General Discussion

General DiscussionIs being an atheist like being a vegan now?

Is being an atheist like being a vegan now? in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Didn't say I was an atheist. I'm a Roman Catholic, but I don't see how we should accept everything as it is without questioning things around us. I believe that there is a greater power, in the form of an old fat guy in the lotus position or a father figure with his voice thundering down from the heavens. What I believe is that there is. I just want to know why things happen, and how

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    1-IceTea 🌟

      I grow up in a village and my family's farm has alot of chicken,I know how much love and care a hen can show to her baby chick,and I saw how a chicken is slaughter alive.Yet I ignored it even I know it's cruel.

      Just recently I feel it's wrong to take so many life just to satisfy my tongue - not even my stomach,I feel much healthier and more energetic after I don't take meat.
      I become a vegan because I want to be more 'right' to my own feeling and try to be better man in every expect.
      I didn't become a vegan to prove anyone anything.

      and this is enough reason for me to become a vegan - I don't even drag religious into this.

      Deal with it if it's hurt your feeling when you saw vegan.

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        What's really interesting about this thread is that all the religious people are normal skill :thinking:


          good for you icetea,not many people make this connection. you also save money

          you still in low prio though?


            lol eating meat is normal and its part of the human nature

            i think the issue comes with mass consumption of meat


              pascal's wager is a little bit ridiculous

              because it only takes into consideration 1 god.

              meaning even if you believed and followed 1 god, out of countless others, that god could be fake and you'd be punished by any other god for that.

              meaning the risk is equally infinite as any other god can/will punish you for eternity for your disbelief.

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              one syllable anglo-saxon

                if u suck my dick i will give u a billion dollars
                maybe not
                but hey its a non-zero possibility so get down!


                  If I was gay and you were hot, WHY NOT


                    It depends on which atheist, Not every atheist is spreading their beliefs.. most annoying ones are childs between 14-18 years old. I'm agnostic btw, Because even if science have been Demystified some things said by religions, there could be a god, or gods that had not been represented by any religion. I don't know. If god/gods exist, im ok with that, if they don't i'm ok too.

                    My Name Khan

                      No, nobody ever knew K-3 was an atheist cause he didnt say so.


                        if u suck my dick i will give u a billion dollars
                        maybe not
                        but hey its a non-zero possibility so get down!

                        more like i will give u eternal heaven, or eternal hell if you dont


                          iam vegan btw


                            what the fuck, real talk in memegame forums

                            Dire Wolf

                              No issue with vegans who do it for health. Issue with peta like vegans who try to elevate animals over people. Animals are tools. Animals themselves eat meat and are very cruel to each other. Ever seen a wolf pack chase down a baby caribou and start eating it alive?


                                Deism is the way to go. You get a moral center of the universe/ potential creator/ god thing to feel small when you think about it, and you also get the ability to look at things without the feeling that SCIENCE IS THE DEVIL *FLAMES*