General Discussion

General DiscussionMajor takeaways

Major takeaways in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Mostly I'm shocked at certain unplayed heroes. Drow, shadow demon and mirana not played once. Luna only played twice. I know sd got nerfed and it directly impacted luna but it still seems like a good combo we'd see at least once. Same with drow strats especially since np was popular, picked 14 times. The games slowed down a lot from when 7.0 first came out, but lots of teams were building 3+ midases. You could push their shit in with a drow strat.

    Was lone druid really nerfed that hard as well? 0 picks. And how come pros never try underlord?

    Team wise is random/wings a one hit wonder? Other than that one up and coming win at esl manila and then winning TI they haven't done anything, they bomb out of tournaments super early.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      7.00 gave the whole doto thing a real twist

      I guess drow and luna doesn't really benefit from shrines? So they want to make full use of it for a more active gameplay.


        tree still stronk


          i duno why drow doesnt seem to fit into lineups. it's all about those semi tanky melee carries

          Story Time

            drow and troll? is there some potential in this combo?

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            Dire Wolf

              yeah but early push is strong so seems like a drow lineup is still good. Medusa mid, drow safe, np off/jungle/roam, some frontliner like axe, sk, tide, cent (jungle or off swap with np), some saving lane support like dazzle, treant, omni, seems like unstoppable push. NP counters a lot of those heroes who can run at this lineup like jug and naix with sprout.

              Even if it doesn't work I'm surprised no one ever attempted it even in group stage.

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                I like your questions about Team Random/Wings, wish someone would answer it, lol. They seem to have lost their luster after the TI, but that might be because they are finding it hard to transition into quite a different game (metta). I seem to remember Random fighting INTO a shrine on high ground (and that being one of the team fights that turned the game)- an issue you'd never have had in 6.x.

                Dire Wolf

                  I mean other than shrines, the run at you, play everything meta seems in. There's lots of viable heroes which wings likes to mix up picks at least at TI they did, and they like to play fast. So does VP and they almost won the whole thing. Meta seems suited for random maybe they just didn't execute? I have to admit I haven't been watching them. I watched about 1/3rd of the group stage and half of the main event.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    They had to play against OG, the tournament winners, first round. Not to mention they played against OG and VP in the groups. They are getting the short end of the stick in their draws since TI.


                      they also haven't been in the same form since TI

                      GRANT MACDONALD

                        I still dont think Wings/random have any respect for their opponents. On their day they can roll anyone easily but i think they do too many cheese drafts.

                        I mean, last Ti they played pudge/techies ffs


                          Im also suprised (normal skill lul)
                          Drow strat very strong in my eyes.


                            Drow is hurt a lot by the tower armor changes cuz group pushing is a lot harder
                            she is also dicked by spectre who was popular that tournament
                            she gets destroyed by the potent roamers cuz she is slow and a weak laner so the offlane can usually get an easy time
                            shrines also rekt the early group pushing of drow strats, its a lot harder for drow based teams to take map control which is a key part of their victory against good hg defence cuz they cud just take all the outer towers and farm the enemy jungle, then take rosh with a couple items ahead of the enemy team and steamroll them down.
                            there is a lot of catch in the game and she dies very easily.


                              One thing I'm not surprised by is zero bloodseeker picks.

                              He was picked three times in group stages. Run as a support each time. Lost each time. There's a good reason for this.

                              Icefrog has buffed the parts of his abilities which suggest he should be played as a support, and left the parts which help him carry to rot. All of his "buffs" (and I use that word with massive quote tags) have been about improving his most useless skill bloodrite - mainly by reducing the cooldown. His talents further buff this thing, extra damage, even lower cast time. He's also got some buffs to his rupture - increased damage at lower levels, a talent with extra damage, aghs upgrade which gives him two casts.

                              All of it is useless. A support with no zoning presence, no ability to roam or gank, an easily dodgeable aoe/nuke, and only form of lockdown is just a 12 second "don't move" spell which is useless if the enemy is able to simply stand and manfight your carry. So all you have to do in order for bloodseeker to be a good support is get level 6 while providing nothing to your team and rely on having another hero with a way to stop tping out. Gee, would be so easy if your enemy just sit back for the first 7 minutes of the game doing nothing.

                              Why would you would ever pick him as a position 4 support when there are options like CM so you have someone who can easily farm the jungle, gank lanes, provide a global mana regen aura and a team fight winning aoe ultimate. Or a monkey king who can scout, gank lanes, and has a long range stun to instantly to interrupt channelled spells and also provide a huge team fight ultimate, etc etc.

                              As for his potential to carry the only way to describe it is a complete joke. He barely gets any extra damage in the laning phase any more which means he can't out last hit in lane and farms the jungle super slowly. In team fights he has no damage steroid until an enemy hero is at 75% hp - compare that to every other carry who hits as hard as they do right from the start of a fight. His ultimate is useless if the enemy team are simply able to stand and take a fight. Completely useless. Look at Spec - global tp spell which causes 7 seconds of attacks on everyone, Jug - puts out like 2000 damage while making him invincible, slark - gives 4 seconds of invulnerability and massive regen and movespeed. These are good ultimates regardless of how far ahead or behind you are. His damage increasing/healing spell also massively increases how much damage he takes so if he gets focused on he dies twice as fast as normal. Oh and if you kill him your enemy gets healed. I've lost games off this.

                              And what about his carry talents? Weak ass shit. +25 damage or 225 health, 30 attack speed, +10 stats and 30% lifesteal. Great. What other carry exactly is bloodseeker going to be manfighting that 30% lifesteal benefits him? He can't manfight any hero who crits like PA or Jug or Wraith King, he can't manfight illusion heroes like TB or CK or Naga, he can't manfight troll or ursa or sven or lifestealer or Alch etc etc. So there you go, the only "buffs" that Icefrog has given his carrying potential are a bunch of mediocre stat upgrades which are somehow meant to offset his complete lack of extra damage from the thirst nerf (which is going on 2 years now), when every other carry has also received the exact similar type of stat upgrades.

                              So you have a cross between a shitty support who is terrible at supporting and shitty carry who is unable to carry so pro teams never pick him and do terribly when they do. Like, Icefrog should just remake the hero into a full on support at this point if that's the role he wants it to have. Not this stupid half/half and bad at both which he currently has Bloodseeker at.

                              Oh no wait I forgot - his thirst was buffed so it now lasts for 2 seconds after an enemy dies. Rofl-fucking-mao.

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                                Murranji with his usual bs shits.
                                Didn't read tho


                                  no one cares about bloodcykla lul

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    One thing I'm not surprised by is zero bloodseeker picks.

                                    He was picked three times in gro

                                    all i read

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      how do you take away from the major a huge wall of text about how bs is bad? Yeah he didn't get picked and for good reason. /post


                                        every game is a terrorblade game