General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 2017 immortals

The International 2017 immortals in General Discussion

    This year, to distinguish the players who support The International and contribute directly to the tournament prize pool, all TI Battle Pass items will remain exclusive through next year’s International. Items that you earn can each be gifted once, and players who unlock Ultra Rare items will still be able to trade them as in the past

    How do you think it will affect market ? Are chests gonna be tradable? What do u think


      Well, umm , Steve I'm new to dota 2 and I'm looking forward to buy the compendium. Can you explain to me what this means and I have a question.
      If I gift a compendium to my friend (without having the compendium) and then that friend gifts me a compendium , do we both get +10 levels ?

      Rektdalf the White

        I think chests won't be tradable. You will have the opportunity to trade the ultra rare item, as you could before, therefore imho market won't be affected at all, because the ultra rares were always expensive. The rest of the sets will be tradable in summer 2k18 and I think the items will be then more expensive than in previous years.


          ^Hmm as for me id tell that chests will be tradable because 1 they get money from buying points and second the same chest that ppl already payed will give them % bc of market transactions idk I hope they will be tradable couse ez profit

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Will they actually be tradable after a year though? I thought "exclusive" meant you buy them during TI7 and that's it, no second chance. Otherwise, they are not "exclusive", they are just delayed in the market.

            < blank >

              i want to see a troll immortal, a mk immortal and a storm immortal

              Rektdalf the White

                @Mah Leymons - I think the critical word is through - "exclusive through next year’s International". I think they want to influence people to buy compendium, so they can have hats for their favorite hero right now, but they don't want to be too dick-ish about it - your example precisely: "no second chance". So they will just delay them a year, but release them nevertheless, that would hurt their steam market shares alot I think. Guess we'll have to see.

                @ Vro I don't think there is a storm immortal coming. Releasing second immortal for hero that has only 3 equipment slots is a wee bit unrealistic act for volvo tbh.


                  Who cares

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Like, Collector's Cache was exclusive. You can't buy it anymore, you could only buy it during TI6. Now the sets can only be gifted once and that's it, you won't see them on the market. If TI7 items are not the same, then they are not "exclusive".



                      its gaben's choice.

                      Rektdalf the White

                        @ML I know what you mean, I just don't think valve would bring itself to this. Because the market shares from 3 immortal treasures are far greater than from 1 Coll. cache, I mean they could forgo profit from 1 treasure, because they've got income from the rest of them. This way they would denied themselves all steam market profits (except from the sales of ultra rare hats) from the compendium, and in my opinion they are waay too greedy to do that, delayed profit is still better than none at all. So I think they just stated sth poorly worded - "exclusive". Atleast i hope for it, bcs I want some new hats too :D.