General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone have his life in order?

Anyone have his life in order? in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    I get control of my life (exersice, study) etc...basically do good things on a daily basis that make me proud of myself by the end the day and add value to me.

    But it seems i can't stay on a healthy routine for more than a month, after that good month I stop doing good things and start wasting my time, eating junk food( comfort food) masturbating, just indulging in my senses like an animal. then feel depressed and sick of my self... get motivated to start a good routine then a month later.... same story.
    Rinsing and repeating for a long fucking time.

    Anyone going through this or have an advice?

    TheDoctor (HTPG)

      tbh i'm kinda buzy person with commitmen to Dota to bodybuilding and being a doctor
      my advice
      maybe to relax a bit
      what that mean is that you don't need to necassarily to do good things everyday
      maybe alternate it and enjoy a bit
      nobody said enjoying life eg : eating junk food once a while, mastubarting and etc
      are illegal
      its just the way people look at it
      for me
      i can indulge in those thing a bit
      but more maybe towards the good thing


        The easiest way to organise your life is not having one


          just remember that everything is good in average measure.


            U dont need to be goody two shoes in order to have a satisfying life
            In fact if i didnt fap my life wud be very unsatisfying




                masturbation is a sign that you are in the right path.

                old man

                  my life is a total mess but i got to do what i want to do. i mean its not that i had a perfect life, but it perfectly perfect. nobody ever made any rules or guidelines on this, so just live happily cus yolo.


                    My life is in the shitter, but I seem to getting things back together.

                    But my Brother kidnannaped me and haved my head and destroyed my beard. Now I look like a child molester.

                    Pale Mannie

                      my studying is slowly drifting off cause i hate programming. all i wanted is to study electricity and not fucking automation/programming stuff. ok i only fuck up in programming and german (in germany cuz it's boring af lmao) maybe i pass through into the 3rd year.

                      Wish I could ping my cold...

                        I can't even get good at Dota after playing ~1400 matches...
                        Same for League (even more matches)


                          im doing sports im working for the govt i travel a lot i save money, so i guess i do

                          but my mmr is lacking :(

                          question should be:
                          does anyone above 6k have his life in order?


                            Don't build your life on your motivation, but on discipline. Motivation is a feeling and feelings come and go quickly. That's why you start doing good stuff, then after a while you stop doing it. Stop acting how you feel.
                            It's easier to maintain good habits if you start slowly, but do them continuously. When you are improving your life everyday you will also start stop giving fuck about mmr and such things, as you will see that you need to improve your finances, your career, your social skills, your relationships. Iimproving your dota skills gonna be too far behind on the list to care about.


                              find a sport you love and try to get great at it by practicing. Participate in social events and find a group of friends who will miss you if you don't hang out with them.


                                find a sport you love and try to get great at it by practicing. Participate in social events and find a group of friends who will miss you if you don't hang out with them.

                                I like these type of advices. So innocent yet so pointless.


                                  What can I say I'm an innocent person ^_^


                                    dont think anyone here has his life in order. except sem


                                      And start thinking in long term. Do stuff so when you look back x month/years later, you can say that you become better and didn't waste your time. What I realized is that just working a little harder than the average everyday, a year later you easily become much better than your environment. Don't forget to move forward when there is no one left to learn from.

                                      Catsys Rivers

                                        Indulging is the cornerstone to self disgust. Discipline is everything. Anything else is a shallow illusion that puts off the inevitable failure of your mind and flesh. Stop doing it on your own, for yourself, or nothing will ever change. It will just SEEM like it has. I should know; I am the shove hand down throat to throw up after over eating out of revulsion type. The worst part isn't feeling bad, it's knowing I will do it over and over for the rest of my life, if I do not enforce the change.

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          What Martha Bot said, but it could take YEARS.

                                          I remember in 2012 saying "I need to save money, and not eat out all the time". it's 2017 and I am barely doing just that. Just... barely. I still eat out, but instead of getting a combo (like always) I get just a burger and have water I bring with me.

                                          Water fills you up nicely, and it's fucking tasty anyway. Burger, fried, and drink is super heavy.
                                          It's good to eat heavy (like a Carl's Jr combo, actually not healthy, nor unhealthy) if you walk a lot, excersize, or work has you moving.

                                          As for dining-out, I never get alcohol unless I am out with friends AND it is a special occassion. It's just retarded to buy booze at a resturant when you can go to a boozeshop or grocery store and buy your own booze for a fair price.

                                          I love cocktails. Cocktails are like 10 bucks for a 12oz glass when I can go to Vons and spend like 20 - 50 bucks on items I want to make cocktails with that will last me forever since I barely drink to begin with since I am a huge stoner.

                                          But enough of my typing. I hope this gives you an idea on the difference of dicipline and motivation.

                                          Oh, and I remember one thing I actually accomplished. In 2012, I was highly addicted to chips. I would buy 2 bags of Lays Chips, or Doritios and they would last no more than 2 days. I got the big bags too. I stopped getting chips around late2015-early2016. Especially due to the price when Cheese-it's are cheaper, better, more filling, and tastier than chips.

                                          But once in a while, you bet your ass I get my Salt & Vinigar chips. c;

                                          gl, op!

                                          tl;dr find the difference in dicipline and motivation, and do what makes you happy in balance. gl hf!


                                            The easiest way to organise your life is not having one.

                                            The only thing I can relate to.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              Nobody has their life in order.
                                              Nobody is perfect, etc.
                                              Usually I go with my girl to the gym or some friends, but if you're going by yourself it hard to keep at it.
                                              As for eating healthy, depends what you stock up on in your house. What's kept me from watching junk food was the amount of money that you waste on it


                                                My life is broken and I'm trying to gather the pieces but to no avail. I hate my life, I hate university, I hate conversations with people, I hate those who I live with. Right now I'm having a meal with a roommate for 20 minutes and we didn't share 1 word, literally.


                                                  The only thing that stopped me from committing a suicide a year ago is the fear of being thrown into hell.

                                                  Player 153433446

                                                    ^^ thats normal...people are wierd, i have a roommate problem aswell.
                                                    Thanks for the help everyone...much appreciated


                                                      And maybe also the fact that my parents would have been heartbroken

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        I've been told many times that I don't have a life and should get one.

                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          I'm taking some one hour art class 2 days out of the week at a local community college.

                                                          Gonna start working part time for Menchies in a few weeks. (Think Ice cream/yogurt hang out place for teens and young adults?)

                                                          Talking to some girl.

                                                          And just doing my usual at home hobbies like gaming, guitar, drawing, and working out.

                                                          Oh, and I lost 700 MMR and my life is in shambles.

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                            Despite the various advices anyone can give you or the classic motivational sentences, all I can tell you is:

                                                            It must all come from you. You are in charge and you are the only one who knows how much you want something.
                                                            Is it hard to change? YES, absolutely, still, it is the only way.

                                                            Should you realize that that is the most important thing you want (to get your life in order and eat better, etc.), you'll keep on the right path no matter what.

                                                            After a couple of months it becomes routine, and you may not even notice the difficulty to stay on it, especially once you see bigger results.

                                                            just my 2 cents :)

                                                            Hatsune Miku

                                                              Only you know what is good for yourself, no one else can tell you what to do

                                                              so i collect anime figures hahahah

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                listen to the old man yoshi he knows best



                                                                  @Blurrybob And what are you doing about it?


                                                                    I Drink like 5+ Monster energy per Day and play like 5h+ dota per Day.


                                                                      The key to a happy life is just stopping pursuing happiness with values that you don't feel are valuable for you.
                                                                      You should just don't give a damn fuck and do whatever makes you happy not what you hear it should make you happy or accepted in the society.
                                                                      Are you sure that you don't like your life or you just don't like the idea of your life because it is different from what you think an ideal life is?

                                                                      Can't Buy Culture

                                                                        find something that makes you happy. doesn't matter if its working out, walking, community work, whatever. something that gets you motivated, and something you know you won't get tired of after a month .

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          jesus dude dont drink 5 monster a day u will die


                                                                            If you are American and depressed you just need to travel. Your culture is very susceptible to making you feel lik ass

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              it helps for sure if u like ur work/school and also have hobby+friends (music, reading, exercise, hiking, sports etc)


                                                                                Was horrendously fucked up with no future
                                                                                Now its just slightly fucked up with abit of hope
                                                                                So yes, it's going pretty well

                                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                                  was emotionallity kinda unstable and super social awkward

                                                                                  Now its slightly better , even thou still learning

                                                                                  everything will get better if you want to tbh


                                                                                    So here is my advice:
                                                                                    Commit to yourself, i will get healthy food i need to do positive things . Eventually you will feel good about yourself and start to commit more good things in your life


                                                                                      Dont know my life is pretty fucked up i hate myself and struggle everyday not to kill myself but i guess it has to get better some day so just try to make a plan what you gonna do every day.

                                                                                      GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                                        Wake up at 4:45 5-6 days/wk to hit the gym. Catch up on news or podcasts while there so i know something about the world.

                                                                                        I have a college degree and an advanced project management certification. I work in the telecom industry as a PM managing $10m+ projects

                                                                                        Getting married in a couple months.

                                                                                        Still manage a game or two of dota a day in downtime. It helps me get away from the world for 45 mins. No surprise i prefer heros that can end the game in<30m. Lol


                                                                                          To the people in this thread who have struggled with feeling suicidal, please try to get help if you can. Look up some resources in your country if you need to. Also, a tip for getting through a period of depression is to do something small every day that makes you feel accomplished, like making your bed or brushing your teeth, making a good meal, go for a walk etc. you don't have to live up to any grandiose ambitions to feel like you did something. And there's no need to feel bad about yourself for having a lazy day or days, having a break from the world is nice sometimes. <3


                                                                                            i wish i was dead


                                                                                              please try to get help if you can.

                                                                                              they can but they don't want to
                                                                                              it's a cursed circle

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                Also, a tip for getting through a period of depression is to do something small every day that makes you feel accomplished, like making your bed or brushing your teeth, making a good meal, go for a walk etc



                                                                                                  Well i have help but my life is still shit i guess and i still hate myself guess its my own fault


                                                                                                    Maybe some of its your fault, I'm sure a lot of it's not. It doesn't matter. You are young and have years and years ahead to improve things for yourself. Stay strong my friend

                                                                                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                                      Dude we all live for happiness. If these things stresses u just abandon and get away.

                                                                                                      >Easy Money.

                                                                                                        We all die someday my friend. Although I'm pretty healthy myself and do things that "add value to me," (10 pull ups at 32 years of age, real talk mah nigga ; ) as you like to put it--in the end, it doesn't matter too much, and I'm not overly attached to the things I do.

                                                                                                        I think that's the true healthy approach--not being overly attached to what you find yourself attached to (dota, women, staying healthy, eating 100% healthy all the time, masturbating with your off-hand, etc.), b/c any attachment can easily become an addiction or an unhelpful self-identity.

                                                                                                        So a carefree attitude helps. Realize too this life is yours and no one else's and you may do whatever the fuck you'd like to with your time, and be whomever you'd like to be : ). Like yesterday when I finished that whole bag of perfectly mixed dark chocolate, sea salt and almonds--all by myself. Pride.

                                                                                                        Lastly, it appears you're being harsh on yourself thru inward judgment. Let that shit go. Who gives a fuck, man? Life isn't easy; it ain't hard either. It just is. Things just ARE. Judgments are mental creations existing independent of wtf is actually going on in the real world. (i.e., perhaps stop attaching useless judgments to things that otherwise don't need to be judged). Make sense?

                                                                                                        What is the ontological status of judgement? Nothing. Judgment is often the useless interplay of chemicals bouncing between neurons. These chemicals have no way of accurately interpreting reality but they love to confuse the fuck out of you and influence the way you interpret the world.

                                                                                                        Start enjoying the process of things rather than the outcome. And do a reality check every now and then when you start judging yourself. (i.e., remind yourself about all the great things you have going for you; like the the little shit, you know? Being able to stand and take a piss. Or having the ability to sit and piss on the days when you're feeling overly feminine. Having access to clean water. Etc.)

                                                                                                        Oh, and don't forget to start Meepoing.