General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you guys even bring yourself to play roam?

How do you guys even bring yourself to play roam? in General Discussion

    Holy shit this is annoyingly and boring, i can't win in 3k as a roamer.

    P.s i'm talking about item-less roaming

    that shit pos 4 supports do at lvl 1 at 5k++

    not your 0-5k whatever the fuck shit

    like seriously, just starting items, super low level and expectancy to actually win lanes.

    How do i not kill myself irl doing this?

    this is the only role i can't play, because i'm just used to old roamers (sk cm jungle 3-4 min then roam)

    like holy shit this is boring, who invented this shit

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      its easy to eat while playing roaming position 4
      thats absically the bes part about it



        Op just pick pudge/clock/kunkka and go on enemy rotting/torrenting/cogging when he is too deep into your territory


          i can't win in 3k as a roamer

          not your 0-5k whatever the fuck shit


            A n a l y z e r e p l a y s


              Watch when rtz/ bsj roams.
              You of all people should not be making a thread complaining about something without checking higher mmr players doing it.
              also you're not telling us what hero you picked to roam. Need more information


                It's all about choosing the right hero to roam with. Some are just ez pz like sky. Others you really just need to exploit the weak lane ;)


                  i'm not saying i can't learn it, i'm just saying it's boring

                  you guys are just misinterpreting me

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                  disgusting weebs

                    analyze replays man!

                    disgusting weebs

                      or take a shot each time u secure a kill


                        That's why I said what hero are you playing with while roaming.
                        Pudge, monkey king, spirit breaker roam are fun to play.


                          Maybe this gameplay will help. But its only normal skill dont mind, but im climbing mmr all the way.


                          Mlada i Luda

                            hmmmmmm.. so thinking were you should be and when? which of my lanes need help, which of enemy lanes have weaknes that i can exploit and set up a kill ect ect its boring!! and foccusing only in taking as much creeps as posiible calculate the neutrals camps in temr of farms and playing vs computer for the first min of the games is funn!!! hmmmm.. interesting rly interesting


                              the replies are just as retarded as analysing replays is

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                                    I have a fun roaming/support for you. Play furion. I either start with blink or tree grab. Have fun!


                                      Actually I think the funny thing about roaming is that you spend time ruining the fun of the other team.

                                      You can steal the Xp of the jungler,snipe the courrier, gank the offlane, harass the midlane, steal the bounty runes, help your offlane... You can also steal the Xp of your mid without helping, Wait 2 min for a courrier that will never come, get spoted and killed, be level 3 when everyone is level 9... and a lot of funny things like that!

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                                      disgusting weebs

                                        being a major сunt to the enemy team isnt exclusive to roamers though

                                        6k animal

                                          ^you can also play kotl or skywrath mage.


                                            Pos4 is the best position to eat, play half asleep or mastubate while dotoing.

                                            Lahai Roi

                                              Dude pick Earth Spirit

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                              mr. rabbit

                                                lol true u just press q on sb then u can just alt tab and do some random shit on the internet

                                                all role player

                                                  well i think pos 4(offensive one) is like the most fun role in the game. like u start killing everybody in lv2 as bounty hunter and still manage have same farm like pos 2-3 because the track.
                                                  and i think if u can succesfully gank in 5k+ 5 times. enemy will says "GG END" AND BUY shadow amulet and afk all game XD.
                                                  fail to gank is not fun

                                                  all role player

                                                    "why u need to farm creep when u can farm hero"
                                                    *tap head
                                                    me win against 3k as roam riki with 300gpm

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      It's really fun if your ganks work and really boring if they don't


                                                        IO etc.


                                                          Well ..... since u asked how its not boring... check out sings gameplay im pretty sure he is having fun while roaming.....also in low brackets we spend a long time doing nothing on all heroes and some ppl afk next to tower doing nothing so there is no difference.....also
                                                          a n a l y s e r e p l a y s you lazy fuck xddd im funny cuz I used ur own phrase against u xdddddd ay lmao


                                                            Lmao mafioso 2k advice whT did I just read.


                                                              Cookie exposed as a cuck in 3k, how very odd.

                                                              Inb4 someone posts that picture of me to try to invalidate me.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                Have you tried destroying the ancient?


                                                                  plz no 6k below replies, or just leave them here but i wont read them

                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                    lol successfull roaming lets a support become a core, especially in the shitters bracket. how is owning everyone with no farm not fun?


                                                                        Please guys!!!! Only 6k replies


                                                                          i'm just curious bws, how many of those did you save?

                                                                          not arin

                                                                            roaming riki with fast diffusal blade is super scary but i never understood how are you supposed to get it that fast if you're playing againts opponents who don't give you a free kill every two minutes


                                                                              I don't.
                                                                              I just have strong memory.


                                                                                Roaming riki with 50 cs in 10 min guys steal every lh from enemy lc xD


                                                                                  I find it quite enjoyable actually


                                                                                    Cucki has been memed. He is a meme. All the 2ks telling
                                                                                    Him to destroy enemy ancient rofl

                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                      Dicking over other players from the start and messing their last hits up is a lot more fun than autistically trying to last hit/deny.


                                                                                        cuki u need to up your lvl to play roam.


                                                                                          casual 18 kda roaming


                                                                                          17 last hit, 5 deny

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                            Cuki is 3k confirmed

                                                                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                                              i dont know man. I play mid, and i hate roaming heroes on the enemy. So I think to myself, if I'm not playing mid this game, let me make the enemy mids lane living hell to start with. Loving bounty hunter these days.


                                                                                                there's literally nothing to kill


                                                                                                Dual mid invoker + MAG against ursa

                                                                                                spectre + lion top

                                                                                                WK solo bot but idiot am + rubick constantly pushing the wave under his tower

                                                                                                i spent 15 minutes collecting runes

                                                                                                previous game i had a 6k tinker on our team, so it was naturally easy to coordinate with him, but with these 3k's it's a whole another world.

                                                                                                FUCKING 15 MIN OF RUNE COLLECTING, how is this dota

                                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                  I think roaming position can be most interesting of them all, since it is action packed since beginning until play dota until match is over. You can always translate to lane if things don't go your way.

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                                                                                                      except WR is basically impossible to communicate with as he started to flame everyone 00 into the game, so i just ended up taking runes

                                                                                                      omg did i get so many runes

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                                                                                                        Team hold me back.....windranger is shitstain cant get 1400 lh/min