General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion

    Vertoxity chain feeding SMH
    @Hello there
    Nice meepaw


      almost divine, time for mmr assassins

      instapick mid sf
      [Allies] I'm done!!: I'm done with this fucking game
      [Allies] garbage 2: tide omni?
      [Allies] Rale: delete
      [Allies] Rale: it
      [Allies] I'm done!!: I already lost 500 mmr
      [Allies] Rale: delete it.
      [Allies] Rale: or just fucking go offline for 2 days
      [Allies] I'm done!!: so I want see how far I can lose
      [Allies] Rale: ur losing us game



        Use chatwhell=mute

          sometimes dota is bad game cuz u have to play core to enjoy dota2. thats why dota sucks. fucking idiot icefrog retard dont care about support players


            Potato Marshal

              I swear, every player I've seen with a Rick and Morty avatar has been completely braindead and makes the dumbest plays and throws I've ever seen.

              Lruce Bee

                confirmed that game is winnable

                Potato Marshal

                  What do you think a safelane pos 1 void should buy? Maybe a fucking aghs rush into blink, into bkb then try to solo chrono people and end up doing no damage throughout the whole game. Gotta make sure to get 0 damage items outside of farming items once you're six slotted as the hard carry.

                  Potato Marshal

                    Games are getting worse now, jugg feeds first blood for bounty rune, blames sk then sk got so upset he decided to jungle rush a battle fury, midas or whatever. Might as well just abandon since the other 2 lanes were losing anyways.

                    Potato Marshal

                      I first pick pos 5, then the other 4 guys just afk till the timer runs out without anybody marking anything down before one of them announces that they'll throw the game. People spend the whole game arguing over the dumbest shit and they refuse to mute anybody for some reason.


                        I'm actually convinced that I cannot lose when I play offlane.


                        I am out of position when I think I'm safe and get sharded and die before rune so I can't pull with the bear at all.
                        I DO pull afterwards but I get greedy with my positioning and I get sharded and die, they dive me AGAIN with tusk and morph when the wave hits the tower and I die for the third time in the first three minutes.
                        At this point this is the absolute worst possible scenario for me to ever be in, literally every thing that could go wrong went worse, and I want kill myself already but I am maintaing my POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE in the game.

                        Then the morph does nothing with his farm and can only do the shotgun combo once or twice and I outfarm him and we end up winning :v

                        Every game is winnable double smiley face.


                          pos 1 void is cancer


                            dude i won a game dying 8 times in offlane as dk because i actually used what little farm i had and the enemy team was fat but just as useless
                            also razor carried me

                            Potato Marshal

                              Another day of Pudge and Nyx's who can't land their skills, but still randomly toss them out anyways in hopes of getting lucky.


                                Ur playing the wrong role, try offlane xD


                                  Legend 5 ㄴㅇㄴ

                                    Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      come top and feed. go bot and feed. fuck up your ulti twice in actually winnable and somewhat game-changing fights. yep



                                        i actually cant win with anything but visage anymore


                                          op heroes works in solo games


                                            o arin actually got blue now
                                            evolved to marin


                                              even in divine people dont know how to is hard



                                                mb spamming clinkz is the answer
                                                i haven't seen that hero lose in two months, even if u fail everything, u just suicide on enemy buildings and theres nothing enemy can do


                                                  i'm blue






                                                        we are all blue.
                                                        I had a game where storm and SK basically fought and whined at each other feeding tinker about 6 kills in 5 minutes... they deglected AM.

                                                        AM ends a godlike on the tinker, they then cliam tactical feed while still flaming the shit out of each other.

                                                        Again, AM jumps into trees on tinker and mantas off the laser....another huge streak....
                                                        needless to say, we ended up winning no thanks to those two cucks. Gaben does not give enough reports for this game given how salty and toxic it is.

                                                        Our offlane and carry were sane and reasonable people, it was very nice.
                                                        all the while, I was dying left right and center. I was at the right place at the right time.

                                                        They would use smoke ganks and find me near the AM, I die, AM gets away and farms more and more...
                                                        every game is winnable.


                                                          ok whatever back to picking visage since whenever u dont pick broken heroes u instantly get huskar'd or some other broken shit while i have a pudge +1 support that does nothing in my team

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            all visage players should be taxed couple hunded mmr next patch

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              Worst fucking game I've had, actually the first time I ran mid to feed on purpose. Third person on our team randoms a naga, so we were forced to make him our hard carry, a last pick solo offlane rubick who begs for tangoes from the start, and manages to die more than me despite me purposely feeding, and always writing in obnoxious emoticons, a bh that just sits around waiting for the courier the whole game and contributes nothing, and a dk that forces this fake PMA attitude and starts sucking up for every little kill and talking about how we can win this.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                ^ u need to play carry lol, on the other hand. What do you guys think of my offlane visage?

                                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                  i though this was a forever ancient club thread ....


                                                                    ^this will be ancient forever club again after recalibration xD

                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      Our fucking hard carry abandons at the last second. Punishment for people constantly disconnecting and abandoning is practically non-existent. You have to do it several times within a small time frame, and even then you start out with only like 1 lp game.


                                                                        I feel betrayed


                                                                          mmr taxing in progress


                                                                            im not sure why do i keep picking disruptor that hero is incredibly awful in pubs

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              maybe ure just bad arin?


                                                                                i have this claim backed by top 500 player


                                                                                  wat does start sucking up every little kill mean?

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    i didnt know that top 500 player saying something so subjective makes it the truth
                                                                                    mb show me a certificate while ure at it then


                                                                                      Wtf kind of moron claims a PMA attitude as annoying when ur the dipshit who is feeding
                                                                                      My eyes hurt


                                                                                        I mean honestly if you have a solo offlane rubick and a naga core theres really no point in talking PMA-stuff, the game is over once rubick died 30 times and naga does nothing all game.


                                                                                          is that a copypasta


                                                                                            it seems i played vs dread stack in bcup and got fucked
                                                                                            anyone wanna take me + mugen into some T8 stack we have chance of actually winning with


                                                                                              Laning against Drow+Huskar with 2 supports who either both sit in trees and leech XP (Pfff Trilane right?) or shove double waves and of course feed in lane. Took me forever to get to level 6 to hit the jungle. And as usual other lanes were lost.

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                MMR assassins out in full force this weekend....


                                                                                                  it's insane how many smurfs are around here

                                                                                                  moriwooper (I'm gonna morb)

                                                                                                    I think this thread should be called "every game is throwable" instead of winnable