General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy 1Ks and 3Ks mmr are the most active repliers here?

Why 1Ks and 3Ks mmr are the most active repliers here? in General Discussion

    Need a 5k mmr skilled (meaning pro at dota and knows all concepts and understands the game) to answer my questions and I keep being trolled by low mmr skill bracket players with valve's system bugged thinking their high skill but their not. they can't even make a match perfect by not making at least 1 horrible mistake.

    anyways I start to quit this lack of intelligence forum with no common sence on understanding words with no ,.()" and started to go to a different forum who doesn't give a :poop: about Not nerf TW, old metas they think its new meta and other craps that they don't understand and like they played dota for 4 years but they have a brain of a newbie who played dota by just yesterday.4

    and even if I try to post something smart here it always ends up trollers gets replying here and all the smart people here ignores it because they don't want to get involve.

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      Need a 5k to answer your question?


      Here you go.


        for a non-diox , the answer is ; more than 80% of dota players are normal skill so they are more likely to answer and be more active .

        for diox , they just cant understand how great you are


          Why am I such a retard?


            you are just being trolled , don't mind


              who you think your fooling?

              and also I'm a better mirana player than you I play mirana in normal skill with 30-0 and I don't even need to push I can just make the enemy team give up.


                shut the fuck up noob
                your trash who makes numerous accounts
                your probably a dogshit 2k scrub


                  What is this nonsense again


                    ^^^ For your retarded excuses I'm VHS stuck their permanent and when I play ranked with 60% winrate I instantly go 4k when I win at least 50% 5/10 win of the match and reaches 5k if I got 7-10.

                    can you like... get a life you don't even know HOW TO GET TO 4K MMR. your failure in life reminds me of my last retarded classmate who failed to submit my project and got me a D-. and I passed all my exams but fail my last project and even if I get high grades on exam but fail to submit a project or make it ugly I'll still get a low grade. stupid groupings wish I can just individual.

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                      both of you are fucking trash


                        real diox vs fake diox .

                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                          real diox vs fake diox .


                            can't find the password of this account. so I can't change the name.


                              whom you are talking to ?

                              also you don't understand one thing , people really don't care about how many kills they have , that's why you are being trolled , like the point of dota as game is to use your resources , power timing , good reaction time to destroy "the ancient" , killing heroes is just a nice way to get more resources but it really doesn't matter at all if you can get money form creeps and win by killing them all once in one fight a push mid.

                              farming heroes in fountain means only that you waste your time instead of winning and then going to the next game for more win


                                A doppelganger is real.


                                  4k lul
                                  show proof you trash smurfer
                                  noob got d- on project just like you get d- on dota 2 iq 2k scrub


                                    Kills and tower damage even assist is a meaning in dota 2. that means your preety good at dota. if you care about winning but DYING FOR NO REASON even though your team is winning a team fight then your super bad at dota but if your entire team including yourself gets high deaths and almost no kills then all of you are bad at dota. any heroes can get kills and assist put that in your head.


                                      I'll never ever show you my accounts. false reporters




                                          you will never show because all your accounts are failed smurfs with negative winrate in vhs
                                          GG ez noob



                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              really makes you think :thinking:


                                                There are simply a lot more 3k repliers


                                                  lol no :))) , winning the game is the only factor that shows how good you are , 70-0 score doesn't gives +25 mmr while destroying the ancient does :)


                                                    really makes you think :thinking: indeed xD


                                                      why do I even bother when I already know the reason why.


                                                        I become dumber every time i read what diox says

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                                                          I am Cookie in disguse

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                                                              fuck off


                                                                Did you just call 5k players pros and understand all concepts of the game?


                                                                  go out,get some girls,u need to fu*k to loose your tension.


                                                                    if a player gets 5k mmr *valve's automatic system improved but some drunk players ruined it and they went back to 3k* *1k are not 3k-5k players** in just 10 matches of ranked then their pro at dota. well not that pro


                                                                      Trying to understand diox's sentences is like trying to fix an offset printing machine with a spoon


                                                                        I think I got aids from reading diox's threads


                                                                          showing off in-game stats wherein it's played in normal skills pfft silly diox


                                                                            lol no :))) , winning the game is the only factor that shows how good you are , 70-0 score doesn't gives +25 mmr while destroying the ancient does :)

                                                                            I did destroy the ancient by making them leave or if they won't quit I'll just rush down to the tier 4 towers and destroy the ancient and if they try to fight back. what you expect probably you never reached that limit.

                                                                            < blank >

                                                                              5k here

                                                                              I don't reply to your shitty threads because I don't want to get banned again

                                                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                Not as legendary as "banned free cookies this forum" thread

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                  After a long day of work, Kanye West goes to his Kanye Nest to take his Kanye Rest. He wakes up feeling his Kanye Best. Then he’ll get Kanye Dressed on his Kanye Vest to go on a Kanye Quest. He goes to church and becomes Kanye Blessed, then to a hotel room to be a Kanye Guest. Then to school to take his Kanye Test. He forgot to brush his teeth. Did he run out of Kanye Crest? His neighbor stole it, what a Kanye Pest.



                                                                                    Have fun

                                                                                      Welcome to diox's post.


                                                                                        nice, popcorn time


                                                                                          because people 4k + have even little brain and understand that its pointless to answer on every thread in this forum only if its emergency situatuon and are more likely socialized out of games bcz they no peanut brain

                                                                                          (dont think ur not idiot diox)

                                                                                          btw how old are u ? i feel like ur 15 yrs max


                                                                                            LOL. but u are not even 1k diox. and u post the most threads here.

                                                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                              I think it's because there are less players in higher MMR so the less of them will reply?


                                                                                                I'm a 19 year old dota 2 player from Bosnia. im 5k+ mmr.

                                                                                                my best heroes are: sandking, arc, antimage, alchemist, sven, crystal maiden. also invoker, meepo and ursa but i haven't played them in a while


                                                                                                  there is no MMR requirement to talk/comment, simple as that.

                                                                                                  also @diox, there's no need to be so hostile


                                                                                                    Lol. This thread


                                                                                                      I'm a 19 year old dota 2 player from Bosnia. im 5k+ mmr.
                                                                                                      my best heroes are: sandking, arc, antimage, alchemist, sven, crystal maiden. also invoker, meepo and ursa but i haven't played them in a while