General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you deal with cheese strats?

How do you deal with cheese strats? in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    I just played this game.

    There was a Sniper and a Phantom Lancer. What these did is they sat in their base, LITERALLY, farming waves as I constantly had to keep pushing to keep them out of our base.
    And I don't know how I can emphasize this enough: The sniper was BOLTED to their base. I couldnt do a single fucking push without him shooting at me.
    The phantom lancer was there until our team was dead then he would push.
    So it was pretty much impossible for me to do split push. I just ran around cutting waves trying to delay the game as much as possible but it was all fruitless.

    My question is how could I have dealt with this? I understand that these are the strats of retards but I honestly have no idea what to do if the enemy just turtles the entire time. You have pretty much no access to high ground.

    Look at the net worth graph. This is how ridiculous their whole game strategy was. They would lose a couple heroes in a teamfight while Sniper and PL were sitting in base. My team's networth would go up and then we can't do anything because its impossible to push the highground.

    Then we lose a fight because their team is just overpowering ours and we would lose more buildings.


      Defending base is a cheese strat?
      I think you got rocked by Solo Support Witch Doctor.

      Lahai Roi

        Watch the game dude
        It's not just defending base. it's literally banking on massive range and cancer illusions as a push stopper.
        The witch doctor didn't do shit that game.


          If enemies don't wanna leave their base just farm the whole map while they only get max 3 creepwaves. Ward the spots near their base so you can see them if they come out and get ez kills. They will fall behind in farm and then it's easier to push hg

          1-IceTea 🌟

            It mean you push too slow,you should buy Vladimir,necro3,assult,desolater to melt their building in second.

            Oh wait...


              "The witch doctor didn't do shit that game."
              He bought 61 freaking sentries, don't tell me that that didn't contribute to several of your untimely demises, walking into sentry vision trying to gank the sniper. Don't need to watch the game to guess that

              I think it's rather a nice game when you are forced to solo support a greedy team but you can still manage your gpm/xpm to a certain extent, and continue to contribute.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                You just shit. Any advice given will be wasted on you.

                Lahai Roi

                  Alright you are correct that the sentry spam was troublesome.
                  That said I still think the problem was the turtle cheese strats.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    If your team really can't siege high ground you can try just hitting towers outside their range every time the creep wave gives vision.
                    Aside from that, enemy team's draft is a lot greedier than your team's, should have owned early game and kept the momentum.
                    Then it's a throw back and forth, you shouldn't die as highest networth.

                    Dire Wolf

                      For being vs a team conceding the whole map and staying in base you farmed very slow.


                        starve them to death, even if it takes ages. remember at times like this your team is the one gaining more gold and farming the whole map while they get 3 waves of creeps divided between 5 heroes. eventually they will be annoyed by the lack of farm and do something stupid.


                          you push 2-3 waves at once with aegis on the main splitpusher and build the items licetea said


                            Just give up. If you think defending is a cheese strat you will never get better

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Sniper and PL t3 def is super troublesome tho

                              It's actually up to ES and Sven to blink and handle sniper but it's still hard to pull off
                              Which is why you can't afford to throw early mid game


                                -Sven's itemization was wrong, didnt have something to initiate with and he's easily kited, couldnt deal off damage properly considering he's the main damage dealer

                                -You should have gone blink or force staff. WD with his sents killed your silver edge. And silver edge in this game was not necessary, IMO.

                                -There were no defensive plans/items. Aside from the pike and linkens of silencer, there was absolutely no way you can run or defend against a teamfight or to save someone.

                                -Earthshaker's itemization is completely off and IMHO, was garbage. He should have bought shiva's while you could have switch your shivas into something like butterfly or MKB in this match

                                Just my two cents

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  aight im dling the replay and will see if i can find out how u couldve won the game but before doing that gotta say making enemy make mistakes is the best way. rab8 said above ward around their base wait for them to come out of the base, then kill them. i saw miracle invo in a game like this. he suddenly blinked on hg and all enemies went to kill him then he started running away and tornadoing and stuff 4 enemies went out of base to chase him then his team showed up and they killed enemies


                                    1) did you get rosh to push?
                                    2) you need to jump a lineup like sniper with bkb and blink. sven had no blink. wut?
                                    3) halberd is good.


                                      just rosh




                                          BWS gets it. sooner or later enemy makes a mistake and u take advantage of it.


                                            The answer will be irrelevant for you,as you don't have any mechanical skill and knowledge to execute them




                                                What someone said before, just farm until you can break by brute force and thats mean having bot/buyback and possibly even rapier on your cores. The map is not meant to be afk defending hg you lose way to much gold from doing these just because they are sharing 1500 gpm over posibly 3/4 heroes and exp by 5 you could get easily double that amount x minute farming the jungle and shoving their waves, planting smart advanced wards and buying smoke to be ready to take on a core that would secure an easier rax since they cant farm buyback.

                                                The situation is quite difficult to overcome efficiently as some people lose their cool when they cant end the game fast and throw themselves into full prepared defenses, if you feed mindlesly then its likely you will lose all your advantage and possibly the oportunity to check mate by being unable to use resources (vision/gold/exp/smoke) efficiently to cordinate a devastating attack.

                                                disgusting weebs

                                                  stunlock the target so they never get to use cheese

                                                  Yung Beethoven

                                                    Let me get this straight: sniper was never out of his base and PL was defending it also?

                                                    Which means your team could go 4v3 (even 5v3 if you tp to them). And they are a witch doc, dk and a pudge. which have no syngerie whatsoever. Just force the fight and then go push as a whole team. Force buybacks and repeat.


                                                      patience from zhou :emoticon_wink:


                                                        The real question is OP why you guys weren't able to finish the game early and not prolonged the game up to what you have described?

                                                        Lahai Roi

                                                          I don't really know. I have no sense of how I could have finished the game early. It was like everything on our team was failing including myself because of the sentry spam. The only thing I could think of was push out and hope a miracle happens.

                                                          주 롄양

                                                            dude all ur team heroes is really good on lategame, they can farm 3 lane, u can farm rest of the map

                                                            주 롄양

                                                              try watch empire vs vega and watch how they crack up vega's turtle


                                                                dude i watched ur game. there were so many mistakes... not trying to flame u bot u reallllly made too many mistakes.