General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me get better... Please...

Help me get better... Please... in General Discussion

    I am sitting at 1.4k right now and my mains are Lina and Clinkz. All I am looking for is advice from upper skill bracket players on how I can improve at these heroes and raise my mmr. Thank you.


      play more, you have 300 matches, and you play once in 10 years

      you don't have the overall knowledge to get higher mmr, no matter what we tell you.

      the next 20 comments are probably gonna be from some idiots telling you to do some useless shit that you won't understand like pick this Z hero, go these X items or level Y spell etc.
      Truth be told, whatever they write won't matter as you can't execute it because of your lack of overall knowledge.

      tl;dr play more

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        Pick Z hero, go these X items and level Y spell


          @Cookie I play way less than most people but between my friends that have been playing the game longer than I have and me, I have more mechanics and overall knowledge. The reason I play every once in a while is because I don't have wifi at my place and I only play when me and my friends meet up. I have probably 4000 hours in bot matches because I can only play that in offline mode. Let's just say that I have the fundamentals down.

          meteor hammer

            " I have more mechanics and overall knowledge."

            i have heard 99999000000 people with low mmr say this. they are all bad

            meteor hammer

              really really bad, not a little bad or whatever where they are smart but cant execute

              actually like a mix between willful ignorance and just stupidity

              please dont take this as an insult but you really wont improve to ur full potential until you accept that you know nothing


                Is your auto Attack on or off?

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                    Do you know about lane equilibrium and creep aggro? These are some of basic mechanics.


                      The unfair bots play worse than 1k players, and that's something

                      the difference between 1k and some actual bracket like 5k+ is like the sky... and a bottomless pit


                        I played tons of bot matches and I actually couldn't reliably beat unfair bots until I started playing against very crappy players and that actually helped me beat bots. Ironically, Crappy players are easier to beat than bots. But playing against crappy players help u learn to beat bots.

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                          Wow that last Lina game. You really know what you are doing haha


                            My AA is off. Yes I know about equilibrium and creep aggro. That last Lina game a group of 4 Filipinos invited me so I joined.

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                              And you don't need to worry about creep aggro. Just use Smart Force Attack near the enemy and the creeps wont aggro.


                                Telling you how to get better is hard, the reason for this is that we can't watch you play.

                                Dota is a game of efficency, awareness and gamesense, that is not something anyone can "teach" you, but something you learn along the way.

                                Playing against bots won't teach you any of those things, because one thing that the bots can't do, is suprise you, they will always act a certain way and so you could have 10000 hours with bots and it won't matter one bit against real players.

                                The only way for you to improve is to get your internet sorted and play on a regular basis against real players. You might think that someone giving you a guide on how to properly play a hero would improve your play, but their advice is based on how people play at their level and would hardly ever translate into something useful for you.

                                So like I said, practice makes perfect, not against bots, but real players.

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                                  You have 43% win rate in ranked which tells me you are struggling at 1.4kmmr.

                                  You need to play heaps more games.

                                  At your mmr learn to somewhat understand what the mini map is telling you and most importantly learn to last hits creeps.
                                  Learn what items do, what items counter the enemy

                                  If you play lot of bot games practice farming, aim for 800+ gpm without hom
                                  Get 60+ last hits before 10mins

                                  Watch youtube video "Goodboy Guides" targets his videos to help the sub 3k players.

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                                    Purge currently has a show where he's coaching Day9. If you have time go and watch that series from episode 1. You don't necessarily need to watch the practice games, but the lessons and the coached games are worth watching.


                                      No one but yourself can help you.


                                        pick this Z hero, go these X items or level Y spell



                                          Activity is too spotty. You lose your reflexes and game sense when you take as many breaks as you do. Saying this as someone who also takes breaks. Stick with it.


                                            "I have probably 4000 hours in bot matches"

                                            Believe it or not, this is a problem. Hear me out.

                                            It actually works against you in certain ways. Hard/unfair bots are good practice at last hitting against since they deny well and harass quite a bit. But past the laning phase they are utterly useless and barrel down mid until they die, have no map awareness, etc. Getting used to the bot mid/late game gives you a wrong impression how the mid/late game plays out. You can get away with so much against even unfair bots that you could never with real players, even unskilled ones.

                                            Ever notice how you often outlevel bots really quickly? Because they have no efficiency and share all the xp of one lane past 10 minutes. You do the smart thing and show up in an empty lane while bots die mid 4v5. By 20-30 minutes, you've out leveled them 5-10 levels, and bots are coded to just give up going on you when you're that far ahead. They wont even bother stunning you anymore,. and run away. There's your false impression.

                                            Players (bad players) will go on you even if you're ahead of them. They'll try anyway, then you get punished because they all inned on you. And you won't be as far ahead as you are used to in bot games because even bad players have *some* sense of getting solo levels/farm. You can't get away using with bot game experience past the laning phase.

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                                              pick riki..... go 12121212.... buy dual tranquil..... get 2 magic stick afterwards..... easy game....


                                                On a serious note,
                                                Playing bot games gives you 1.5k laning skills at max (yes, I also played some bot games on offline mode)
                                                It doesn't help with anything else, just practice and analyze high mmr replays

                                                all role player

                                                  i go 100/5/20 as pudge in bot can you do that ????