General Discussion

General DiscussionIM SO FRUSTATED

IM SO FRUSTATED in General Discussion

    guys can you tell me how the fuck countering wk when he fucking build something like radiance,blademail,agh
    he was like tankiest as fuck, i realize when i fuckup that invoker i though this gonna be ez game but i fucking lose !!!!!

    this is match :

    should i build huricane + PT + MKB(first?) + or satanic (rush?) + and other late game item

    Thanks for the answer

    Shikanoko Noko

      just give up call GG went WK get his agh and level 25. its useless to fight him

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Ursa with SE


          wait wait isnt WK the easiest hero to counter in dota , lycan necro - am - pl -spectre diffusal - invoker - nyx - lion - juggernaut diffusal

          also how you let him farm 3 items with 12k networth or more and you don't expect him to be tankey


            lvl 25 talent


              yeah hes pretty strong and i stuck when i was late game against him
              SE what is that?


                i guess its time to learn spam more hero


                  he jungling and rush blink dagger, and he got good position to kill someone so

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Silver Edge break his crit/lifesteal and reduce dmg,easy time to kill him

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      WK is my go-to because of this.

                      AM is a shit hero and never counters you fully, so is PL.

                      Phase into Yasha, then Blade Mail to Radiance and you're almost guaranteed to win, regardless of the matchup.


                        If you don't want to counter him through the mana removal method, just pick Axe. You dont even need to synergise ganks with a teammate if you're in the trash tier. Axe has a hard lockdown with an extremely low cooldown compared to some other spells that do the same. This allows you to disable him twice, before and after his reincarnation. You can either contest him in lane as a solo offlaner and harass and restrict his farm or you can jungle and still get a 10 minute blink dagger. No matter how strong he gets, your blade mail will do insane damage to him and hopefully after a few good early game ganks your team might actually start putting faith in you and start 3 manning atleast. If youre not aggressive in the early game as an axe and let the midas WK farm a radiance, aghs and blah blah then no one can help you win games against him.

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                          WK is a decent hero ofc but he is vulnerable to heavy slows and easy to kite (viper for example) , also i believe that lvl 25 talent make his ulti a normal passive so it will be broken by SE and aside form his insane critical he doesn't deal much damage late game comparing to other classic carries