General Discussion

General Discussion7.07 ideas

7.07 ideas in General Discussion

    Maximum movespeed increased from 550 to 600

    Dragon Lance: now has active ability. Doubles attack range and grants +40% accuracy but cannot move hero. Cooldown: 30 seconds. Lasts 5 seconds
    Dragon Lance now also requires a 500 gold recipe.

    Monkey King Bar: now has active ability. Turns on monkey king's jingu mastery but requires 6 hits instead of 4. Ability lasts 20 seconds. 80 second cooldown.
    Monkey king bar damage reduced from 66 to 50.
    Monkey king bar no longer grants +15 atk SPD.

    Diffusal blade now has melee cast range, but can be used on teammates and the owner. No longer purges euls sceptre buff.

    Mirana aghs upgrsde removed.
    New aghs upgrade: global range sacred arrow, increased sacred arrow spd by 50%.

    Pudge aghs upgrade removed.
    New pudge aghs upgrade: meat hook range increased to 2500 with hook speed increased by 50%

    Faceless Void now applies an autoattack for every enemy he timewalks through.

    Faceless Void level 25 talent 20% replaced with timewalk cooldown reduced by 2.

    Timewalk manacost increased from 40 to 60

    Time dilation now aura ability: closer an enemy is to void the slower their cooldowns progress.

    Warlock: fatal bonds now prevents enemies from moving 700 range away from other affected enemies. The bond will be broken by magic immunity or death.
    Duration decreased from 25 to 12.

    Sniper: assasinate no longer requiresmana, travels faster but targets the ground like miranas arrow. Does 250/350/450% of snipers attack damage.
    Sniper aghs removed.

    Troll warlord: Fervor now grants bonus attack range when in ranged form, but no Fervor attack speed. Fervor still grants attack speed but only in melee form. Previous Fervor buff that was lost is instantly returned when ultimate is activated.

    Roshan changes:

    SLAM now applies pure damage

    BASH: duration increased to 2 seconds

    SPELL BLOCK: Cooldown gets reduced by 2 everytime roshan bashes or uses SLAM on its next spell block.

    Medallion of courage and solar crest now trigger spell block.

    Silver edge no longer stops roshan bash.

    Radiance now takes affect on roshan.

    Every time roshan kills an enemy hero, his damage is permanently doubled.

    Roshan's magic resistance decreased by 20%

    Any suggestions?


      7.08 ideas never give icefrog privilage to change dota 2 thingies because its boring.


        Hi, I see your new here but sorry fellow player, but you will never get proper information in this forum. Because its full of people with life problems and can't deal with them and starts to spam the forum to feel good about themselves and also their 1000 mmr and double down users. If I were you I would move to "DOTADEV" that's where admins of the game and high mmr players with out of this world skills answer all your gaming questions in dota 2. You better leave now and close this site or everyone who is active in this forum will start to give you wrong answers and the other random 1000 mmrs playing with bots will go crazy and starts to spam randomely and trust me your gonna like them very much.

        And also if its not helping you then try the Steam Forum {[ ]} about Dota 2. No one dares to spam or flame there if they want to get instant 2 weeks ban and if they do it again 1 month and again 3 months and then again then they have no choice but to perma-ban them. but you need to unlock a privilage to post to prevent spammers like that person named Jack and that person who thinks he/she is an animal Dog. and those people moved here so they can spam here.

        I also recommend the "Dota 2 Animo App" and chat with 3000-8000 mmr players if both of the following forums are not helpful and the community there are nice people.

        Thank you for your time.
        and btw don't pay attention to them, they're crazy and you know for attention.

        if you cannot find your perfect forum then you don't need one because you are smarter than a forum.

        as you can see "" Copyright 2017 Elo Entertainment LLC. "" Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.

        its not owned by valve its just some random person made dotabuff alive. so there will be a lot of false things here and puts dota 2's reputation into the ground of bad even how good their reputation is rated on the steam app.


          Ban diox!! Stop derailing peoples threads !


            Cant believe diox actually infected my thread with this, I feel violated.


              so your not new here? your also a spammer nvm.


                like valve doesn't pay attention in this forum anymore because its full of spammers. I am trying to tell new people to not post here because they will be also violated.


                  Lol, how am I a spammer? I rarely go on this website, and since when did valve pay attention to this website? Dotabuff isn't affiliated with valve. Says so in their code of conduct.


                    The only spammer here is dioxgamingnoob

                    Rogue Knight

                      if only blademail no longer pierces spell immune like BKB the previous patch

                      old man

                        i actually love the supreme pudge hook idea, and the faceless void's new time dilation idea. and buffing roshan also is quite a decent idea (no more roshan suicide gg).

                        maybe mirana aghs can be changed to "arrow will pass every unit on its way and stuns them aording to the distance travelled, aghanim arrow cooldown reduced by 4 seconds."

                        mbk and dragon lance active's are somewhat remove some heroes specialty (everybody can be wukong or sniper sieging tower from 1k range) so i actually dont agree with that one.

                        for suggestions:

                        - for each death, pudge now lose 1 stack from his flesh heap.

                        - when silencer is killed by any hero, the hero will regain 1 intelligence point if silencer ever stole any from the hero

                        - visage soul assumptions now deal pure damage instead of magical damage. damage dealt decreased to 45 per charge, soul assumption doesnt pierce spell immunity

                        - added spectre aghanim, haunt now spawns two attacking illusions instead of one

                        - added templar assasin aghanim, psionic trap now stun enemies for 1.5 second then followed by 2.5 seconds slow, stun and slow dont pierce magic immunity

                        - BREAK no longer disable abaddon's borrowed time from triggering by itself

                        idk man i can only come up with these


                          16 minutes ago

                          The only spammer here is dioxgamingnoob

                          not helping :/

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            You can just not hit people who activate BM
                            Unless its LC/axe
                            Which is your own fault for getting initiated


                              Haha yes, good ideas. Always wanted roshan to be a pain in the ass to kill. Do like the silencer and pudge ideas tho.


                                xf that's like icefrog making black king bar completely immune to every spell that originally goes through bkb, and to justify his actions he will say "you can just avoid/kite him". Blademail needs at least a duration or mana nerf.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  and bkb costs more than blademail, so it should stop blademail return damage anyway.

                                  casual gamer

                                    +50 max ms unbalances a lot of things


                                      Time dilation now aura ability: closer an enemy is to void the slower their cooldowns progress.

                                      This is beyond broken

                                      Also some of these buffs and nerfs dont make sense, hurt unplayed heroes or buff played ones, or are just completely overpowered on so many levels.
                                      Mirana and pudge dont need new aghs their aghs r fine, why dont u change someone like slark aghs or smth.
                                      Idk rlly stupid ideas for dota in general.


                                        and bkb costs more than blademail, so it should stop blademail return damage anyway.

                                        Blademail isnt an imbalanced item cuz u can still kill the hero u just need to itemize around it. If it doesnt go through bkb it basically becomes a useless item abt 30 min into the game, maybe 10-15 min after u bought it. Its not even remotely broken.


                                          I think each and everyone who thinks blademail is broken are retards beyond hopelessness. It's damage even doesn't get amplified by spell amplification now. How can it ever be imba?

                                          -DI- TheDrengr

                                            Blademail should just return less dmg, blademail is not op, axe call combined with blademail is op.


                                              How about reducing bloodrites mana cost or increasing Bloodseeker's intelligence growth so he can actually cast the spell given how much the fraudster like to reduce the spells cooldown.

                                              Get this. At level 25 with no extra items bloodseeker has 700 mana. Ulti costs 250. So if you cast you only have 450 mana. Enough to cast 4 bloodrites over the next minute and then boom, completely out of mana. If you pick the -7 second cooldown then you'll use up all your mana in 20 seconds. Nice.

                                              Like reducing the mana cost or increasing his int growth is even one of those ridiculously tiny and useless buffs that won't make him pickable which fraudster has been giving him for the past year and a half so it would fit right in.

                                              Oh and change that +75 Bloodrite damage buff into something which isn't hopeless. Zeus gets plus 75 damage to his arc lightning, a spell on a 1.6 second cooldown. Zeus casts like 6 arc lightings in the time bloodseeker gets to cast one. Even with the cooldown talent Zeus casts it 3 times more. Make it give 200 extra radius so it's guaranteed to actually hit enemy heroes and then it might be something you could consider. Otherwise choose extra attack speed every single time.


                                                Time dilation as an aura ability doesn't have to broken if the slowness of the affected cooldowns is low enough, I'm not saying it has to be quadrupled if youre at the furthest point away from void. Nor does it have to go through bkb or has a range of fucking 2000. Thats not up to me to decide.

                                                Secondly, how does it hurt unplayed heroes? What heroes are those? "Buff played ones" Can't possibly refer to sniper as its a skillshot like mirana, cant be the aghs upgrades for mirana and pudge because they cost money and also require skillshots. Cant be void cuz his int gain is shit and increasing mana cost on timewalk and removing lvl 25 evasion talent can take a toll if they have lots of physical.
                                                Cant be the warlock either cause its duration decreasing from 25 to 12 should compensate for its new way working. Can't be troll either cause he gets severe nerfs. So whats so bad about all this?

                                                Thirdly, how is 4 seconds cooldown for meathook "fine"? It removes skill cause you keep spamming that ability before the enemy has a chance to create distance. Adding extra range and speed rewards skill. Mirana aghs is boring and a global arrow would be something that would make everyone go "OOOHHH", and encourage pro play.

                                                But yeah aghs slark is retarded, no one buys that item anyway on him and should just be removed. Maybe increase duration of his ult?

                                                I'm not saying blademail is op, just needs a slight nerf. Removing spell amp? That should have never existed in the first place.


                                                  And how does blademail become an useless item 30 min into game? By 30 minutes the enemy carries would have tonnes of damage items, and there is no limit to how much damage blademail can return.


                                                    fuck blademail, shit should get more expensive the longer the game goes

                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      Roshan damage doubled? lol

                                                      If the enemy was threatening I would suicide in rosh like 4 times so no one gets aegis

                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                        Blademail should cost 1000 more gold and do Pure Damage (based on damage being dealt).

                                                        That would make it pretty balanced.


                                                          Yeah blademail needs some sort of gold nerf. Cause you look at eye of skadi slow which goes through bkb cause its costs way more than bkb, fair enough right? But blademail which cost less than bkb goes through? But orchid malevolence which costs more than bkb doesn't go through? Scythe of vyse doesn't go through either yet cost more? wheres the logic? Now you can't apply the same thing for damage items and say divine rapier damage should go through ghost sceptre cause it costs way more cause a lot of things can purge ethereal.

                                                          Anyways this item is really like a mini bkb for tankers.


                                                            Oh and cat chan guy remember if you keep suiciding to rosh youre gonna feed roshan more and more damage until the point where is really hard to fight him lol


                                                              that was the point. His opponent is winning and he doesn't want them to get aegis, so he suicides to rosh and prevents them from getting an extra life on their carry.


                                                                Arguments like these ain't gonna lead to anything good. If bm returns pure damage based on the actual damage received, then axe's call becomes completely garbage. During call you hit axe with 100 damage ->axe's extra armor makes it something like 25 damage -> axe returns 25 fucking pure damage. Now tell me, where's the logic? If it were the case, you were forced to buy as little armor+magicresist so that enemy would hit you harder. The current bm is the most justified bm whenever Icefrog came up with. It pierces bkb if, and only if the original damage pierces bkb. So you can still buy bkb on cm and pop ult - it won't hurt yourself anyway.


                                                                  MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE!!!

                                                                  *Nerfed all cancerous braindead heroes, so DotA 2 is now very enjoyable game.

                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    Hand of Midas removed from the game

                                                                    Tired of seeing supports like Silencer and Ogres getting them 30 minutes into the game after they already maxed out their relevant abilities.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Reduce blade mail cooldown to 15 seconds but reduce duration to 3 second. Shit is ridiculous vs any fast attack speed carry.

                                                                      I want to see more razor and gyro buffs, razor's win rate jumped a lot like 3-4% when they made his ult prioritize link targets but he's still around 47%. Gyro is abysmal at 41-42%.

                                                                      Razor, increase link break distance to 1000, reduce mana cost on plasma field to 100.

                                                                      Gyro, increase attack range to 400, give 2 more base agility, 2 more base strength, move +4 flak cannon down to level 20, swap with 20% cd one, buff 20% cd one to 30% at level 25. Buff level 15 +30 dmg to +40.

                                                                      Bosnian Blade

                                                                        make riki perma invis

                                                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                          Just rework starstorm to be charge based like shrapnel- so you dont proc it when walking past a creep camp

                                                                          주 롄양

                                                                            well about bloodcyka one i always buy aghs+octarine so mana is my bitch lul


                                                                              Bkb does counter blademail if the damage you're doing to the target is magical. Bm reflects damage in the same type it was dealt. To counter blademail if you're dealing physical damage, buy armor and lifesteal.

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                well duh but that's very not ideal on heroes like drow, windranger, clinkz, sniper, TB etc. You'll be pew pewing, enemy turns on blade mail and you have 3 projectiles in the air before you can stop attacking. You can get satanic I guess but not ideal and AC or other armor sucks.

                                                                                If you are melee it's not nearly as bad, lifesteal is more common and you can turn off attacks easily.

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  The whole point of the reworked blademail is that you do not have to take a ton of damage to dish out a ton of damage. This seems like an incredible buff until you reliaze that if you are behind and have less levels, less armor and less health, blademail is almost useless (except for heroes like axe who get bonus 40 armor but in their case its useless because people will just euls you).

                                                                                  Blademail used to be better in games you were behind in, now its better in games you are winning in.


                                                                                    Dear fucking lord, never to listen to someone with a Boku no Pico avatar ^^


                                                                                      Also how the fuck is Diox not banned yet. Dude hijacks and derails literally every thread.


                                                                                        bring back arc warden to life - scepter - giving two sparks at once / his spells do pure dmg / evasion from meele atacks under magnetic field.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          RPQ-sama what you wrote makes no sense. Yes those with high armor and hp take less damage than before, and ok they can shred squishy support heroes with it I guess. But it was actually a MASSIVE buff for any tank hero vs any dps hero, since tank hero takes far diminished damage and dps hero kills themselves and hates to build raw armor and hp. It's not just axe, it's wraith king, lifestealer, legion, spectre, dragon knight, necrophos, all those heroes are picking up blade mail en masse now cus dps 2 shot themselves on it.

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            You have no idea how little damage a 40 armor morphling takes from blademail...

                                                                                            Blademail rework is a buff for its carriers against non-tanky cores would be the correct statement. Against people who build to be tanky as fuck, it becomes next to useless. A Sven with 4500 HP and 45 armor is not going to die to blademail before he kills pretty much any target bar medusa (and she never buys blademail).

                                                                                            But before, he could very well die to it because the damage returned was pure, so if you were a centaur, he could keep critting himself for over 1000 damage every time, instead of taking something more akin to 300 damage when he crits, due to his incredible armor.

                                                                                            So the rework is not a buff in every situation, high armor cores benefit from it a fuckton, both as carriers and as opponents of it.

                                                                                            I remember the days when I could duel a Sven with warcry. Not gonna happen anymore.

                                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                              the warlock change wud be completely insane on an already played hero.
                                                                                              its almost like a fucking puck ulti, only it amps dmg by a huge amount

                                                                                              basically nothing on this list is needed
                                                                                              how does pudge aghs reduce pudge skill, if u miss most of ur hooks u still wont hit anything.
                                                                                              also mirana aghs isn't boring, its an interesting example of adding aghanims effects.
                                                                                              the reason a change to time dilation like that is nuts is because ull be on top of them the whole time anway cuz ur very mobile, so againt something like a bristle he will basically never be able to leave the aura and never be able to cast any spells, like a perma silence. the other thing is there is no real reason to change time dilation, its a fine skill why wud u want to tamper with it? the reason degen aura is balanced is that its radius is so small on an immobile hero, to put a regular radius aura like that on a mobile hero is stupid.


                                                                                                Except puck ulti can't be purged, make fatal bonds purgeable if it wasn't already. The way pudge aghs reduces skill is because if you hit your first hook, the consequent hooks after won't really be "skill" as the enemy is like 400 units away from you after the first hook, and if time dilation is so bad against bristle, don't pick him. Infact picking bristle into void should never happen anyway with or without the aura change.


                                                                                                  I hope we see change on faceless void....they didnt nerf or buff him in a while :(


                                                                                                    bristle is an example, any spell casting core is destroyed by this
                                                                                                    even pa