General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about slark

Question about slark in General Discussion
Mario Lemina

    Is slark still is as strong as before this? Dont get me wrong, i'm just a normal skilll scrub who used to play slark a lot before this. Whenever I pick slark nowadays, the enemy team just 5 mans into your face. It feels like he is so weak against a team full of disables and early aggression heroes like pudge, slardar, ember. His pub win rate (47%) seems very underwhelming too. My opinion is based completely on my game knowledge and experience. I might be completely wrong tho. Is he still good?


      in normal skill slark is a monster

      Mario Lemina

        @lucenzo how to play slark when the enemy team 5 mans 15 mins into the game?? this happens frequently in normal skill games.

        Fee Too Pee

          Slark is weak as fuck , i have morr losses with slark and winning against slark


            you need to split push if they 5 man and hope your team defends
            but yea slark is weaker if opponents have some brain, my winrate has dropped with him alot

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              One of the worst carries right now


                in normal skill slark is a monster

                it is time to dispell this myth that slark owns because no one knows how to deal with slark in low mmr. just because a hero snowballs and seems so difficult to deal with when he is ahead, does not make it a strong hero. Human assessment is always inaccurate, bias, clouded with emotion and selective memory.

                <2k 15.88% 45.35%
                2-3k 16.07% 45.29%
                3-4k 16.25% 45.96%
                4-5k 16.88% 45.74%
                >5k 16.11% 46.14%

                slark seems marginally better the higher up you go. but i would say the difference is insignificant. OP might be onto something here


                  i for one took a long time trying to learn slark because as easy as it is to just find kills and snowball, it really isnt easy to just purge every disable. one mistake and ur ded. and he needs to get alot of stacks.

                  Erdal Kömürcü

                    he is not good in this patch


                      In normal skill bracket, slark doesnt need a bkb cause people cant time their stuns properly to slark's first skill, i have observed this from my <3k mmr friends


                        So it still depends on the skill bracket wether he is good or not


                          slark wasnt good even two nerfs ago


                            slark is trash dont pick him


                              in normal skill just pick chaos knight and its gg


                                slark is quite weak atm you'll need a babysiter at the first 5-6 mn till u get ulty other wise 1 stun / hex and you're dead.
                                also you can no longer carry your team to victory if they simply brain dead and cant take advantage at the early stages of your snowballing.
                                ^ yea been trying chaos knight lately he completly wreak the shit out of everyone on normal skills +1

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                                Fee Too Pee

                                  cannot lane by himself , powerspike by shadowblade not that much tbh. easily escapeable by carries or just man up. squishy . one wrong dark pact u ded , pounce no longer disjoint .


                                    slark can lane by himself against a solo offlaner, lets say a mirana, dark seer, slardar, or a magnus but not against bb, viper or any other super annoying heroes


                                      Sometimes you need to pick him at the right place


                                        As soon as there was a stun bar above people's heads when stunned, that was the end of slark. Teams can now basically permastun you and slark is squishy without his abilities. The meta is a lot of disablers as well which doesn't help his cause.


                                          Essence shift @ level 1


                                            Slark is actually soooo bad at all brackets now... everyone knows how to deal with him because of how many tines they got stomped by him

                                            Road to Immortal - {Retired}

                                              I consider myself quite experienced with Slark with over 500 games across 3 years and I would say slark is now a mid and late game hero (depending on farm as well) this is where his power spike is, what you should do is after laning phase buy an Iron Talon, make sure your build accommodates whether your lane will be hard or difficult before hand; this can be seen in the first couple of mins then start to build on an iron talon for farming jungle after laning phase, i recommend possibly a Hand of midas if your team is controlling the game (greedy build) or just go along with the usual items. Hope this helps.


                                                @abysswatcher. ..... how do u solo lane as slark against ds or magnus?....I mean any ds or magnus will consistently shove the lane under your tower until u r out of regen and then dive u when they have a large creep wave



                                                    You guys really don't need a 2k pleb such as myself telling you "it depends on the draft", right?


                                                      we needed you muki, thanks

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I think his win rate is skewed by terrible offlaners. He is so awful offlane. He's a horrible, horrible laner, spectre level weak but at least he has an escape. He actually farms very well mid game with max pact and tread swapping but you will still generally lose farming fights to sven, am and other real farming heroes. Late game though he's one of the best heroes but this meta games are decided way earlier than that.


                                                          U can make slark work but he is rather underwhelming and his Winrate is often ruined by turds who don't know wtf they're doing


                                                            if they 5man this early you can surely splitpush