General Discussion

General Discussionfound script user skywrath mage

found script user skywrath mage in General Discussion

    so i heardd abaut hacker like this rusisan skywrath mage and now i found it my own match id: 3285466977
    dota buff where can i report? in replay he usa all magic and items just by mooving hes hero

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      That is called quickcast xD


        us u move ur here dont even press on enemy hero to cast and it should cast by iteself?


          Scripts can't really make u that much better. No point reporting


            if u think that
            try cast root 1,2 spells and ult in 1 sec or faster


              How does he choose the right target to use all his spells at once? Sounds like that's script will make him play worse. Lol.


                Oh you're 2k. I see now


                  and you are 1k


                    Yes I used to struggle with skywrath because he had so many buttons to press. I usually screwed up my combo in the past. I Guess scripts would rekt in Low mmr. Lul


                      so what

                      BSJ. LGD

                        i can cast all of what you said in 0.5 seconds LUL

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          I can cast all 4 skills in 0.4 sec just slash everything 4 button like a pianist

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            Here I'l show youqwrfwqr

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Oh shit my E

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                About the Sky scripted thing I think it's true because there was a previous thread about it
                                Also he bought Soul Ring and Atos
                                Replay the game you might find him insta drop two bracers and use soul ring with the speed of light without even stopping

                                ^Ah, there it is

                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                BSJ. LGD

                                  if he actually had maphacks he would have got ready to kill silencer but he took a few seconds to react. idk tho

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    as far as i know map hack in dota 2 doesn't give you vision all over the map, since it's serversided as to what u can see and what u can't, meaning no cheats will ever give you more vision than the server will let you display.

                                    I think the term maphack in dota 2 is something that removes fog.

                                    Potato Marshal


                                      Weird coincidence there's an identical complaint about a Skywrath using scripts like this on the Steam forums, but they're different people making complaints about different Skywraths.


                                        you dont need a script for that playing a good sky :D just hit your keys in an order that applies to the situation and punish them...if you die anyway, just use 4 of your 5 fingers and hit q-w-e-r as f*** :)


                                          Doesnt matter not important everybody without cripple can do it. I dont see problem here

                                          Jumi  ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

                                            Well there is also this guy, as you can see in his player's perspective he doesnt even aim the hero


                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                              True, a script will not make you a better player since dota is a 5v5 game it can help you win games when done correctly.

                                              Theres a game of mine that I encountered a script user: a auto lift spell of rubick.

                                              At first, I was like He's maybe just a fast hand, or quick cast.


                                              I cast glimmer cape, rubick is busy chasing my teammate, I attacked Jakiro. And after the attack, I was lifted in an instant. Yes, in that chaos he caught me.

                                              Bottomline is: for me valve should do something about script. It's still unfair if someone is abusing it to win.