General Discussion

General DiscussionImproving in the game.

Improving in the game. in General Discussion

    How to improve in the game? counterpicking everyone in every game or having a high k/d/a ?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Git Gud

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        What's the point of counterpicking if you cant play any hero well?
        What's the point of having high KDA but you lose most of your games?
        Just tryhard, analyze replays, and learn as much as you can

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Keep play a specific role and spam a few hero on that,focus on the mechanical part and improve from there.After done that then you go learn other lane/hero

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            Play more, learn more.
            Communıcate wıth your team.
            Encourage them ın game even they playıng bad.
            Apprecıate supporter that do wardıng for your team.
            Do not blame or flame each other.
            Apologize when you did any mıstake ın game or team fıghts.
            Attıtude ıs ımportant.


              @1-icetea i think no man, cause that's a 5ktier account and think i cant handle that kind of rank. :(


                gh. actually neither kda nor counterpicking helps you to win games. try 0 versatility, maximum farm, maximum pushing playstyle.

                GRANT MACDONALD

                  Destroy the enemy ancient.
                  If your team needs wards, get wards. If they need smokes, get smokes.
                  So many players are afraid to ruin their kda/gpm/xpm. I blame stupid youtube vids of 8k pros smurfing in 4k and going 27-0 with meme builds