General Discussion

General DiscussionRespawn Mechanics

Respawn Mechanics in General Discussion

    I know they take your heroes Level into account, but do they also take XP? I saw the formula somewhere but can't seem to locate it again. The reason I am curious is because I am wondering how detrimental the XP talents are in the Mid game.

    Before I thought about it, I always, ALWAYS went with the +30%XP gain on Invoker, but recently I've been going for +1 Forge Spirit (more gold + Push).
    If you die Mid game, at level 20ish (because of a huge xp boost talent), you will be dead for much longer. But say you are level 17-18ish with more items, you wont be dead as long (for an Invoker scenario at least).

    If XP is a factor in re-spawning, after lvl 25, will your respawn times be drastically longer than if you had skipped the XP% booster?

    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

      Can't remember the formula but yea pass level 16+ the respawn timer is huge! Almost have to save afterwards just for that. Heroes with the -30s and -40s perks. It's almost like having a free "bloodstone" buff.

      Can't remember the formula on top of my head but I think it's: hero level x 4 = respawn time

      So level 25 is 100 seconds, level 20 is 80 sec.

      Dire Wolf

        It's not a formula just a table where level 1 is 8 seconds, level 2 is 10, level 10 is 34, level 20 is 74. It's very arbitrary.