General Discussion

General DiscussionVeno got buffed a lot

Veno got buffed a lot in General Discussion

    Veno's winrate jumped almost 3% points, to 53.68% after the last minipatch.
    And his buffs directly benefit his core build - more Agi (2.8 now) and more damage from passive.
    Before that he got +str/level to a 2.15 value + 14% passive slow talent (now max 28%)

    With these new stats he looks like a real carry now.


      he looks a real carry on 2-3-4k mmr but he isn't.

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          His winrate tells opposite. He is mostly played as a core during last 2 days and his winrate jumped to 54%. He has one of the strongest agi/str gains in game now and +75 damage talent as well


            well he can make the trick and go for right click build, but there are a lot of carries that destroy him
            hes indeed stronger than ever but for me he can do the haras and gank think a lot easier and be more deadly and dangerous in general.
            also winrates are a bit "meh" like 100.000 people play carry veno on 500-1000mmr then "wow winrates on dotabuff are increasing"
            he can do it but other picks do it better


              Veno is only good in mid game as a carry, in late game he will having trouble with hard carries who excel in late game scenarios

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Oh hohoho +75 dmg at level 20 and lvl 25 x3 Ward HP & dmg is gonna make him scale really good as carry
                And do understand that Veno is a support hero and rekts early game so it's all good in pubs
                You can jungle a lot in short amount of time, lane with strong harass. A safe first pick.

                Rekt early game so you have map control then enemy won't even have farm for late game.

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                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Veno is back! Time for my 60% win rate back!!

                  Riguma Borusu

                    who fucking cares dota is ruined techies is now a carry


                      Played him recently in lp, had a good game


                        One of the first heroes I played a lot back when I played support.


                          i feel like veno can provide alot to <3k games where theres a lack of support and warding, while still scaling and doing alot in teamfights, even more because bkbs tend to come up very late. once ppl are slowed and see the dot dmg coming in they just run away (slowly, so the die)
                          position 1-2 carry? no. offlaner? might work, he pushes pretty well. dont feed level 1 wards tho


                            God damn it,

                            stop buffing my favorite banana snake

                            Now all you scum will be spamming him for EZ mmrs...


                              veno is an extremely versatile hero, he can be played as a mid core, either right click or not, but also as a greedy lane support, jungle core or jungle support or maybe even a dual offlane?
                              no reason to box the hero in when he can do a lot in different positions


                                > position 1-2 carry? no
                                Why? Any special arguments? He can got 300+ damage per attack easily. And being Agi hero with Agi gain of 2.8 he also has ~0.5 sec/attack. When farmed he is on par or outdamage most usual pos 2 carries. So maybe he is too risky to play as a pos 1, but pos 2 is really open to him now.