General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Shadow Fiend A Good Mid?

Why is Shadow Fiend A Good Mid? in General Discussion
sumail fan

    He always feels so conceptually weak to me. No health, no escape, no mana to sustain farm speed, low base damage to start with which is why even as a mid someone has to babysit him for the first few levels. He is traditionally also considered a lane dominator. But aren't there 'better' heroes to mid with? Is there any midlane matchup which is heavily sf favoured? (e.g. viper against ta, tinker against pa, lina against sf etc.)

    Having said that, wouldn't it be better to safelane him, while the support stays out of XP range?

    Story Time

      i believe in safelane SF! Join my religion!


        Not that easy, sf need safe farm, he's really need to deny, harassing one by one enemy, or get 1 or 2 kill if had a chance, his ability too(shadow raze is straight-alike skill for straight lane/mid lane), I think it's hard enough to play him in safe/hard lane *IMO


          He fits all the criteria for a midlaner. Level dependent, farm dependent, can gank early and scales well into late game.


            Idk , SF just too OP on midlane if there just 1v1 without any ganks in this patch .. last hit for soul and exp ?!? Iceflogg


              Just make sure you have a roamed vs sf if I have the chance and I see an sf pick I autopick sb

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                1. Scales incredibly well (suits the meta where midlaners are some of the highest impact players on the map)
                2. Has a comeback mechanic in his ability to flash farm
                3. Great at sieging high ground. and defending his own (due to range, ability to clear the wave reliably, and his ult that is good at hg defense)

                tho many sf players are kind of shit at him tho, and if you are having an off game it's incredibly fucking obvious


                  Basically above , he is super strong at nearly all stages of game. As stated he can be ganked rather easy but the SB's or RIkis/BH. or any hero with a stun (invis rune).

                  He farms super quick, will always push creeps to tower then rotate to jungle so ganking may not be easy. The abundance of cheap mana regen ( raindrop+ aquila) + shrines.

                  If he gets someone to baby sit and tp when dives occur from the SB's etc. then hes alright.
                  Hero is great except falls off mid-late game with jugs and PA's jumping him with BKB or spins


                    Jugger spin to counter SF 4head


                      sf is fucking best mid there

                      he can always cumback with farm

                      hes passive is so op in fights

                      hes ulti and razes do so much in fight

                      how can u say that hes low he can farm 6 items in 40 min even if he have shit start

                      Justin Weaver

                        He can overpower his fellow midlaner with sheer attack damage on early game itself,more cs means more damage, that raze deals pretty good damage as well, zoning the enemy mid laner is pretty easy with sf


                          even if u rekt him, once he hits level 3 he has kill potential on almost every single mid with lv 2 raze. if u shut him down despite this he just flash farms the jungle for those souls. basically its almost impossible to prevent sf from having souls.
                          sf is incredibly favored against ember spirit, if u want an example of a match up he dominates.