General Discussion

General DiscussionTo SEA players

To SEA players in General Discussion

    The toxicity in this server is ridiculously high, i had this one match where, 2 guys were fighting over mid, so i first picked a support, then one of those guys picked tinker BUT went to jungle instead even though we all adjusted for him and just replied "stfu" idiots. I ABANDONED THAT MATCH after 1:10 mins in the game


      What do you think? do you think that only pinoys cause this amount of toxicity in sea?


        i also recently played a match where we already had a mid and this guy picked tinker, then came to safelane to contest me, and went jungle. zero support in that game. super cancerous match that got me majorly tilted. but i didnt abandon and we somehow ended up winning

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            look at this. and we had a furion too.

            i basically ended up becoming a support


              can you imagine the puck on the other team making a thread whining about his unwinnable 1 v 9 game? he's saying how the slark didnt build basher, built orchid lul.

              Potato Marshal

                I don't know why people struggle to do something as simple as mark their lanes. Feels like that strategy portion is completely wasted since people just pick whoever they like while completely ignoring everything else.


                  That person was really cancerous, we already said that he can go mid and we adjusted for him, 2 supps, 1 carry and 1 offlane were filled, but he INSISTED On jungling as tinker

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    I think you are idiot,I can easily win game with 2 jungler in my team and I can random a EShaker and jungle it to build Vladimir/Armlet/SE and win on 4.8K

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                      I guess that there are many 8-11 years old players in 4k


                        can you stop blaming server ? im sick of reading of your "sea is trash" "sea is cancerous" "sea team hold me back"

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          1icetea it says that you haven't been playing since that LP 2 months ago
                          I thought there was a patch that removed LP


                            @ken, actually, im blaming my fellow pinoys not the whole sea server, cause i've seen chinese, malaysians etc play without being toxic


                              SEA isnt the most toxic sever, but the server where people whine about toxicity the most.

                              I play on EU, just a small tast of my last 5 games

                              I mark CW offlane, some dude instapicks slardar offlane
                              2 dudes mark mid, one picks sf as second pick, 3rd guy picks pudge
                              4th guy picks riki, ''im not playing support''. in the game the pudge doesnt roam but farms offlane and slardar abandons the game. all the while the enemy team flames each other in all chat. Pudge leaves as well and me and the sf win nontheless.

                              2. game
                              I 3rd pick roaming nyx support, we have a CW offlane and a WD supp in safe already picked. 4th guy picks LC jungle, sais he will go jungle, even after the team sais he can just farm the safelane. demands i go nyx safelane. afk farms jungle for 20 minutes.

                              1 out of 5 game is as toxic is my first example, 3 are like the 2nd example, and 1 game is reasonably playable but people flame each other anyway.

                              EVERY server is like this, SEA players just whine the most about it and use it as an excuse to why they loose games/mmr.

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                                Just that?
                                In the battlecup , We were winning until our spectre disconnected for 2 mins . we paused but the opponent unpaused and said its not their fault and then they took a fight and wiped us 4man then spectre reconnected but till then we lost all rax.

                                casual gamer

                                  i had this one match where, 2 guys were fighting over mid, so i first picked a support, then one of those guys picked tinker BUT went to jungle instead

                                  like this?

                                  i marked first and he fped swm mid, then i was informed i bought my 4k account when i went jungle tinker lmao


                                    SWISS FATS? BOIIIII IM TRIGGERED


                                      EVERY server is like this, SEA players just whine the most about it and use it as an excuse to why they loose games/mmr.


                                        im referring to peenoise being the most toxic in SEA including me which explains why i can only get to high 4k, and not get to 5k.


                                          @swissfats, you had a different situation, you have a teammate who insists on playing mid, while i had a teammate who marked mid and proceed to jungle after he got into a quarrel with one of my teammates


                                            once our highest mmr storm went jungle. and we also won that game. fuck am i so lucky or whats happening


                                              @jacked, yeah you just got lucky, perhaps your storm actually cooperates somehow


                                                1-IceTea 🌟 acting pro while he cant win lp.



                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                    @Into The Window of Soul
                                                    4months ago I hit my goal in Dota - reach 5K by only jungle I wanted to quit but was addicted,so I decided to throw every single matchs I play until I tired,I been to LP and out so many times its easy but I sure I have better things to do with my time.


                                                    all role player

                                                      its fun to being toxic, when my team started to trashtalk to each other i will say "GG TEAM END FAST !!" its make the enemy feel winning and i can gank everybody
                                                      when my enemy start trashtalk i spam GG word and some"PUTANG INA MO TANGA KA BOBO"
                                                      and if i winning i spam "EZ" Non stop XD
                                                      best game best server best quality time
                                                      just being good and win the game 1vs5 and dont salty when teammates hold u back


                                                        Yet highest mmr right now is a pinoy

                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                          We peenoise are trash talker but we knows how to play. We admit that most of us wants to play carry role, but we can adjust to support if it needed.

                                                          And, the real cancer in the SEA server is the one who abandon just 1mins in the game.

                                                          Just like an old saying, You are paired with idiot teammates because you belong to that team.




                                                              I abandoned because how can we win if we have a jungling tinker against a team that has 2 supps, 2 cores and an sk, AND my support partner said that he wont support if tinker goes to the jungle.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                but my team had a jungle tinker.. i didnt get travels until 10min no bottle


                                                                  Well you are about 6 TIMES my mmr, so i cant really argue.


                                                                    @ayase, i'll describe the situation
                                                                    Timber:TP here idiot supports
                                                                    Me:TP scroll on cd, 6 secs remaining
                                                                    then timber died,
                                                                    Timber: TANGINA niyo mga bobong supports, go to hell with your mothers retards etc.
                                                                    THEN proceeds to intentionally feed.

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      You still gotta try, it's not entirely unwinnable until enemy team's net worth overwhelm your team's and break racks 20 minutes in.
                                                                      And jungle tinker isn't too bad as it sounds, march can take two camps and his range attacks can aggro hit a lot.


                                                                        Abyss Watcher, you're also Pinoy I take it, from one of your comments above? In that case, be the change you want to see in Filipino Dota mentality. You can't whine about other Filipinos beig toxic, then go do something like abandon a game 1 minute in. I still have my bad moments, but generally I've done my best to be a nice person in game, regardless of position or w/e. GLHF at start of the game, GGWP ty for game at the end, win or lose(I omit the TY for game if the game was toxic, but GGWP is constant), complement good plays by team, etc. You should try to do the same. The change in mentality, of attitude, has to start with someone.


                                                                          Oh, I didn't realize you were the one on my forum post about backing off midlane, giving me advice and such. Hello 😊
                                                                          But that doesn't mean I can't try to also advise in return. What I said above should still stand^

                                                                          Pro Pinoys

                                                                            It's not about the server, it's all about too much kid mentality in this server, and idk maybe in too many kids in this server. -PMA SEA player-


                                                                              Ur just bad at dota. I 1st picked weaver so that i can went all role


                                                                                dota is like that. sometimes u get agro tri and u cant do shit. dont whine.
                                                                                sometimes your captain drafts you a losing lane and a jungling support. you lose the lane. don't whine.
                                                                                that's dota. you're suppose to adapt to shit like this. and the games not over. that's what makes the game fun.


                                                                                  i understand why people all want to play carry, thats why i play support, pos 4 specifically because i'm not that good at playing hard support, even if i pick es, i still end up playing both pos 4 and 5, because if my support partner notices that our carry cant last hit even without being contested, he'll stop supporting


                                                                                    etc. You should try to do the same. The change in mentality, of attitude, has to start with someone.

                                                                                    Ok i'll try to change my language preference to chinese/korean and see if i can see a change in attitude of the players i will play with


                                                                                      Can you please grow up and stop with your constant whining about SEA server


                                                                                        idk just always try to be positive, mute flamers? perhaps positive attitude might be the first step towards getting better, coz you know i'm pretty sure that pretty much all really high skill players rarely rage or call gg prematurely or blame their teammates.

                                                                                        im not always positive and polite myself and i notice that i sometimes lose more than i'd like to, seems to be a connection between the to.

                                                                                        tldr, rage is just an unnecessary distraction from the game.

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                          The best thing you can do about it is not care about those kids and not being a toxic shitter yourself
                                                                                          EVERY SINGLE person I know who whines about SEA server being "toxic" are toxic and delusional themselves and I'm sure you're no exception
                                                                                          People should stop thinking the world is a happy wonderland and everything is centered around them
                                                                                          You can't please everyone and not everyone can please you

                                                                                          biggest BANANA in a room

                                                                                            SeA indeed very toxic but still if you play solo just mute them and pick hero that strong in solo. Work out to me. And not only pinoy were toxic indonesian and thai also have toxic player.


                                                                                              I guess you guys play the wrong game. As i know i only play with bot on my solo q :thinking:


                                                                                                You'll often see people fighting over the mid lane as if the game would be lost if they could not play mid.





                                                                                                      I give this 29 pogchamps


                                                                                                        dota community toxicity level increasing everyday, God knows why. People just cant stand each other everyone thinks hes the best. tilting very easily. thats so pathetic. one took middle other went jungle cuz he cant play middle, and the guy who took middle dying the roamer then saying im done my last game was lost now im gonna lose too , bbing and feeding couriers without reason.
                                                                                                        I MEAN if you try to increase your mmr , this type of people are really headache no matter which server ur on. i blame rtz for that. hes the one who teach 12 years old dotka players to rage , i dont care , who cares, i m done actually etc.

                                                                                                        GROW - FUCKING - UP.