General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiance Aghs Octarine Treant Protector

Radiance Aghs Octarine Treant Protector in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    Anyone here try this out? I have not played Treant normally ever since I found out about it.
    Generally I start off roaming mid trying to get ganks. Then proceed to jungle and farm midas.
    Keep farming, get radiance, keep farming, get aghs.

    Once you have aghs you just tree every single camp in the game, then tree the lanes. Then you ult and get a shit ton of gold. Its very fun chill if you don't care much about losing. But matches could end up going for more than an hour.

    Also if enemy starts cutting down your trees you get countered. That said with the new talents I would say it is slightly more viable than before 7.00. And you do a lot of damage.

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      Dumbest build ever

      Lahai Roi

        As if Riki players know shit anyway


          Maybe viable but Treant will have a hard time to farm those big items because he doesn't have flash farming capabilities.

          Also prolonging matches is really unhealthy because you'll get more cancer from it and its not really optimal to have prolonged matches because that is the point where comebacks occur.

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            you will end up having the crazy ability to farm so fast

            on a hero that doesn't need farm.

            all a treant needs is blink + situational utility items (refresher/lotus/force/glimmer/hex). if you need farm a midas is usually enough. aghs is overkill and takes awhile to earn back your initial investment. radiance is just wacko.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Where you get the money forthouse item? Iam so curious

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              Lahai Roi

                Oh now I remember the first time I saw it was BSJ playing his smurf XD


                  I legit did this one game. Wierdest game ever. A Centaur carried the game. D:
                  got 950 LH tho. So lols.

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                    I did try the farm an aghs build but then u just afk for way too Long and lose the game