sure but it's not as effective by far.


                                                              but troll's ult is global. and i think ppl use it to spot when troll might be roshing. think you need to be careful when u ult when roshing

                                                              Pale Mannie


                                                                * The sound effect is global for allies and local for enemies. Enemies cannot hear it when having no vision over Troll Warlord.

                                                                this means no suspect of roshing when they push bot for instance

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                                                                  thx bud

                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    u can still see its effect on his allies, add 2 and 2 and check the pit


                                                                      sure lycan can fight him, until he gets blinded and bashed to death
                                                                      I can be of = or even greater farm than a troll and still lose a fight, its almost ridiculous.
                                                                      even kiting isn't 100% a solution when he has blink bkb
                                                                      by late game he is so tanky with satanic and skadi and shit that he just lives thru the disables, then manfights u with satanic.
                                                                      sniper is a counter, but sniper himself is countered by too many heroes and blink dagger to be an every game counter.


                                                                        i'm one of the people who is super indifferent to troll

                                                                        a lot of people hated him in the 6.83, i just didn't care

                                                                        Lester, Moe

                                                                          troll has permabash. nuff said