General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does no-one play Ogre Magi solo off lane?

Why does no-one play Ogre Magi solo off lane? in General Discussion
basement :)

    Massive base health pool. 8 base armour. Skill Bloodlust level 1 for escape. Ignite can slow to aid escape.

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      The point abou offlane is not just surviving

      basement :)

        He scales well into mid-game though and decently into late.


          I used to play ogre solo offlane when i started playing dota


            u srs? just no

            Player 345068850

              Did u get this idea from watching miracles game of ogre?
              There are alot of offlaners that can do better.


                Rofl! what can an ogre do later in the game :thinking:


                  Offlane is more or less, Utility/AOE team fight lane/ initation lane.
                  You put a hero to fill whatever gap you need there.
                  Eg. Darkseer - Covers every option, Clockwork - Covers 2 options, Bristleback - Covers 2 options.

                  ogre? Well, He does nothing. His utility is cute, nice buff la. It's also a buff that only requires ogre to be lvl 7 and its all downhill from there

                  basement :)

                    Did u get this idea from watching miracles game of ogre?
                    There are alot of offlaners that can do better.


                    Offlane is more or less, Utility/AOE team fight lane/ initation lane.
                    You put a hero to fill whatever gap you need there.
                    Eg. Darkseer - Covers every option, Clockwork - Covers 2 options, Bristleback - Covers 2 options.
                    ogre? Well, He does nothing. His utility is cute, nice buff la. It's also a buff that only requires ogre to be lvl 7 and its all downhill from there

                    Night Stalker is top tier currently and does not have that. I just tried it, and he does not scale off that much.

                    Potato Marshal

                      Ogre is one of the worst scaling heroes late game. I guess if you can rush an early soul ring, you can spam ignite on the enemy and make it harder for them to farm.

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        I like Ogre with oov and roam


                          uuhm yeah but nightstalker isnt played offlane, as a roaming pos 4....


                            nightstalker is pos 4? covers 'utility' he has vision and a silence...

                            in what world do you send a nightstalker offlane against a competent tri lane

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              no utility, low ms, no escape, shitty turnrate


                                no because it would waste ogre's early game potential honestly unless it's some kind of meta dual offlane such as slardar darkseer
                                . Imagine wasting the powerspike of ogre at level one by sitting in the offlane because he is being zoned out


                                  Wew ogre offlane? He cant do what real offlaners can do

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Ogre magi is probably one of the worst scaling heroes in the game, why would you give a core role to someone who can accomplish just as much while not even being in lanes? Seriously, this hero is dangerous as fuck with just one or two levels, why the hell would you prioritize his levels over a decent offlaner?


                                      So you're gonna get Aghs I assume. And I imagine that's the only marginal contribution of being in the offlane instead of a support


                                        Why would you go ogre over centaur/axe/sandking....?they provide every thing ogre provides and more... they are dominant laners so its not just about surviving now its about outplaying and getting kills with these guys....ogre is a great trilane support/roamer but a terribble lane support and certainly not a core.... ogre can still be pretty fucking annoying with another offlaner