General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry that i should and shouldnt pick in 7.06

Carry that i should and shouldnt pick in 7.06 in General Discussion



      Safelaning is in good form rn and I doubt there's any trash safelaner now


        uhhh there is actually, dont pick slark , very nerfed af

        Fee Too Pee

          Sven gg ez


            Sven is so fucking braindead I play sven like a goddamn sub 1k and still manages to shitstomp people


              Good: Sven, Luna, AM, Jugg bf, Troll, LC offlane, TB
              Situational: Ursa WK Spec DR CK Pa
              Bad: Alch Naga Slark

              white boy summer

                why is alch naga bad? yea alch greevil got nerfed but you have camps every minute which compensates for it


                  Dogshit lane = dogshit farm
                  Pretty much


                    Arc warder


                      With the nerfs i doubt you can play naga now


                        Refrain from choosing IO, Oracle, SD


                          sd is actually super good for kiting sven with bkb


                            Low bracket people love to stack in close spaces. XD




                                SVEN and TA. 😃 Welcome back stacking. Got more relevant this patch


                                  No idea why everyone keeps saying naga is nerfed... as a naga player I see the changes to her as a buff rather than a nerf. The increase in damage and reduction of mana cost for her nuke is great for early game farm/ganking.

                                  Ulti cd reduced on level 1 but increased by 15 seconds (with octarine) at level 3. Now any good naga player will tell you you need the multi more at lower levels than at late game. She almost never needs to use her ultimate that often late game.

                                  As for the illusion and radiance nerf yes they make a difference but Imo not ground breaking like you won't lose a game now that you were gonna otherwise win before the patch just because of the illusions nerf, 10% radiance damage reduction is nothing.


                                    Rad damage from Illu was nerfed, Dagon 1 shots illu now, takes way too long to get online still while also being a weak lanes


                                      ^^Yeah sure naga player with 4 matches on her. Yeah naga player on NS. Smh.


                                        ^ this is a smuf, sir.


                                          Abaddon, Bounty Hunter, Doom, Faceless Void, Oracle, Skywraith Mage, somehow techies, terrorblade 40 min farm and the enemy will push fast and you might die or not due to low hp and movement speed mobility when used metamorphosis, timbersaw, Winter Wyvern unless you want to full support, and maybe lifestealer.

                                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                              I keep everything here a secret and learn them yourself

                                              alch is good

                                              ember spirit is good

                                              axe is super good

                                              gyrocopter is good

                                              jug is super good

                                              lich is super good

                                              lion is super good

                                              monkey king is still super good but ult is useless when soloing

                                              naga is not so bad

                                              Nyx is not so bad

                                              Omniknight is balanced no more cancer religious knight

                                              OD is good

                                              PA is somehow terrible

                                              QOP is balanced

                                              Pugna is good

                                              Shadow demon is balanced

                                              SF is somehow is super good

                                              Zeus is super good


                                                since when did gyro become good.


                                                  Now any good naga player will tell you you need the multi more at lower levels than at late game. She almost never needs to use her ultimate that often late game.

                                                  tell this to OG and notail.
                                                  OG abuses the shit out of naga and she is still abusable, whether in the notail way where they first pick naga and disruptor and use rlly good team coordination, or retarded unstoppable split push.


                                                    spec is shit