General Discussion

General Discussion2 ideas to improve dota 2

2 ideas to improve dota 2 in General Discussion

    1. block people from being in your teammate *easily bot match maked since a lot of people plays dota 2* but can be your enemy *super simple to get rid of toxic players and also get revenge*

    2. punish kill stealing (who goes in your solo fight and uses 1 skill to steal a kill from your team), putting your team in danger, or any type of game play interuption more harsly.

    WAIT I HAVE A BETTER SOLUTION on kill stealing! IF YOUR TEAM STEALS A KILL FROM YOU AND LAST HIT IT THEN THE KILL IS AWARDED TO THE PLAYER WHO DEALED THE MOST DAMAGE AND THE LAST HITTER GETS THE GOLD and the assist gold is given to the one who participates on the kill. but still rework tiny to not toss us on enemy team to feed himself and us at the same time and the others idc because I don't know how to stop that and last punish the try hards because they are literally making the game not fun. pushing for no reason why not defend like its a 5 vs 3 here.

    3. give huskar god damn +14 armor as a talent tree level 25.

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      "punish kill stealing" XD

      doc joferlyn simp

        Sounds like a post made by a 5-year old kid who gets everything he wants because he's spoiled by mummy

        Oh wait...


          is diox the ultimate troll, or actually retarded?


            It's already 2017 and people have problems with kill stealing? :thinking:

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              Kill steal doesn't exist

              Kill is a kill, as long as it benefits your team's networth compare the enemies, and cripples the enemy teams, it's good


                What if toxic dude beats you in revenge game?


                  He will rant in dotabuff of course


                    Blocking people would be nice, but even if it existed, it would be pay-for-it service


                      love ain't simple
                      37 minutes ago

                      is diox the ultimate troll, or actually retarded?

                      according to my calculation, you are full of crap. your just playing dumb with tilted players. once you see an active retarded asshole then you'll see what I'm talking about.


                      Kill steal doesn't exist

                      Kill is a kill, as long as it benefits your team's networth compare the enemies, and cripples the enemy teams, it's good

                      I know but I want my kill to be mine because I earn it and my team doesn't even have a brain or skill and all they know is steal so they don't earn it PLUS THEY PUT ME IN DANGER ALL THE TIME. I rather push and end than seeing a ton of kill stealers everytime I play dota 2 with full of confidence.

                      I rather have newbies who doesn't know how to play dota 2 than team thinks their pro after they kill steal from me. and that's why kill stealing is a thing.


                        also I hate thieves.


                          dear god diox:


                            omg its like 2006 or something? Midlane die at 10 min shouts " LOL FUCKN NOOBS U DONT CALL MISS "

                            kappa keepo kippa


                              Your English is incomprehensible. No one knows what u are whining about, except that you are stupid.

                              You should stop playing Dota

                              Thank god you don't ruin ranked match making.

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                @Jacked his English isn't by par worse than mine

                                Some people doesn't speak English natively :/

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  English is not my native language but you don't see me talking like a kid who only knows how to piece a sentence together with 10 words


                                    Your English is more comprehensible then his. His retarded personality aggravates his piss poor English and makes his ramblings just nonsensical.


                                      U can have a strong command of English but ramble incoherently if you are an angry 5 year old

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        Well your speech can be interperted in different ways by different people

                                        Just because my English isn't perfect I need to be afraid that any second sentence of mine would be interperted as a kid-like with random 10 words, and being told that I'm stupid and should stop playing dota?

                                        That's a bit mean

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          I'm trying my best to be as coherent as i can

                                          In my defense English here isn't as encouraged as in most Europe, generally people here would have hard time having a smalltalk in English, so...

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            I'm not talking about you man, I'm talking about diox. Have you ever thought about his sentences, one bit?

                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              I can understand his intentions, he want to be able to block players from queueing with him, and to punish the quote on quote "killstealers"

                                              Isn't that what the point of the discussion anyway?

                                              Pale Mannie
                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                  @howtonoob6 it's the fact that his english is horrible, and the arguments he makes don't make sense, doesn't understand the game hes complaining about, most of his comments show that he doesn't understand what other people's threads are about, and the fact that he has so far only had one legit thread. And his english is still worse

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    Alright let's approach this in a more "discussion-y" way

                                                    1. Allowing the option to block people from our matches defeats the point of the matchmaking's variability concept, in which you are paired with 4 random people to play with, and 5 random people to play against. The toxicity is part of the game, you will have to deal with it.

                                                    Furthermore, suggesting for the hypothetically blocked toxic people to avoid being your teammates but will instead become your enemy for "revenge" is petty and selfish. Think of the enemies who will have to put up with the blocked player.

                                                    This will not reduce toxic people as well since they aren't taken in the playerpool, the only toxicity reduced is in your team. The total amount of toxicity in the community is the same. It's like a dog shat on your yard. Then you start shoveling the shit to your neighbour's yard and claiming "wow they neighbourhood is cleaner now since there is no more shit in my yard". It's the same concept OP is suggesting.

                                                    2. First of all skill stealing doesn't exist. Unless the enemy is purposely just attacking to finish the target off and not doing anything else, it's not kill stealing. OP's claims are all anecdotal and thus don't hold much worth. Negative experiences may have been magnified, and the unintentional kill-secure might have made OP feel betrayed, because his kill counter didn't rise. The gold is awarded evenly between all heroes anyway, there are reliable gold awards for kill streak enders but that's just for who gets lucky.

                                                    "Gameplay interruption" might range from anything to walking down mid minute 0 or not saying ">Well played!" every time your team gets a kill. It varies from person to person. OP is just too emotionally immature to understand that everything doesn't always go as planned, which is why I said "Sounds like a post made by a 5-year old kid who gets everything he wants because he's spoiled by mummy" because of the whiny way he presented his points

                                                    3. This is comparable to a kid saying that a third wheel should be added to a motor cycle to make it faster. The kid doesn't know how engineering works, doesn't know how acceleration works, doesn't know how practicality works. To contribute something good you actually need to sufficiently understand the topic you are trying to participate in.

                                                    If this was the first time he suggested a retarded hero change just because of how he feels and his own retarded perception of the hero, I won't be so mean. But this has gone on for so long already it's sickening to read it again and again no matter how many times different people try to explain why whatever he's suggesting is bad. Asking questions is not bad by any means, but not listening to what other people say is the worst part of the OP's crimes


                                                      :thinking: how about banning retards?


                                                        Pro players have wanted the first one. Others no lol


                                                          Girl I like this Ember impression. Hey howtonoob6, don't be so serious about stuff. Apparently, Jacked and Diox are either friends or acquaintances. Jacked wants to piss off Diox throughout posts but everytime Diox ignores him.


                                                            no diox is just an idiot who doesn't understand how dota works, and who constantly makes dumb threads.


                                                              this diox is god

                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                1) Require a valid credit card/steampay for one time activation and name/address verification.
                                                                2) stop the enemy clicking movement block bug
                                                                3) Just vac ban repeated griefers and LP people after 3-5 strikes per season.
                                                                4) re-balance support units. Lesh, Lina carries almost impossible now compared to the cancer heroes like Slark/LC.
                                                                5) Reduce yo-yo mechanices like the bounty gold reward system.
                                                                6) Less afk gold per minute. If people like the gold there should be a (EM) EZ MODE option like HON.
                                                                7) Disable or stop doxxing players and server takedown.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                  Fun fact: I never read the name's of the OP and just read away at the thread's body text.

                                                                  After the first sentence I thought to myself "This must be that diox guy".

                                                                  I scroll up.

                                                                  And it was him.

                                                                  I make a legit thread on how I feel about girls and their limited talent and get muted for 3 days, but this clown spams the forums and goes unpunished.

                                                                  Not gonna lie, I guess it is pretty funny his flame threads.

                                                                  Big ole bold rated K.

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    i think u better uninstall dota 2 then steam

                                                                    >Easy Money.

                                                                      Why do you care about someone kill stealing? The only time I'd get a lil' frustrated is if someone stole my rampage, but other than that. . .who the fuck cares?


                                                                        a day ago

                                                                        your mmr is based on a noob who wants to feel god by putting himself in low mmr which he is still noob.

                                                                        par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                                                                          "Punish Kill Stealing"
