General Discussion

General DiscussionLate game mids

Late game mids in General Discussion

    Storm, invoker, qop, Lina. Who has the strongest 6 slot?




        Pretty sure it's storm, rank the other three.


          arc warden


            storm, invo, lina , queen of dogshit

            1-IceTea 🌟

              The answer will be irrelevant for you,as you don't have any mechanical skill and knowledge to execute them


                Storm, invoker destroys arc warden, it's not even close. Arc warden is like the 2 weak baby of np and sniper, that requires bauble the farm. He is really bad right now.


                  ^ have you ever saw arc with silver edge-bloodthorn-hex-mjolnir-bkb raping invoker and storm with no fight back , arc might not be the best but he can 1000% destroy any other mid in the late game


                    Arc warden is like the 2 weak baby of np and sniper, that requires bauble the farm.

                    i think you mean, arc warden is thrice as strong as either np or sniper, and requires half the farm.



                      зачем я начал поиск

                        Either Storm or Arc.

                        Late game is all about mobility.


                          Invo + refresher


                            Pudge late game when you 600+ Stacks of flesh heap. Get daedalus and right click people.


                              puck late game with 420 gpm is a beast tbh but it needs to have a team that synchronizes with him

                              casual gamer

                                whoever doesnt get hexed :thinking:

                                dumb question invoker has the best depush and storm has the best gap close to kill people

                                The answer will be irrelevant for you,as you don't have any mechanical skill and knowledge to execute them


                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  Storm, invoker destroys arc warden, it's not even close. Arc warden is like the 2 weak baby of np and sniper, that requires bauble the farm. He is really bad right now.

                                  im offended on behalf of cuki

                                  Erase Humanity

                                    Top tier: Storm, Invoker, Arc Warden
                                    Abnormal mids: Magnus, AM and Naga
                                    Certain nerfed/dead heroes like Alch, Dusa, Morph


                                      No shadow fiend?


                                        Yea because -5 armor and +72 damage is insanely good in the lategame

                                        disgusting weebs

                                          Yea because -5 armor and +72 damage is insanely good in the lategame


                                          white boy summer

                                            >The answer will be irrelevant for you,as you don't have any mechanical skill and knowledge to execute them

                                            says the jungler who cant get out of lowprio cuz can't play lane heroes


                                              ^ edgy one

                                              On topic: if we consider only Storm, invoker, qop, Lina, then it's lina > invoker > qop > storm

                                              Edit: Im actually considered that possibility of getting 5k by playing only jungle on SEA proves that there's something wrong with that region

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                              disgusting weebs

                                                qop > storm



                                                  6-slotted 25 lvl qop is litereally unkillable unless u make a perfect lockdown
                                                  Storm is kinda easier to shut down imo and has a higher 'death cost' due to bloodstone


                                                    6 slotted qop is easily killed by arc warden

                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                      hey giuys why didnt u include ARC WARDEN in ur list?? thats the hero iplay btw, hes hard but i play him
                                                      i think ARC WaRDEn is very strong(i play him btw, very complex hero but im good at him!)
                                                      is x stronger than y? well idk but aRC WARDen is defs stronger than both of them, very complex hero and very strong, i pl;ay him!

                                                      did i tell u btw that i play aRC WARDEN? haha wel now u know!


                                                        Why storm is strong in late game tho


                                                          No he is not. Overnerfed.

                                                          disgusting weebs

                                                            has essentially 3 lives with enough bs charges = extremely hard to push into
                                                            one of the best aegis carriers in the entire game
                                                            ability to initiate on and kill most heroes regardless of their positioning, extremely good at forcing/kiting bkbs
                                                            deals a lot of damage with bloodthorn and any dps item

                                                            before the ti5 nerfs storm with 20+ charges was the strongest carry in the entrie game probably


                                                              +144 damage*
                                                              and reaches the critical mass faster than most others.

                                                              also the wombo combo potential for 5120 magic damage x2 making it 10240 magic damage in aoe to all heroes caught in black hole/reverse polarity
                                                              as well as far superior wave clear

                                                              ALSO i think SF is actually one of strongest because he can have his aghanim and refresher in backpack and still have 46 souls... making him 9-slotted when most other cores don't really go past 7 slot. also hes not countered by spell immunity :v

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                Hey 1-icetea, how much does it cost u paying mmr booster to get u to 5k?

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  ITT 3k apes jealous 1icetea can play 3 heroes well and they can play 0



                                                                    It all comes down to itemization though really


                                                                      licetea>all 3ks


                                                                        do not pay attention to 1-ice he is a mid 2k player at best

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                          What if I told you jungle is hardest place to spam and grind but I manage to grind from 3.7K->5.2K in 8 months without analysis anything or coach?

                                                                          Pretty sure I can easily rekt at least 4K without learning anything

                                                                          disgusting weebs

                                                                            u came out of jungle and lost 11 out of 12 lp games vs 4ks


                                                                              Arc warden is like the 2 weak baby of np and sniper, that requires bauble the farm. He is really bad right now.


                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                ^^Aww so cute when a 2K wanted to smurf to 3K5 I never out from jungle even I play ES jajaja

                                                                                btw I believe AW is bad for this patch but still,cuki can rekt you in mid even you play 'best mid hero'

                                                                                -In short you are noob no hero can save you Kappa

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                disgusting weebs

                                                                                  well what can i say, u got me man!


                                                                                    1ice you played spec ( easiest carry in pubs) in a high skill game ( 3k players) and you got dumpstered.
                                                                                    Any 5k player should be able to win that game 1v5.
                                                                                    You need to get back to the basics fam


                                                                                      Also do not call others out since you were a high skill smurf so whatever your main account was, it was under 3k.
                                                                                      Half a year ago I made a smurf and got it to 4k within 2 months of creating it.
                                                                                      Sorry ice, you're just a normal skill pleb from what your profile shows lol


                                                                                        well i mean it depends on what you want to base best on. Lina is probably the best right clicker and damage outputter. Invoker has the best teamfight and control, storm is the hardest to lockdown and kill. qop is the worst in any of these scenarios and she really isn't that great six slotted if she isn't ahead of the enemy.

                                                                                        Yung Beethoven

                                                                                          Well arc warden is obviously the fattest mid you can have for the lategame. Since he can literally double his networth for 16 seconds.


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                                                                                                ahahahhaa that last donkey timber tho

                                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                                Lahai Roi

                                                                                                  QoP is not a late game mid. She is strongest during the mid game and then falls off. Most late games with QoP I end up split pushing and cutting waves if the enemy base isn't destroyed.

                                                                                                  If it is destroyed I get pick offs with my team (hoping they don't throw) and then end.

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                                                                                                    Furion, sf, dk, silencer, krobe, mirana

                                                                                                    all role player

                                                                                                      ANTI MAGE MID. THREAD CLOSED


                                                                                                        There's no such thing as best late game hero. All of them are good late game, yes even qop with the new lvl 25 talent.
                                                                                                        It all depends on what the other 9 heroes in the game are doing.