General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I decide to practice laning LC a bit im unranked

So I decide to practice laning LC a bit im unranked in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Jungle is beyond terrible at lvl 1 right now, so I mark safelane because mid and offlane were taken, pick my hero, come to lane with 2 parts of PMS, complete the PMS, just to realize Kunkka is last hitting. I say um dude what and he is like "go jungle lul".

    Well, shit.

    I honestly believe people who presume that I will jungle after marking a lane deserve to lose every single game. This already happened to me twice today, where a "support mirana" (after I bought a courier because I am not only JUNGLE LC but also SUPPORTT LC) started farming my lane because I haz lifesteelz lul therefore I have to go jungle.


      49 deaths is a little too much for a bad laning stage



        Banskiie II

          The most important question would be "Did you have fun?" Then everyone is a winner.

          darwin nunez

            Why would LC jungle if he is a good offlaner? When i meet lc in my pubs every single one of them just pick lc and go jungle. The most retarded game i have experienced is 2 jungler, like wtf DOTA?

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            Riguma Borusu

              The point is - Kunkka wants me to go jungle with poor mans shield and regen at lvl 1, at which point it means it will take forever for me to even get lvl 6, let alone boots and blink.

              He sees this as something that is logical, but he is a fucking retard who just wanted to play core Kunkka so he wanted to fuck our laning completely by forcing me to jungle.

              If I had decided to jungle from the start, then I would be the one accountable, since this retard decided that Kunkka needs more farm than legion (just so he can rush aether lens), he fucking got what he deserved.

              Also, why the fuck would Kunkka farm the safelane when he can roam and get a ton of kills because the enemy is 3k? Because he is also 3k or lower.

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                why would you pick lc for any other lane than offlane?

                Riguma Borusu

                  LC safelane is actually fine. You do not depend on supports to babysit you, most melees (baring timber, ursa and monkey king) can't really trade with you, you are fast and have a movement speed spell to chase even after ranged heroes, etc, and early blink boots or whatever you are building can really up the momentum both for you and your team. Getting safe farm for your blink and transitioning into a hard carry is much easier from safelane than from offlane.

                  One more reason why you won't get to play safelane as LC is that someone will pick Slark and demand that he wants to lose the safelane because the hero is really weak at laning and then he will get his shadowblade 30 minutes into the game and blame the team.

                  If ursa and lifestealer are proper safelaners, then LC is as well, I just never understood why it's considered okay to put ursa and ls safelane but not LC.

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                    Why would one jungle with lc? so if the enemy team has 2 supports and they ganked any lane, and your team has 4 cores and 1 supp, you would lose the early game


                      Dude, I offlaned as a Magnus and a Kunkka with a quelling blade and two gauntlets came in and became the core of the lane. I retreated to the jungle at level 2 and got a super late blink. I tried using smokes and skewer to get RPs but almost always resulted in an unfavourable trade because their team picked me and my carry off because I couldn't save the skewer to escape. Maybe we could have won if the Kunkka fought with us at all, but he wanted to split push with shadow blade and farm Attacker's build before doing 'amazing things'.

                      The point is, I realise I fucked up by not staying in lane. Even if he is farming, try your best to get atleast a few last hits. I say shared xp is even better than solo jungle xp considering the camps may give less, but they aren't any weaker, which most people tend to forget. If you died 49 times because you didn't get your lane, you clearly griefed. And I get it, I've been there. But that doesn't mean you can't still tryhard and get pickoffs with the other players on the map. I know it sucks and its not ideal, but in an older, similar game as Magnus, I salvaged a game with 3/4 man RPs after losing two lanes of racks. Comeback is real.




                          Well, shit.


                            What about not picking LC because it activates people's inner autism


                              Well it's just how pub games goes
                              Especially trench pubs


                                This thread is actually about why RPQ-SAMA fed for a game, because one guy upset him online, so he wasted an additional 3 players time on his team.
                                No matter what triggered him he is evidently wrong to act like such a child and do this. These people are 100x worse than any jungler pick.
                                LC can also be jungled, much the same as any other jungler, it does leave the team open to rotations if they are running a dual support, but LC should also be carrying a TP to assist in rotations.
                                If he is just an autist the and doesn't actually assist anyone early this is more a reflection on the player rather than the hero...


                                  OP, youre feeding on purpose, destroying items and yet you complain about your team? Players like you should have be banned from dota

                                  old man

                                    meh so stupid. even lower bracket players dont have any problem jungling lc with just a qb and tango and still be getting level 6 early. and you fed like that, while blaming your salty kunkka for shooing you to the jungle, stupid much actually. feeders are the most cancerous fucks because the lose the game purposely when you can always have a chance if youre trying to win it.


                                      Every game I've picked a safelane carry, I pray to God the enemy picks LC and goes jungle so i can free farm. even when I'm playing AM

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                                        enemy picks jungler "gg free win"

                                        ally picks jungler "gg enjoy free win"

                                        both teams pick junglers "autism level too high, abandon game"

                                        all role player

                                          ok u pick safelane lc for what???. if u want to carry pick carry that everyone familiar about lul.
                                          lc is bad idea for carry so that why ur kunkka doesnt approve u as carry and become carry himself.
                                          and your kda is bad for carry lmao

                                          all role player

                                            if i was that riki in that game i report u until u got perma ban or lp lol

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              You're such a child. Are you 12?

                                              Waaa I did not get what I wanted so I feed. Just adapt and play the game.

                                              "If ursa and lifestealer are proper safelaners, then LC is as well, I just never understood why it's considered okay to put ursa and ls safelane but not LC."

                                              You can play it as safelane, but there are a lot of better safelaners out there that scale way better with items.

                                              GRANT MACDONALD

                                                Burn in hell for rage feeding


                                                  Glad we got this topic on track and all appreciate that he is indeed a little kid that rage feeded.
                                                  And then tried to justify it... hahaha wow....


                                                    0-49 is some impressive shit :thinking: I haven't manage to break past 35 every time I tried to be my opponent's chef.


                                                      nice feed. good game. lol


                                                        wow 0-49. even a try hard feeder will have a hard time surpassing that. wp sir!

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Apparently a lot of people in this thread have problems with reading compreshenssion. I didn't feed because I didn't get what I want, but to prove a point to Kunkka that forcing your safelaner to go jungle for no fucking reason is a recipe for disaster.

                                                          And no, jungling is no longer okay at any rate, you get level 6 at 8 minutes in if you started with an iron talon, if you start with a poor man's shield you can bet your ass you aren't having your level 6 before minute 10 at which point everyone had outleveled you and you are still farming your blink because neutrals give 20% less gold.

                                                          I have been forced to jungle 2342342x and this is the first time I decided I won't put up with this shit anymore, and the replies are like "omfg r u 12 keke lul im meme" and similar shit. I am 24, get over your shit. I have picked Sven previously only to have a guy last pick morphling so I would go jungle sven at level 1. But no, I am not gonna do that shit, every time someone takes my lane after I had long picked my hero, I will go feed and lose the game.

                                                          Just because a hero CAN farm the jungle it doesn't mean it should. And forcing people to jungle is retarded and you deserve to lose every game you steal a lane.

                                                          This is not a mid or feed scenario where I mark mid, don't get it and then go feed, this is a scenario where I:
                                                          1) Mark safelane
                                                          2) Say I am farming safelane
                                                          3) Pick items for trading with the offlaner(s)
                                                          4) Come to the lane to farm it
                                                          5) Then a random kunkka shows up and starts farming the lane, tells me to fuck off to jungle

                                                          That idiot didn't say one word during the picking stage, as well as not marking his hero on the minimap, if he had said from the picking stage that he's safelane kunkka (which is way more meme than safelane LC), I could have prepared for jungle at least, but not this shit, you don't mark the lane, you don't say anything, you just come into the lane and start farming it like a boss. Great fucking shit.

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                            Feeding doesn't prove anything. He thought you were an idiot and now he thinks you're an asshole too. Try communicating with your team during the pick phase, that way if someone steals your lane at least your team will take your side (usually). And if you're forced to play a different lane than you're used to, use it as an opportunity to practice cuz you're already stuck in the game so you might as well try and improve. Don't be a jerk and ruin the game for the 8 other people playing.

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              whats the point of the thread if u wanna feed u feed and u ruin the game no matter the reason

                                                              if u need some validation for ur actyions or ppl telling u how right u were to go feed ure a fucking moron


                                                                You deal with a stupid kunkka, it's bad luck but it wont make you right to feed and ruin the game of you 3 other teammates.

                                                                People feeding intentionally are the worst kind of people. Period.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  Never ever feed please, every game can be won


                                                                    We read your ramblings RPQ-Sama but its all just shit dialogue.
                                                                    You may be 24 but you acted half your age when your fed 49 kills.
                                                                    There is not validation for this, its pathetic and everyone here is calling you out on it.
                                                                    One person in that game upset you, yet to proof your point to him you fucked over three others?
                                                                    There is no logic to this, if you were so upset just leave the game rather than wasting everyone elses time.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      There is no logic to this, if you were so upset just leave the game rather than wasting everyone elses time.

                                                                      Would have done, but I got abandons after a combination of power surge + later my pc crashing mid game and then steam updating. At this point an abandon would net a LPQ, which I sure as hell don't want, just like I didn't want to play this game either, since it's a waste of time.

                                                                      And no, the worst kind of people are people who steal lanes and fuck up the draft for no reason, I know a lot of 5k+ guys who just go and fucking feed when shit like this happens, and there's no point in trying so hard to win an unranked game where you wanted to practice something. Those guys didn't even lose MMR, just brain cells.

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        so why did u crate a thread explaining urself if u were so right and holy u fuckIng retard?


                                                                          This is the reason I gave up on playing alone altogether. Everything in this thread actually.

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            so why did u crate a thread explaining urself if u were so right and holy u fuckIng retard?

                                                                            It's obviously a rant at the whole "lul ur hero can jungle so you totally should cuz I wanna lane this hero who is better as a roamer anyway" idea that's just retarded.

                                                                            It is also about people demanding you to conform to their wishes after they have made absolutely no effort to establish their role in the game. It is just pure disrespect, and this is basically the first time I have ever done something like this after people have done this to me for the 234234234th time and I have almost 3000 matches of DOTA.

                                                                            I never took a lane from anyone, unless I started off as a jungler and our safelaner decided to roam or jungle at lvl 2 because he's laning against a strong dual or trilane. And even then I was not taking it, I was more so granting the jungle to someone who can't lane the safelane while I can.

                                                                            I mean, if you can't understand the idea behind this thread, then I do not have too much faith in your mental facilities.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              It's obviously a rant at the whole "lul ur hero can jungle so you totally should cuz I wanna lane this hero who is better as a roamer anyway" idea that's just retarded.

                                                                              just cuz kunkka is retarded doesn't give u the right to be even more retarded
                                                                              ur using someone elses incompetence to justify why u act like a fucking whiny bitch
                                                                              shut the fuck up and play dota 2.
                                                                              this thread is beyond braindead.

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                sick burn bro but ure the one who got mad in a game, fed and created a rant thread where every1 proceeded to tell u how much of a moron u are, so whos the joke on here?


                                                                                  It is just pure disrespect

                                                                                  R U SERIOUSLY FLAMING KUNKKA FOR DISRESPECT AFTER U FED ON PURPOSE?
                                                                                  ARE U RLLY THIS FAR GONE?

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    It's simple cause and effect, if he had decided to cooperate it would not have led to me doing that. He didn't. It's that simple. If you won't cooperate, then I wont cooperate. It isn't about moral high grounds - it's about getting what you do to others.

                                                                                    And yes, me outdoing his assholery is also on purpose - SF said he'll report me which I said was perfectly fine because according to the rules of this game my offense is reportable while his isn't, but I didn't lose the game - he did.

                                                                                    If you happen to be a huge asshole to me, I can deal with it two ways - deal with it if I care enough, or be an imaginably big asshole in return. In this case, I didn't care enough, so I was more of an asshole than he was. In 200 other cases, I just sucked it up and decided to win the game despite having a 60 IQ teammate. Not this time, and probably not ever again.

                                                                                    You take my lane, I take your game, have fun. I shot in retaliation, so while I should still be held accountable for murder, it was in self-defense, my dear judge.

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                      that's the mentality of a complete and utter fucking autistic braindead retard.
                                                                                      u rlly shudnt play dota or interact with humans.

                                                                                      its like me beating up an autistic kid and his carer cuz the kid spilled something on me.
                                                                                      just cuz someone is retarded doesn't mean u shud punish ur whole team and take it over the line, that's the sign of an immature dipshit who can't control their basic human emotions.
                                                                                      it's not even like he did a reportable offense, its not like the autistic kid killed your dog, and even then beating the kid up is still not correct, what wud be correct is reporting it to the authorities, in this case, just giving him a report for a reportable offense.
                                                                                      your view on basic justice is clearly fucking childish I'm done here.
                                                                                      good luck in the 3rd grade u grade A for asshole dumbass.

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                                                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                                                        weebs feeding. nothing new for me


                                                                                          Its good. Sometimes your team dont worth your effort
                                                                                          Just like my last game tho

                                                                                          The difference is my team triggering me on purpose

                                                                                          meteor hammer

                                                                                            fun fact: people who play 5-8 hours of dota a day may or may not be emotionally stable


                                                                                              This is some good shit, keep it going.

                                                                                              3k trash trying to judge who's right or not and trying to actually start a RANT about something. XD XD XD

                                                                                              Get a fucking life. No one gives A SHIT. You're bad and you suck. Get over it. Stop crying like a fucking retard.

                                                                                              Oh, and, btw, before I trigger someone ever harder:

                                                                                              I know I'm bad and I know I'm 3k. So stfu. :D

                                                                                              That doesn't mean I'm brain damaged or that I don't have right to say this guy who made this topic is boarderline retarded.

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                And people blame report system for getting into lp. Lul



                                                                                                  Report system is fine, people are just mentally retarded.

                                                                                                  I've never been in LP for no reason.

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                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    Lol Shred if anyone is in no position to criticize others that's you, rofl.


                                                                                                      You're writing like we're in school or in military. Let me clear somethings for you;

                                                                                                      This is forum, everyone is allowed to critisize. Especially if you write some dumb shit like you did.

                                                                                                      I've been in LP countless times and as I said, I don't say I'm better, but at least I'm aware of it. And sometimes it's all that matters. Being aware.

                                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                        Of course, that's what I always say, but you criticized me while saying...

                                                                                                        3k trash trying to judge who's right or not and trying to actually start a RANT about something. XD XD XD

                                                                                                        The thing is, you said this like it applies only to me when it applies to most 3ks, including you. Isn't it at least slightly ironic to you?

                                                                                                        Oh and I am fully aware that I suck, and hell I think everyone bellow mid 5ks sucks, that's not the point. The point is that I punish lack of respect with a complete lack of respect in general when I do not care to win enough. So basically, people who steal lanes, people who jungle invoker because they lack brain cells, people who pick lane support pudge just to sit there and sap exp - none of them deserves to win the game, and even though every one of those games is winnable, why put an effort when someone is so not putting an effort to do it?

                                                                                                        I am more inspired by negativity to do negative things than I am inspired by positivity to do positive things. Even if my three teammates are doing everything else to win the game, if one guy is a fucking r3t4rd, so will I be. Let's join the retard train, there's no such thing as a free bread. There should be no such thing as a win when you are griefing. And I consider all of the things I mentioned griefing.

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