General Discussion

General DiscussionUrn, wand and drums (difficult question for supports)

Urn, wand and drums (difficult question for supports) in General Discussion

    1) When do I go urn as pos 5?
    2) Is it better to skip wand if I go urn or it's fine to get both of them?
    3) What is better to do first: get urn or upgrade boots to arcane?
    4) When do I go drums?

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      Riguma Borusu

        force staff

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          urn for roamer best
          wand for pos 5
          I set urn quickbuy and try to save gold for arcane
          u go drums when you're broke and you don't need any other support items to truly function and when you need the mana regen


            Urn is generally bought by pos 4 heroes like earth spirit, pos 4 and 5 would need a magic stick, not necessarily upgrading it to a wand, but the extra stats can help, only if you have a decent early phase, otherwise go for your other core item.


              ty all


                Buying magic wand move you instantly to 5k+ bracket


                  People still buy Drums? also I think drums is too expensive for a POS 5 and I would rather go Midas than Drums, Magic Wand is already enough then go Force Staff and Glimmer Cape.

                  Urn already explained its for Roamers, also people still buy Drums?

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Dafuq drums is cheap as fuck while midas price was raised
                    I go standard drums on Sky because the components are nice for death quickbuy
                    His int gain needs the regen too

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      I agree with Cheap Laugh Person.

                      Kind of.

                      Not really.

                      Who the hell buys drums? It's so... idk, I will have to build it when the time is right, which feels like never.


                        Build drums when your lineup is early to mid game oriented, drums would greatly help in pushing in the early to mid phase and no one else is going to build it, if your lineup is more on mid to late game oriented, dont bother building drums and go for force staff/glimmer instead.


                          Support building drums? I'd rather pos3 getting all these aura items

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            I only bought it for Silencer and Sky so far
                            They're like the backlines casting and shooting mana stuff support so they don't really need force or blink
                            I buy drums on other heroes if things get desperate and force staff is too hard to save up for, but that usually means GG

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              Never go drums as poss 5 , wand is a must on every support, in the early and mid game fights the best way to survive is a full charged wand. Urn is good as roaming suport as "cheap laugh" said. If you're a roamer get arcana over urn, because you will need the extra mana.