General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Arteezy Overrated?

Is Arteezy Overrated? in General Discussion

    Every big tournament EG loses either in semis or quarters and that's the issue they have had for quite a long time. In kiev Sumail was amazing as always but i think Arteezy is not that good. I mean Fear was great as 1st position in EG. What do you think guys ? Should EG get new carry?? Is arteezy overrated or not?


      No they need time.

      Look at OG. fly is one of the most experienced captains.
      S4 won a TI, his experience is insane.
      Notail and fly have been together forever.

      EG needs to stick together and improve. the individual skill isnt the factor that makes OG the better team.

      It's their teamplay and experience.

      EG has the individual skill but they need to develop in team spirit and general experience. They are 3/4 at a major, thats already the top of the top.
      Swapping players will only hurt them.

      give them a year and they will have what it takes to beat OG

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        the team just hold him back


          Dont think any carry looks particularly good for 2ks anyway atm


            arteezy is defiantly one of the best 1st position players in dota , yes his fans talk like he is god or something so he looks overratted

            in Kiev i felt that in most EG games Arteezy was trying to leave a good farm to sumail and more than once he sacrifice himself so sumail can fight/run

            old man

              watching rtz streams actually showcases that he is a decent player as in mechanical skills and as a human(jk). not overrated imo. hes good

              doc joferlyn simp

                On his retarded 12 hour streams I don't think his brain functions anymore at all. He said it himself one time "I don't know what I'm doing" which means he can play at the top 99% of Dota decently and not think about his actions at all


                  arteezy is not the old him anymore , back when secret ti5 (best secret ever) they let arteezy do all the work and as a pos 1 for real but in this eg line up i think Eg prioritizes more on sumail and arteezy is just creating space for sumail

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Talk about overrated,did you all know world's highest average mmr is Liquid and they got kicked out early then EG?


                      Arteezy is not overrated.
                      Puck Buyback Triple Kill


                        Dont think any carry looks particularly good for 2ks anyway atm

                        wise words

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          The thing is that safelane carries are sacked for the sake of the mid player atm, its no time for position 1s to shine. Just look at how Notail kills himself for the sake of saving Towers in the Grand Finals vs VP.

                          Stray Ruffians

                            RTZ had pretty decent run in Kiev, he always giving space for sumail, so they can have equal amount of farm, and stomp the game. But when facing OG on semi-final on game 2 especially, EG still lack of high ground push and throw the game. Not to mention zai's fail on io, that re-relocate Universe when he duel notail

                            old man

                              ^ zai was doing okay on his io. dont let one mistake taint his whole performances (tho ik that one mistake cost eg wayy too much). and there is no such thing as throwing a game. both teams played decently, except that one will surely better than the other

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                You've obviously never heard of 322


                                  Why is this post overrated?
                                  Is it a valid point of argument?

                                  Stray Ruffians

                                    Yeah i count there are 2 same mistakes on zai's IO, but he is doing fine with that hero. lets not forget his performance on boston using IO

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I think he comes off as overrated cus fans LOVE him and everyone raves about how good he is but then he never wins. EG won without him, secret won without him, but honestly I don't think it's rtz's fault. On secret that team had no chemistry and seems like puppey was losing them and EE was screwing around too much.

                                      On EG they just hadn't found their rhythm the first time, actually a huge reason I think they won TI was the meta lined up perfect for them Sumail's best heroes have been storm spirit and windranger and they were awesome at that TI. He's very good on invoker now but not nearly as dominant as he was back on that storm. And techies, Aui played techies at that TI! The meta was perfect for them.

                                      I think their issues now are mostly meta, they still play very slow, methodical, farm oriented, which the top 2 teams didn't. VP runs at you, plays fast and chaotic, and OG adapts to any playstyle pretty much. And then draft issues. EG doesn't really draft slow plays, their drafts don't appear unusual compared to other teams, but their games are always super long and like 15-15 minute 45.

                                      And it's not like they underperformed at keiv either. Group stage wasn't the best, 2-0 by tnc and dropping a game to faceless is kinda bad, but they stomped thunderbirds in the first round which I happen to think thunderbirds is a top 5 team, and then beat the upstart sg who just knocked off previously undefeated secret. They had a pretty good showing when I think most people would've placed them no higher than 4th coming in, which is exactly where they finished.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I think the supports seem a tad more important right now than the carries. Jerax is probably the best 4 spot right now, crit seems to have fallen a bit. Can't remember if crit or zai is 4 spot. But fly and jerax > crit and zai right now and that's more the difference.


                                          the problem with the artEEzy secret was that arteezy and envy basically filled the same role. THe team basically had two carries and no mid player.


                                            Sumail's best heroes have been storm spirit and windranger and they were awesome at that TI.

                                            WR at TI5 lol


                                              rtz with beard lmao

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                              The Robot Devil

                                                Sumail is the priority, so Artour gets sacked a lot. He's a great player, but there are a lot of great players, so I guess in that sense he's overrated because you hear about him so much more.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  We hear about him more cus he's a US player. I'm sure chinese dota fans hear a lot more about chinese players. For us westeners it's rtz, EE, mutumbaman but he's newer, notail but he's not as flashy and doesn't stream I don't think. guys like that.

                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                    Though RTZ is great mechanical player he has bad strategy and map awareness. Always see him being carried on the backs of Sumail or Universe like his farming Spectre plays. Til he breaks 500+ LH and carry from a comeback he's not a true "Carry" player. I remember him being one of the top 3 pro players that throws or get too deep like Demon & Swindlemelonz. He's too deep in the pos. 1-5 chinese priority kill BS and no BKB EE-Chan mysticism. So many pro player would sacrifice their killing streak just for a win and RTZ is not one of them. There's many replays out there where he leads the charge the peel back only to run into enemies again. As well as premiered alot on "Dota WTF" moments. Because he believe he's this top dog, it's actually negative of him sort of that alpha male that doesn't acknowledge his own weaknesses or have good team cohesion. Just look at the coolness of ZAI or Universe, nothing fazes them.

                                                    Look at the patience of S4, Misery or LOH, they do stuff that's above and beyond their "pro" skill bracket. Like LOH killing 2 pro players in offlane as DS. Or just dumpstering people mid like S4 and ganking the other lanes to top it off or triple-teamed Donger still getting radiance in 20 minutes. You don't see pro players blow up or get tilted like RTZ when teams 1v4 or 2v4 them. So in the end people hate him and he's got to learn to have thick skin.

                                                    There's so many "pro" players that can fill position 1 spot with bigger hero pool. He's also only one of the few westerners with a small hero pool similar to that of chinese players a few years ago. I remember years ago when he could only play ember spirit or SF mid only etc... RTZ so 2014 imo. There's way new mid players such as QO, Blink, Ana, Thug, Noone, Miracle, w33 etc...

                                                    Even in his own team he's constantly being eclipsed by his fellow mates from Universe to Sumail as the true carry to the fancy ZAI. I guess RTZ plays the "troubled" kid and "annoying jock" troupe fairly well.


                                                      Inx4c, some of the best basketball and football minds aren't very good at the game itself.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Comparing him to mids is maybe unfair cus rtz never plays mid on EG anymore, as far as I know. He might have a couple times last TI when he would go mid jug and sumail would play something else safe? I don't really remember but ana is mid almost exclusively now too, weird to compare them cus hero pools are so different. Oh and fyi fear never went mid either. RTZ would only mid when he was on a team with EE.


                                                          artour is a good player
                                                          idk wtf ur talking abt he is one of the best in the world, and ur making it seem like finishing in the top 3-4 of every major event in the last year is somehow bad.
                                                          even against og, eg is something like 14-15, they are a very good team.


                                                            i'll just wait for kr

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                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I agree with you but can you elaborate? What is the reason they lose deep in tournaments?

                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                  Yes. Very much so.

                                                                  Last game 2017

                                                                    He is much better then NoTail but OG is the better team

                                                                    Last game 2017

                                                                      He's a good player, a bit overated in my opinion. But defenitely okay to be in a top team! To say that he is one of the best solo mids etc is really exageration, he played like 10 games in a high level LAN, you need way more to compare him to Dendi, s4 or FATA


                                                                        Lol. Arteezy is one of the most mechanically and micro skilled players out there. Pos 1 is just too difficult often since most of those players need to be passive for most of the game unless your hero peak early and is team oriented. Arteezy plays quite semi-passive Heroes(Slark and Spectre) but EG is rarely coping up in creating for space for Artour and is instead creating for Sumail. He shines when Arteezy plays mid because he creates so much havoc in rotations and pressuring the other team.

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                                                                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                              I'm not an expert but he seems to be on farm intensive cores a lot but gets sacrificed with bad lane setups/minimal support, speaking from experience it is difficult to have a big impact in that sort of situation.


                                                                                exactly , EG strategies almost always plays around sumail