General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrible Hero ranking system

Terrible Hero ranking system in General Discussion

    I won a team MMR IT Ranked game with my favorite hero and fell 5 ranks on the hero leaderboard, none of the other players have played today. That makes no sense, i can't believe people pay dotabuff for some ranking system.

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      playing at low average mmr games decreases your division score, which is the most important variable affecting your total hero score. playing in garbo 4k games indeed inflates your stats.


        it was not even 4k but 3k in your case, wow


          i tihnk back when i was ~top 300 invoker i played 1 game with 3k friends and went to top 900



            you shouldn't even be in that list tbh


              Why would you say that afeect? because I didn't buy dotabuff plus? haHAA jelly


                dotabuff ranking system is very innaccurete, division playes a big part on that list. so very few amount of low mmr games somehow lowers your score even if you win them all because it downgrades your divison. that page is filled with with professional division players that cannot play those heroes as good as pub players. a professional division player with only 51 games with %60 winrate is on 18th place but you're on 40th players with 2k games. I have no doubt that youre 2 times better than that guy with np


                  How is your kda for one your best heroes so piss poor. Lul

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                    Jacked, i don't think my kda is that bad, but I would say I have tried every build and different builds for different situations... so there was a lot of experimenting. The highest I got by spamming NP jungle/roam was 5.7k just before 7.00, since then I have been mainly playing team mmr with lower mmr players.

                    Also not everyone plays only hard carry heroes in games that are at the 1k MMR level. Literally. You should be ashamed for trying to flame.

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                      that statement is questionable at best
                      any 6.5k+ player with 40% winrate on np still plays better than op. if the rankings were reasonable and actually reflected skill at hero,, there s no way 4k/5k would be ever there no matter the stats.


                        its not valve's fault. its your fault your probably trashtalking to your opponent enemy or your team that's why your playing againts crap team. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THAT PLAYERS CAN HAVE INFINITE REPORTS IF THEY REPORT 1 SUCCESSFULLY FOR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR so they put the player who plays that hero with a bunch of skilled player and the one who is reported is played with the retards and started feeding then the ranking system is busted. also feeders their always a problem.

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                          opendota's rankings are far superior anyways


                            So division rank is important because u can play in 2k games all day and get 100% wr and inflated kda. So the idea to take that into account is right

                            But what should've happened is that they should just filter out those games that are obviously outside OPs regular solo ranked games instead of counting them into division score.

                            OP Im just curious how come your kda on a core hero is so bad lul. Not flaming you


                              Jacked used to be chill but now he acts a hoe too often


                                Ayy he has been a hoe for awhile


                                  I'm still chill annoying delusional person. I have a connection with anyone less than 3kda on their TOP heroes because I'm just like them


                                    I was rank 3 on opendota Medusa with 4300 mmr.


                                      i was top io for quite some time, around 1999. now i think i'm at the bottom 3. you're luck is better.

                                      Optimus Drip

                                        In open dota i am 99.55% techies. in dotabuff i am 95% techies percentile. Yea, i think open dotas system is better.


                                          "Garbo 4k games" 😅