General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinion on riki

Opinion on riki in General Discussion

    Well ot just feels like wether you roam or just offlane with riki hes just a strong pos 4/3 hero just because he scales so easily wiht agi and if you buy some kind of detection and deward/ dust the game is easy. I first picked him first and there was the slardar counter but honeslty i dont think he does very well agaisnt riki since once riki gets diffusal slardar looses his q which gives a lot of mobility. I didnt watch to to much of kiev but is still good on the pro scene I know he didnt get touched last patch so I think hes in a really good place. What do yall think about that?

    chicken spook,,,,

      Okay hero


        riki is a dogshit hero for noobs

        i ban him every game


          Yeah. RIKI is a very helpful 5k pkayer. I admire his passion to help. :angel:

          chicken spook,,,,

            Riki should have an invisible blue star


              Most annoying hero to play against next to techies. He does too much with too little

              doc joferlyn simp

                His Smoke is like a better Pit of Malice


                  Phantom riki is still the best riki player



                    ILC - Lethal Ninja

                      Against a range safelane hero, it's better you roam. it's very hard to get anything in this new patch since NC is every minnand with the denying XP, the creeps likely stay near the safelane tower most of the time.


                        Evil Dentist is the best riki player. :troll: