General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is it with people buying midas on carries?

What is it with people buying midas on carries? in General Discussion

    Its so fucking triggering I swear. Why be so greedy, if you're getting free farm, how about getting your items early and you know.. WINNING. Instead, lets go midas on pl, then radiance, then bot's and then maybe we can get some items to get tanky... Maybe not, lets get diffus, manta and then heart as a last item, when we lose all our rax. F*ucking brilliant.
    Two reasons I lost last game, autistic pl who has no clue what luna/voker/tinker/axe do to him, and a rubick that bought 0 wards, despite saying in chat he's position 5. Thats smurfs for you. Volvo solved nothing


      niec kappa post


        Very nice kappa post, smurfs deserve cancer.


          yea valve shd stop people from buying midas.


            because there are 5-8 midases in every game of the kiev groupstage


              If you weren't illiterate, you'd know that I said volvo solved nothing, referring to smurfs.


                ure pretty aWFUL


                  wait. so smurfs are buying midas? either way, valve should ban them

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    tbh i dont get the suddent midas craze either
                    you get 12 more gpm(actually less because u dont use it immediately when its off cd in real games) compared to the last patch and about 35-45 less xpm which is way more of a loss
                    even if u dont count in xpm loss but count in tower armor changes and shrines and shit it still doesnt seem enough to get midas every game on every hero like pros do

                    Story Time

                      Of course they buy Midas, because they cant steal it, silly


                        it might be because the meta has slowed down so you no longer need to get early fighting items to win the game but level advantages are still a big deal meaning getting the midas doesn't delay your item timings so much that the game becomes unwinnable and it gets you to your 20 and 25 talents faster.


                          Its not ALWAYS bad, but jesus christ, know when to buy it. When the enemy team has the potential to kill you, the carry in 3 seconds, you don't get a damn midas. Like I don't even know what he was trying to do that game, we gave him 27-30 min of complete uncontested farm, nobody even said a word to him, it was us 4 against 5. That's what happens when you have a smurf on your team, they simply give less f*cks than everyone else, so you're less likely to win.


                            the reason is simple, 5 man pushing the t3 became almost impossible due to all the changes

                            simply enough, if you ignore the t1/t2's and farm farm farm, by the time they get to the t3's you just kill them or spam shit or splitpush

                            like pushing became so dogshit hard at higher rankigns that you'd get cancer trying

                            so, simple solution is get midas and go for lategame to push when it's possible


                              Not asking for pushing, just atleast join teamfights instead of afk farming. Like its bad enough they spend all that time buying midas, but they need even more time now to get their items going. That's asking a lot, especially from your team thats giving you the space. I've seen midas being bought on carries like morph spec slark(most of all) and pl(quite often too). You'd be better off being active across the map with heroes like morph slark pl, and spec could use the early radiance. Only in rare cases does the enemy team not counter your picks, so its really not a good idea to buy midas and rely on lategame. My mmr is relatively low, so what these guys are doing is nowhere near what pros do lol


                                dude you listed the heroes yourself: luna/voker/tinker/axe

                                there's no way an undarfarmed PL is gonna join a fight and get anything except ass raped

                                you can't be active on the map when you don't know where axe/voker are

                                as they could easily jump you and burst you

                                you played wrong, you should've let as much space to your carry to afk farm as possible and not forcing him to fight at all.

                                anyways, midas was a perfect item there, you're not gonna fight agaisnt those heroes as a dogshit no hp PL

                                only way you're losing that game is if some support of yours forces you to by screaming at you and wasting both of your times by not setting up farm but wasting time flaming.


                                  you are so wrong, you're probably here not because you want some answers but because your team flamed you back for being wrong

                                  i can see it in your attitude, you're a hard flamer.

                                  now you came here to look for some low trash who agrees with you, reality hits:

                                  YOU'RE WRONG

                                  if my supports spammed me to join fights against THOSE heroes as PL, i would've just instantly muted them and played my farming game.


                                    I didn't flame pl until the game ended, and we ALL flamed him because he's a stuck up peruvian c*nt. That pl, besides taking another dude's safelane by randoming like a retard, afk farmed for 30 min. Nobody uttered a single word to him, he did whatever the fuck he wanted for 30 minutes. Thats WAY MORE than enough time for a carry to farm, specially uncontested. We were winning early because tinker and voker were fighting for mid, and our mid took advantage of that and killed tinker multiple times. I harassed the shit out of axe jungle, he didnt get blink till like 16 min after his 2-3 deaths. THAT'S when you push and take advantage of the lead, not afk farm your radiance in the jungle hoping you'd be able to do something against 4 heroes that counter your ass. Nothing he could have bought that game would have made a difference, except ending early while we were ahead and the enemy team was triggered. He was also a shitstain smurf, meaning he's some 2k garbage. What is a pl going to do against a voker with hex? A tinker with aghs? A luna with bkb/mkb? An axe? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He's worthless against that lineup, specially late game.
                                    P.s Nobody flamed me for shit, bc I did more than what I could have, I bought wards, sentries, dust, roamed a ton, created pressure across the map. Wasn't worthless like that rubick and pl.

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      But the PL got the midas at minute 6?
                                      And y'all had alot more wards then the other team: 13 wards to their 5 wards.
                                      Just looks like everybody was playing too passive, you have as a team 1.7k dmg to buildings in a 45 min game and PL had 1.4k of that.

                                      But what do I know... I'm just a scrub.


                                        I think the radiance was a bigger problem than the midas. Pl is probably the worst illusion hero to get radiance on because your illusions don't last very long and in a fight your illusions are mostly clustered. It gives nothing to help you survive and doesn't even give you that much damage because your illusions don't benefit from flat damage and you don't tend to spread your illusions out very much. Midas into diffusal would have been much better and would have allowed pl to fight a little and is good against tinker and invoker.


                                          if he went midas aghs or midas diffusal it wud be fine, but midas radiance is too greedy. and anyway, axe doesn't need any items besides blink to crap on pl.

                                          Lester, Moe

                                            why do u have pl on your team

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Only problem with PL was that he went Radiance as well. But his farm was great 6 mins Midas into 14 mins Aghanim's. He was able to farm faster than the enemy Invoker