General Discussion

General Discussionfuck i hate SEA server

fuck i hate SEA server in General Discussion

    i keep team up with noob and shit player who go support then, support like shit, and take late game hero can't farm well. zzz


      lol you're so unlucky broh. i get good teammates all the time. u must get good behaviour score


        team holding me back. cant climb. why i team up with noobs, fuck.


          How about shutting your stupid mouth and actually put your energy into getting good instead of ranting about things you'll never be able to control

          Set this guy as an example


            Yeah! All the loses are the fault of my teammates! I didn't make any mistakes! Fail mid bobo! I think I am a 4k player stuck in 2k! GRRR! *sarcasm*


              seems lke fx has been 2.8 for ages. i thought he would be 3k by now.

              meanwhile bws still 2.2 LUL


                So you mean to say i was able to grind 1K MMR in a month by always having good teammates. :thinking:

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  ask bws he first pick am in 2.2k. team doesnt matter

                  yukiko what the fuck are you smoking. of course you need good team mates to grind mmr. some of us are just luckier than others xd

                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Your enemy team is just the same 90% of the time
                    and you yourself, will change the game

                    The fate of the world is in your hands now


                      yea and u got yourself in lp again so you dont have to play that acct. familiar story. kek

                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                        HELP , TEAM HOLD ME BACK


                          :thinking: very interesting


                            you have 400 gpm avg and losing games in a dogshit 2k bracket, you belong there with the rest of the trash.

                            a place where i can get 800+ with 1 hand, LITERALLY


                              Clear LP with me


                                SuPeR SeACr1t LoVe stoRies: Volume 1

                                "Daddy: I saw him in the washroom at randbowio's downtown."
                                Jacked: omfg where you ok?
                                Daddy: I just looked at him and said hello Sem, he sais nothing and barged past me.
                                Jacked slips his hand up daddys thigh
                                Jacked: You truly are a strong person, it inspires me."

                                Close curtain


                                  ^Dude can you stop your shit. You are already 25 and you talk like you are some kid.




                                      SuPeR SeACr1t LoVe stoRies: Volume 2
                                      "Daddy: o m g did haffy tell you about it?
                                      Jacked: o m g what?
                                      Daddy: Renshin spiked sems drink at a party then raped him when he passed out
                                      Jacked: omfg sems not even gay.
                                      Daddy: it broke him, he just walks around saying random shit and the word cuuki".
                                      Close curtain


                                        Omg bws what's up with the riki




                                            I wanted to recalibrate my solo to sub 1k from season ranked and it didnt work out well

                                            disgusting weebs


                                              disgusting weebs

                                                i thought sea thread and their inhabitats' antics were the cringiest thingon db but this 999 professional skills guy takes the cake

                                                mr. rabbit

                                                  everyone who plays in sea server hates sea server for some fucking reason


                                                    i think u should hate yourself,just move on,take it easy with all that cancer,its just a game.


                                                      Not everyone. Some people just think they're way better than they are. They see themselves as a tiger, when in reality, they're just fragile kittens. But I forgot the real reason of it: IT'S THE TEAMS FAULT! THEY ALL SUCK! THEY ARE HOLDING ME BACK!!


                                                        i actually like my games recently. except for one or two losses, ppl seem to work a lot better now. and i'm usually the toxic one, so everyone else pales in comparison


                                                          I have 450+ avg gpm i play support git gud

                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                            AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA xd


                                                              Wait why would anyone hate sea? It's closest of being hell


                                                                People who whine about SEA server are weak fucks


                                                                  Every server has their own cancer nation. If you can't climb, then you are where you should belong.


                                                                    they are people with bad attitude just ignore them and find the good people who you trust or earn their trust by helping hands.

                                                                    you have 2k mmr. that means your one of them can you like uninstall the game like everyone else in this forum who replied offtopic shits and move on to a better life.

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                    AL GOYIM

                                                                      yeah phillipino must have their own server

                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        if the teammates type chat in pinoy or indo instead of English I know the chance of winning dropped 15%

                                                                        Weird thing is, players from Thailand are rare, what server they in, they're mostly good. I get a lot of them from HoN they even made a Siamese announcer pack for them.

                                                                        AL GOYIM

                                                                          i played once with a fillipino guys with 5K mmr in normal game mode,he is the last pick when our team pick invo,LD,pudge and bat
                                                                          he pick huskar, went mid and ended with like 2-17-idk how many assist he got
                                                                          blaming the entire team for not picking support and not helping him in mid lane


                                                                            Implying that pub games are relevant


                                                                              Wow a daedalus instead of BKB for PA againts Invoker


                                                                                I always tell my team to speak english even if we're in the same country with alien language it's more comfortable to communicate less toxicity they can only say "fuck you" or "asshole" limited trash words less tilting


                                                                                  You suck. The only way you could improve is to admit that you suck and suck cookie's donger.
                                                                                  Ye i am now playing dota for fun because in the last few week i found a friend to play with and i am now having exam(igcse) maybe going to grind again after exam but not as much as i used to

                                                                                  old man

                                                                                    pretty sure ive had a match with/against you before. im not sure tho i dont have db+


                                                                                      your games basically is a 4 core farm fest + 1 ward bitch
                                                                                      after lose blame on the ward bitch

                                                                                      DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR
                                                                                        Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                          Unmovable delusional rock L U L

                                                                                          Kai Senat

                                                                                            Only way to win at SEA servers is go party up with friends, alot of account buyers and smurfs at SEA so yeh.


                                                                                              ^account buyers and smurfs at 3k? lul


                                                                                                Bumping this thread


                                                                                                  Deadalus on PA hahahaah

                                                                                                  who the hell buys BKB, that shit does no damage so aint buying it. my team holds me back though


                                                                                                    :thinking: how can this post still be going on :thinking: