General Discussion

General DiscussionBest meme hero with meme build?

Best meme hero with meme build? in General Discussion



      have u tried mid wyvern?
      right click with aghs mjollnir bloodthorn pike etc


        dark seer kongfu punch deso echosabre
        radiance eblade weaver
        tusk silver edge deso
        void refresher mek

        Riguma Borusu

          Mid Jakiro.

          It is not even bad honestly if you get a midas or find other ways to get levels he can dish out retarded damage lategame including to towers.

          The build is basically hurricane pike deso, and take everything that lets you siege towers lategame, deso if you wanna go full retard. Boots of choice should still be arcanes because you want mana to farm, though.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            midas pike deso

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                  make a thread about with a serious question about given hero's item build
                  i can guarantee that 9/10 responses will contain memebuilds


                    aghanim refresher bloodcyka

                    or at least octarine

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      "aghanim refresher bloodcyka
                      or at least octarine"

                      Ethereal Blade
                      Arcane Boots

                      Savvy Cat

                        Phase, Drum, SnY Templar Assassin with movement speed talent. I tried it a couple times and it was really fun.

                        Someone on my team aptly dubbed it a race car TA build. And then they reported me for doing it.

                        But I had fun; that's important.

                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                          On top of the core BoT, soulring and dagger, I used to go veil forcestaff on tonker for the shits and giggles


                            Techies mid right click:

                            First get your blast off, this is if you want a quick first blood and a halved respawn time. If you're team is ungankable and doesn't want to get a first blood, still consider a blast off, just in case they gank you. If you need a quick level two, get P. mines. However, I advise you to not to level it up so you can get an extra level early. P. mines are great to farm with if you soul ring very time. Soul ring has a 30 sec cd and 10 sec usage. The lane will defiantly get contested, so be very far away (longest range in lvl 1! tie doh) and be very patient, you have the least dmg. If you attack move, you willl get more lh and denies. A good opponent will lead creeps to mines where they were meant to be traps. You will suck most at ranged tanky heros (viper, razor, enchantress, Huskar). Never use sign at places outside your lane unless if you have an aghs.

                            Level up 1-3-1-3-1-3-1-3-4-2 mana regen-2-4-2 and so on. For talent tree, get 2 regen, cast range, gpm and ofcourse, 250 dmg!
                            Farm and teamfight mid game. Mid game is your weakest, though a normal techies, the strongest.

                            Late game, you should have your skadi, aghs, hurrciane pike, phase boots to bots lvl 2, soul ring to bloodstone, and divine rapier-Jk! either heart or bloodthorn . You should also just attack, use your spells to push and there's shouldn't even be a late game, and if losing, defend seriously with the remote ult and hope your ctual hard carry wins the game, or even better, you do! (Like that's possible)

                            What did I write this, why did you read this?


                              Plus dagon lvl 5 is also advised!


                                What is a meme build? Like a funny build?


                                  a meme build is something like this


                                    do u mean, sniper aghs

                                    Sugar Show

                                      Terrorblade Low Hp ulti with Shadow Blade.


                                        Some retard in my game played luna on safe lane smh


                                          he bought bkb manta, butter and some stupid shit rofl what a clown


                                            Rofl, I hadn't noticed this. Nice

                                            casual gamer

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                6k memes


                                                  is that how 6k memes??? pfft

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    at first I just thought ok thats just a pure glass canon build but then I saw the shadow blade

                                                    jesus christ


                                                      Just omniknight
                                                      Every item works on him


                                                        Echo dezo nyx

                                                        Wisp jungle carry items

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          IO with Heart, Bloodstone, Oct Core, Linken's, Lotus, BoT.


                                                            When I'm at peek on tilting I'll play some meme

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              guys go play deso satanic pa

                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                Max battlehunger mid axe and build it like lc - armlet blink blademail etc xd


                                                                  Get heart on pugna and your team has invite health and mana


                                                                    go wyvern mid and go smth like treads maelstrom/solar aghs pike mjollnir bloodthorn/skadi and just be a danker sniper


                                                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                        Void, slahser's way

                                                                        Super Senko-san Time

                                                                          Bloodstone, Refresher, Ethereal Blade Na'ix


                                                                            Bh with dagon refresher octarine. Have so Much fun with this build playin ini 1k bracket with ma friend


                                                                              moonshard battlefury daedalus mjolnir refresher void