General Discussion

General Discussion3600 hours in one year

3600 hours in one year in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    Lets say i played 3400 cause i logged in sometimes without playing.

    So thats 9.3k hours of dota per day...anyone else binge played like that?


      u have a problem



        Player 345068850

          That more than time spent sleeping dude


            Only 2300 hours in actual games, tho.


              ?????? just look at dotabuff and the number of matches u played*average match time


                ?????? just look at dotabuff and the number of matches u played*average match time


                  Only 2300 hours in actual games, tho.

                  Why would you go by average match time? What is the point of that? Isnt actual pick phase that lasts for like 7-8 minute part of the game? waiting for people to connect ? (before 7.00 patch)? games that have pauses (and 80%of them have it)? time that you queue? spectating the other games? its all requires being in the fucking game, i dont see have you can say its only the ingame time that matters when you count it that way.


                    Lets say someone has 1500 games and 1500 hours on steam and never stays afk on the menu. But on db, he has only 1000 hours in actual gameplay. Where did his 500 hours go? could he be doing something else? no. thats the whole point


                      show me ur picture wanna see how u look


                        @Coroner. You can't go by steam hours either, because many people remain afk in client, and queue times and whatnot. The more reliable number is the one you spend in games. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen other players AFK for a whole day or two (including myself).
                        I also was gracious with my time, giving him like 50 hours or so.


                          well according to dotabuff, I have spent 2800 hours playing. Meanwhile on steam I have 4000 hours and I can ensure you I never stay AFK in the menu. If I am not playing, I turn it off cause it slows down PC. So, how do you explain that?


                            Alt tabbed times. Obnoxious queue times. Spectated games, etc, etc etc.

                            Dire Wolf

                              That's still crazy. I probably played world of warcraft ~50 hours a week in college and the first couple years after when I was single. Dota now though no chance. Even if my entire family died in a plane crash and I was too depressed to hang with any friends and took a break from work living off life insurance money I doubt I would play dota more than 3-4 hours a day because of netflix, amazon prime, hbo and such. Back in ~2007 when I was racking up mad warcraft hours I didn't watch any tv shows. Now I watch 3-4 things at the same time, so I'm pretty sure that would cut into gaming time.


                                Well isnt that all considered essentially playing the game? its not that you can go away during queue and do something.


                                  ^waiting for a match isn't playing a game

                                  casual gamer

                                    games a time sink for sure


                                      @Corner, when I am waiting on queue (especially since I queue party ranked with 4k's), I am looking at my second monitor, reading news or watching shows - so no, that isn't really gaming. I've had 10 minute waiting queues, for a game that lasts 30 minutes; in that example, I only gamed for 30 minutes. Even in the drafting stage, after picking my hero, I am not even paying attention to DotA.
                                      Time spent watching games doesn't really count either. If I included all of my twitch hours, and in-game spectated hours, I'd have around 2500 hours of DotA as compared to my 1500 of actual gaming.
                                      (but consider that that 1000 hour difference would be me multi-tasking)

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      Player 153433446

                                        All that is besides the point (being anal about how much tou played)... im just sayin if you played that much in a short period of time before.
                                        Direwolf shared his experience on this matter...thank you


                                          I played for 4 years and I haven't even reached 3k hours yet.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Yeah I'm at like 2311 hours played and have been playing for 4.5 years. 3k in one year would be insane.