General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am I playing bad all of a sudden :(

Why am I playing bad all of a sudden :( in General Discussion

    So I was on my road to 600 gpm average while making sure I keep my last hits at 250 and below on average. It was going so good. I reached 590 avg with 230 lh avg. then all of a sudden my gameplay led me to having 280 avg lh and 560-580 gpm. Help me? What do I do now. What do I do to recover my playstyle. Or how do I adhieve my goal without playing Bonus GPM talent tree heroes.

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        Play with Nature's Prophet.
        Your GPM and LH's will be high for sure.


          Lol. Idk if you are bragging or serious. Please stop. Makes me think you're retarded.


            Sub 50% winrate.

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              You were always bad. It's just your opponents got better.


                what is this. since when is dota about gpm and not about winning.


                  you guys are so mean lol

                  Just a tip, there is only win or lose in this game, all your gpm and last hit will go to dump in the end.

                  very good csgo player

                    Big dick 700 gpm Boi here

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      Doesn't matter if your gpm is 900, if you do not focus on objectives, you lose.


                        Sub 50% winrate.

                        very good csgo player

                          Just spam ranked, radiance void solo bot need no team


                            Stop dying OMG
                            Also I hope you're not bragging about this thing


                              Gpm does not matter
                              Winning games does


                                Look, what is it that I have to brag about? Arteezy has 888 avg gpm with 288 avg lh. I am just saying I had a busy week and I started to play differently. Lmao brag my ass. It's a sole purpose of understanding how GPM works etc ( whatever im working on). How did everyone come to a conclusion that I dont prioritise winning. Smh. Worst forum responses so far. First comment was removed. Thanks WRG for the tips.


                                  600 gpm with heros that have gpm talents is nothing special dude


                                    What I was trying to say is that you shouldn't care GPM that much that you afk farm the entire game
                                    Once you stop caring about your amount of cs, afk farming, and take objectives/fights well instead you'd have more space which leads to more space and more GPM


                                      Good carries are good not because they can get 20 cspm on a freefarm game
                                      They're good because they can find and abuse the smallest of opportunities and make their own space


                                        Don't get me wrong, it's not that I was saying you don't prioritize on winning, but to win the game you have to destroy the enemy ancient and you have to note out how you're gonna do that
                                        Tunnel visioning "higher gpm -> higher chance to win -> earned by farming" is not a healthy way to play core position


                                          Now reflect on your first two comments compared to these. Don't you feel like these latest comments make much more sense? @Thanks I said without dude.


                                            46% xD


                                              Sometimes I'm too lazy to write stuffs down


                                                I think u just have a really weird problem. Who complains about too many last hits? Shouldn't u just aim for the highest for both while winning?


                                                  There's nothing wrong with more last hits. Its just that I am gaining more lh while getting lower gpm. Isn't that just weird.

                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                    ^death ? kill participation ?

                                                    very good csgo player

                                                      Generally you should have more than 10 cs/min by 25 mins with most carries, this usually results in 700+ gpm if you die less than 3-4 times. I know this isn't the 100% correct way of playing carry, but if you're sub 4k you hardly ever get punished for this, usually you'll end up too farmed to kill when you breach highground as a 400 cs in 30 min carry. This is in my 4k trash tier tho