General Discussion

General DiscussionHow long till deny mechanic is nerfed?

How long till deny mechanic is nerfed? in General Discussion

    A bit silly now if you don't have a balanced matchup mid - you can be level 6 at 4:30min whilst the other guy is level 3.

    At the moment mid is ultra-snowbally and decided a couple of minutes in.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      It's quite wild
      Not gonna play ranked for this patch until I can see a pattern


        good mid players in low mmr :thinking:


          wasnt the deny xp reduction reduced?or did i misunderstand the changes from 50% to 70%

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Well if the lane is emptied because ganked and killed
            You can get extra exp from denying so it gives larger gap
            Which can be scary as higher skilled players can rekt harder


              Time to pick void and bash the fuck out of creeps :thinking:


                FYI, denying your ranged creep will still give you less xp than last hitting an enemy melee creep.
                This is not a bad thing entirely, it just balances out some hard matchups in the mid lane.
                If you focus more on denying your creeps than last hitting, you will actually lose out on gold but win on xp.
                Basically, it makes sure that if you are winning the last hit/deny race, you may win out on gold but not so much on xp.
                Plus, adding the extra melee creep in the mid lane makes last hitting a higher priority than denying to make sure you get level 2 in the first wave (to counter the total xp gain change in 7.05 for the first creep wave that hurt offlaners).

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                d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                  ^ unless you're dendi

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                    I don't really understand what you have written anomalina.

                    The change to deny XP bounties has massively increased the importance of denying your creeps (of course lasthitting your own creeps is more important but you should be doing both!)

                    Before, denying creeps only really hurt your opponent but now it helps you as well.

                    Story Time

                      such a pain now to see so many carries not being aware of deny XP. I have to tell them EVERY game twice before they believe me.


                        till the next nerf

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          wow u get 12 exp for denying a melee creep nerf pls!


                            And the enemy loses 12 exp.

                            27 for the ranged creep.

                            If you don't think that's a big thing you are simply wrong...


                              yeah my first game in this patch andi imediatelly noticed that , iwas storm vs invoker mid. and a fucking skywrath shoed up mid since min 0 and harrased me , they got everything cs and deny , i was completelty shut down. this shit happenned in 2.8 k average btw amd they still loosed the game but yeah it looks so shit.


                                @Rocket I know your brilliant mind feels the need to contest everything I say on every forum thread I write on, but just to let you know, I don't give a fuck about what you have to say and others can clearly see what skill level your comments are about.
                                Go harass someone else.

                                mentally handicapped

                                  lmao what the fuck mad lul. if he has different opinions than you do how is that harassment. you literally said you wanted actual game discussion. how about you forget whoever is posting and actually read what the post is about and respond accordingly. its not like rockets calling you a subhuman or an ape or some shit


                                    Lol got sand in your vagina? I disagree with two things you've said - when the fuck did that become harassment?

                                    The term snowflake was made for you.


                                      i also do not like this change, but for very different reason. Basically denying creep when both midlaners are in lane is not such a big difference with 7.05, but the biggest change is when one midlaner wants to gang or go for rune, current mechanics gives you better advantage for staying in one place and doing nothing, and i dont like that.

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        And the enemy loses 12 exp.

                                        27 for the ranged creep.

                                        yes and they used to lose 22.5/45 before the patch
                                        everyone gets more exp, the denier gets a bit ahead but it doesn't matter, especially not to the point to say that denies are op

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          My mistake, I didn't check your profile before understanding the purpose of your comments. You just turned out to be the trash I knew you were. You're not refuting for the sake of argument, you're actually clueless. I'm happy you learned a couple of new words in the English language from the internet, by the way. Good luck in life.

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                                            lol mafioso 2.8k gets carried by his party mates. cries that his low winrate is due to partying with new players

                                            Dire Wolf


                                              -A melee creep in 7.05 gave 45 xp
                                              -Denying a melee creep in 7.05 gave you the denier 0 xp and the enemy 22.5
                                              -That's a 22.5 loss but still +22.5 over you the denier

                                              -A melee creep in 7.06 gives 40 xp
                                              -Denying a melee creep in 7.06 gives you the denier 12 xp and the enemy 28
                                              -That's a 12 xp loss but still +16 over you the denier

                                              -Denying creeps while both are in lane in 7.06 actually results in less of an xp difference as denying in 7.05
                                              -Denying creeps while only you are in lane in 7.06 is a boost

                                              I think this actually matters more in safe lane. Get a really strong trilane that can zone out offlaners entirely and will never miss denies cus you have three people to hit them and they should be able to out level the offlaner easily, maybe even equal the mid.


                                                well said master


                                                  Couldn't have explained it better myself. Wasn't too bothered to write out the math for everyone anyway. I think case closed.

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    Get a really strong trilane that can zone out offlaners entirely and will never miss denies cus you have three people to hit them and they should be able to out level the offlaner easily



                                                      Not quite how I see it dire

                                                      If you had not denied a creep, they would get 45XP and you 0 so denial changed the XP swing from the mêlée creep by 22.5.

                                                      Now, instead of 40, they lose 12 and you gain 12 so an XP swing of 24 - so numerically almost the same. You have to compare the deny state to the non-deny state rather than assuming creeps would be denied.

                                                      However, there are two other changes - there is an extra mêlée creep mid now and there is a big difference between denying effectively slowing down both your level progressions and a dominant mid now able to hit six at least a minute before the previous patch.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        No it's not the same at all. Both level faster under new system and denying doesn't slow down enemy as much. The swing you are talking about has no relevance.


                                                          Till my invoker get buffed mana pool !!


                                                            ^^ Invoker does not need a buff.

                                                            Lol its kind of funny that many carries, have Literally zero mana problems. Yet many intel heros ( supports) struggle with mana issues well into the midgame.


                                                              Cuz many carries get mana sustain items xd


                                                                I don't think I've ever seen an Invoker have to get mana items. And that should definitely be changed.