General Discussion

General Discussion2k behaviour score in normals

2k behaviour score in normals in General Discussion
basement :)

    Techies on my team in a quarter of the games.
    4k mmr spectre with level 60 account does not know Dagger can lock on.
    Team has 50 IQ.
    Getting teamed with level 5 accounts.

    chicken spook,,,,

      But so does the enemy team
      Still fair chance of winning 👌👌👌👌👌


        "im 2k because of my team"

        this one never gets old
        first guy randomed invoker. when it comes to last pick, the dude whos left sais "im mid" and picks sf
        both get tilted first minute, invoker ends up going offlane vs ursa, slark, lion trilane. ursa in chat "we cant decide who goes where"
        5 minutes in ppl asking other team to report each other
        i just farmed up and counterganked with my axe, initiated teamfights and we won it. not saying im good, but im sure i won the game


          Mi tim hol mi bak


            @xf That is actually not true. Since you do get matched based on your behaviour score - and the opposing players' behaviour score does not get considered.

              Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
              Prinz von Halbkanada

                Well DotA ist full of stupid kids, especially in 2k - 4k MMR. One of the main problems is that people get triggered very easy. U can't even do shit once they are triggered, just try so stay calm - mute them/ report them when they go afk and try ur luck next game.