General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do i always get this

why do i always get this in General Discussion

    no matter when i reach 5k or near it i always get this -100 mmr lose streak fml


      4k curse


        there's no realistic difference between 4.9 and 5.0

        your own mentality is what doesn't allow you to go to 5k


          change role ? sometimes role change can remove u being so triggered.?
          being much more lax putting less pressure more focus on the game enabling your full potential.
          for example picking tanky offlane after spamming squishies sub concsiously makes you play better positioning but anyway I only 4.3k at my peak so i dunno maybe thi


            maybe you have a tendency to play worse after maybe one or two losses. so maybe the trick is to take a long breakafter one loss. you will be less likely to have a streak in that case


              4k curse is real

              Riguma Borusu

                once you realize who the best girl is maybe you will have the chance

                casual gamer

                  yeah op the struggle is real


                    it starts again guys

                    i just got a bb who cried and sold his starting items bought iron talon and afk farmed whole game xD


                      But u did it. Hope you drop to 4K now with unlucky team


                        lmao pliz dunt curze me




                            perhaps your real mmr is 4.8 k with that 200 mmr variance so ever so often you will get a taste of 5k at the highest end of your range. Then to drop 400 mmr to the lower end of your MMR variance.


                              WHY DO I ALWAYS GET THIS


                                GREAT NEWS BOYS THE CURSE TURNED 180 #FEELSGREATMAN


                                  no matter when i reach 2.6k or near it i always get this -100 mmr lose streak fml

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    Expose your mmr for that juicy blue star come on


                                      play io more


                                        Juggernaut op hero confirmed


                                          just normal skill pleb here so I really can't say anything mechanics/strategy/game sense wise.

                                          but it's a mental thing. you see it in every bracket. you know you're so close to a magical MMR number so your mind starts tilting and questioning good picks/strats. you're at 4990 so you pick your best hero even if it's not a good pick. you have a bad laning phase because of that then you obsess about not reaching 5k for the rest of the game instead of just focusing on salvaging it. it's just human nature. just gotta learn to not care so much about milestones.

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            but it's a mental thing. you see it in every bracket. you know you're so close to a magical MMR number so your mind starts tilting and questioning good picks/strats. you're at 4990 so you pick your best hero even if it's not a good pick. you have a bad laning phase because of that then you obsess about not reaching 5k for the rest of the game instead of just focusing on salvaging it. it's just human nature. just gotta learn to not care so much about milestones.


                                              It may be a curse but...

                                              It's a mental thing. you see it in every bracket. you know you're so close to a magical MMR number so your mind starts tilting and questioning good picks/strats. you're at 4990 so you pick your best hero even if it's not a good pick. you have a bad laning phase because of that then you obsess about not reaching 5k for the rest of the game instead of just focusing on salvaging it. it's just human nature. just gotta learn to not care so much about milestones.


                                                it may be because my teammates are dogshit but . . .

                                                It's a mental thing. you see it in every bracket. you know you're so close to a magical MMR number so your mind starts tilting and questioning good picks/strats. you're at 4990 so you pick your best hero even if it's not a good pick. you have a bad laning phase because of that then you obsess about not reaching 5k for the rest of the game instead of just focusing on salvaging it. it's just human nature. just gotta learn to not care so much about milestones.

                                                all role player

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    it's a mental thing. you see it in every bracket. you know you're so close to a magical MMR number so your mind starts tilting and questioning good picks/strats. you're at 4990 so you pick your best hero even if it's not a good pick. you have a bad laning phase because of that then you obsess about not reaching 5k for the rest of the game instead of just focusing on salvaging it. it's just human nature. just gotta learn to not care so much about milestones.