General Discussion

General DiscussionIs dota worth the time?

Is dota worth the time? in General Discussion

    Most players here have more hourplayed and game played more than me ofc. So for regular teenager student who need to study a lot(we take an example of "A" level). Is dota even worth our time? Dota is a very long game in general(30-50min game) and most students have to reserve 1 hour time to play wo the risk of abandoning in the middle of the game. What i am trying to say is.
    • What positive effect does dota give
    • Can dota relieve our stress?

    doc joferlyn simp

      Good as a hobby but trying to actively git gud during school years is too time consuming


        Lol. I'm studying and I can find 3-5 games a day. Am i addicted?


          What positive effect does dota give

          Nothing compared to other things you can do
          Can dota relieve our stress?

          Games are made for recreation for fucks sake


            I mean it depends on what degree you take. High school time is the worst time to play dota for me. But if we stopped playing for 6month or so we will lost our touch in dota.
            If i may, what are u studying and what grade are u


              Lol. I am in college


                For me dota makes you very tired in the near future time. Even playing 2-3 games for me was very tiring if i had to study after that


                  The problem with me is I don't even study after playing. I usually analyze my games and all. Okay. Im screwed.


                    If you are just after fun then yes it can be worth it. If you are someone who is focused on wins then no. Once you are at your approximate skill level you will only win 40-50 % of the games unless you improve. If you do not have time for more than one game a day that does not give much time to improve and will often leave you frustrated after your one game is a bitter loss.


                      You should probably study before playing. If you don't take it too seriously and don't get heavily invested in whether you win or lose then yeah it could probably relieve stress, I know I always feel better when I can fit in a game of dota though thats probably cause I'm addicted.


                        I play after classes though. And as of now I haven't skipped any classes just to play, which makes me proud. Lol.


                          Not tryharding in a game is what i never could do. I am only relieved when i won a game and if i lose i keep smashing that play button until i got no time. So dota so take too much time for a normal student


                            But you're abnormal

                            CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                              just play normal or custom games. dont play ranked it will ruin your student life. I stopped playing ranked when I reached my goal


                                hv a good team : relieve stress , hv a retard team : provide more stress
                                thts is the reality without any effort to change the fate of team trust me =.=

                                Use chatwhell=mute

                                  For me i got few friends irl. And improved my english. Basically iwas just a decriminated boy irl with no communication skills. Personally ill never regret playing dota. Thx dota :)


                                    Only if you're not good enough to singlehandedly win games


                                      Gaming improves grammar in general
                                      Although dota doesnt help with that much imo since you're not forced to understand the tasks and story like single player games

                                      also jdf8

                                        no worth 0

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Positive : Dota strengthen the relationship between me and some of my friend / relative.

                                          Dota did relieve my stress and I am having fun playing it most of the time.

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            And when I start care more about mmr and start to addicted the fun is less,thus I make an promise to myself that I won't play much after reaching 5K by only jungling.


                                              I play 2 games a day average. I have the time for probably 5 games a day, but the wife would feel very neglected so I meet her in the middle.


                                                obviously not, I'd rather spend more effort masturbating.


                                                  nothing wrong with playing dota, just remember there is more to life than just playing a videogame


                                                    worth my time as a hobby. had my time when icefrog replied to noobs like me in email.


                                                      for some people yes for some not now u see where u belong


                                                        • What posıtıve effect does Dota2 gıve?
                                                        ı am a Malaysıan Chınese, ı speak Mandarın, Cantonese, Hakka, Malay, Englısh(broken).
                                                        Dota2 taught me a new language, fılıpıno language.
                                                        Example, bobo, putang ına mo, walang takot mamatay, gago, puta or something else.

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          So are you guys playing dota since highschool or university or collage or even when you already work? How much game you played in those times? Gaining mmr for me is fun


                                                            I started from Dota 1. Lol. I was in 5th Grade back then. 10 years later, I am still playing the game.


                                                              dota is like real life if u understand that u have a advantage from playing it




                                                                  Its a game FFS

                                                                  not arin

                                                                    probably not but if i didn't play dota, i would ruin my current young days with some other game since im an asocial autist so at least i can feel some personal accomplishment and uhh ocassionally fun

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      DOTA IS THE REAL LIFE stealer

                                                                      basement :)

                                                                        Just play Dota casually when you must study. That means only playing after studying if it does not reduce sleep and normal matches. Playing many hours of Dota or playing late into the night will make you tired the next day, so you really must minimize your play time. Never play ranked during exam times. If you have energy to play rank, then you have energy to study.


                                                                          You don't really have to think too much about it, if you want to play DOTES then play and if you want to quit then quit.


                                                                            Once you accept it is an addiction and not a hobby it gets much easier to manage your time...

                                                                            Calling it a hobby is like saying watching TV or drinking beer is a hobby. I like doing all three but let's not delude ourselves about the nature of computer games...

                                                                            ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                              boy, go study. focus in study and do well. dota will be your way to destress after a long day of studies. when i was your age, i played command and conquer. and i started playing dota1 when i was in uni year 2 and 3 about 15 years ago. but then i had good time management, so do it only if you think you have good self control.


                                                                                No, but god put is here to live the life he gave us. What we choose to do is up to us, so it may be worth time to some and some it may not be.


                                                                                  I was a computer game addict. I sacraficed studying big time and struggled to pass uni courses. Finally in the later years I smartened up. School + life first, Dota second. I've been playing for about 11 years and had a 3 year break between Dota1 and Dota 2.

                                                                                  Right now I can gets some games in after work since the wife goes to bed so early (they hate computer games) However holding down a job, and still engauging with real life friends means dota takes a hit. I assume once the family comes i'll stop completely and I'll be sad. I love playing dota, its so fun and addictive and at times frustrating.

                                                                                  enjoy it while you can, just don't sacrifice the important stuff.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Is it worth your time as compared to what? As compared to working and earning money or exercising or reading material that'll expand your mind or engaging in real life relationships? Or as compared to watching tv and reading comic books?


                                                                                      direwuuf so wise


                                                                                        You would spend that time in lots of other things which sums up to almost equal time you lost in dota!!