General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there such thing as a hidden MMR?

Is there such thing as a hidden MMR? in General Discussion

    I honestly have no clue what the hell is going on, but the teams I've been getting lately have been a shitshow to say the least. From the picks, to the itemizations, to the shittalking. It feels like 400mmr players have suddenly been placed on my team the past like month or so. I'm not even exaggerating when I say some of these ppl shouldn't be placed in 1k because of how badly they play, not just feeding, everything they do in game is not something someone of higher skill would do.

    But what bugs me the most is, why is the other team is almost always better? Like go over my losses, most of them are just stomps, its sad. Haven't had a close game in so long, win or lose(for me, although not so often winning). But Blitz "Maybe you're the problem", well maybe, but I can't control what is happening in each of my games, most of them are ppl not playing well or just feeding like this last game I just played... No comment about this one, couldn't wait till that shit was over, it was painful to watch these guys play.

    So that brings me to my question, is hidden MMR a thing? Since this was a pub, maybe I was placed in a low tier game? Maybe with less skilled people because I was in low p not too long ago? I don't know what they changed if anything, but it was never like this a month or so back. Feels like I have to tell my team what to do every game including but not limited to: Buying wards/Sentries/What to deward/Push/What items to buy/ What heroes to pick/ How to lane/ How to farm/ When to fight/Have map awareness/.../

    Used to play a ton of games, but now it just feels like a chore and I honestly dread playing it, its becoming that bad to be in the games I'm in. And no, its not just in pubs, I tried ranked a few days ago, no difference.

    If someone could help me out here, would be appreciated!

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      Is this one of those threads ;);)


        "Hidden mmr is a thing"

        "Shadow pool ruined my life"

        "My team sucks"

        "I am not a flamer but always in low prio"

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          I love those threads....especially when the it ruined my life guy joins in ...


            if you don't have close games whenever you win or lose (stomps) then thats mean trash players are equally divided on your side and the other side ,so they can be equalized and nullified on the long run , so focus on you own game


              I mean I've had winstreaks, but as odd as that sounds, Its not just about winning. I don't mind losing one bit if I know and see that my team tried. When its stomps like these last 3 games, its just very discouraging. These last 3 games were hell to be a part of for me, I felt so helpless. I know both teams supposedly get the same amount of shit people, but judging as of recently, I don't think this has been the case for whatever reason. I enjoy close games and even the games I lose if they were at least fun to play and be a part of. But if I lose because someone on my team is feeding enough for Ethiopia to eat for a month, or people are just not being overall cooperative, we have a problem.


                I think only hidden pool exists



                  What do you mean?

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    If hidden mmr doesn't exist then how the hell the game is gonna decide your first calibration game's average

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                      @Biltz From a guy from 3.5k to 5.8k.... the thing you mentioned happened in all tier........ the difference is that in higher tier people throw on purpose but in lower tier, its about how to cover and backup that "idiot" as a bait. The problem always started when people start to blame others.. Just play your best in helping each other and not complain how bad these player are.