General Discussion

General DiscussionWill utility mids ever be a thing again?

Will utility mids ever be a thing again? in General Discussion
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    I remember long time ago there was a meta, where mid would be needed for initiation, auras and midgame presence. Not second carry style of gameplay, which is now prevalent.

    Heroes like Brewmaster, Puck, Beastmaster, Rhasta, Jakiro would go mid.

    T'was really long ago and sometimes I want that old meta to return.


      ye fuck u rtz


        it think it is just they either go offlane these days or go safelane (like venomancer) and rashta jakiro are both kinda died (i remember once DC drafted jaki mid vs dusa in ti6 but they lost )

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Mid possibly gets more farm than safelane now because of more creeps, so it's only normal that carry/semi-carry mids are more popular right now.


            ^ i thought mid is more open for harassment/denies and rotations wants to fuck you up , even with this they can still get more farm ?

            Dire Wolf

              I thought qop and puck were making a comeback? I think brew isn't mid cus he's not that strong period. Heroes like shadow shaman Jakiro and witch dr I haven't ever seen popular mid, I thought that was a dota 1 thing.

              white boy summer

                more xp for sure

                Yung Beethoven

                  i play dota for 10 years now and i dont remember a meta where jakiro and rhasta would go mid. Sometimes ppl picked rhasta for mid, but that was more like a "fun game", nothing serious imo.

                  But that was long ago, so i could have forgotten that part.