General Discussion

General DiscussionDota is math.

Dota is math. in General Discussion

    Thoughts ? Preferabbly replies and analysis only from people who are or have been increasing mmr in the recent times.

    PS: Every post need not be a shit post :)




        Well yeah everything in dota involves some kind of math wether your escaping and trying to figure out if you need to use you salve to save yourself from a damage over time effect, or manipulating your win rate by playing pubs until you lose then play a ranked game (Gotta take tilt into consideration though so keep that in mind) to theoretically give you a higher chance to win a ranked match. IDK what youre actually asking but thats how I interpreted it.


          everything is math

          chicken spook,,,,

            Math is applicable to a lot of stuff but that doesn't mean whateverthefuck you apply it on are math

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Math is the language of the universe

              Pale Mannie

                bruh i need to count my unprocced hits as spirit breaker so i can proc it to the enemy laner for intimidation. better be 2 procs in a row so the enemy is scared to shit to ever he goes one step closer to me.


                  Even Math is math.


                    everything is math, but if you are calculating things in dota you are either learning or focusing on the wrong things.

                    all role player

                      crit procs, blur procs, ogre magi ulti... is math
                      and i believe playing nuker-ganker must have fast calc things to be efficient


                        There is an aspect of Dota which involves math. Like if you want to study Dota and answer questions like which item is better in what scenario (butterfly vs AC) and u calculate effective Hp.

                        But actual skill comes by playing and practice.


                          Because knowing answers to questions like that only marginally improves your decision making. It might not actually improve your gameplay


                            A lot of decision makin concepts in Dota can be boiled down to opportunity cost and Optimisation principles. Eg dmg vs survivsbilty at different stages of the game, how you decide one over the other depends on a lot of variables and you choose the one with the most utility and least opp. Cost


                              And ????

                              Ok inviting everyone to comment as Jacked has spammed the thread already..


                                @Klonu , ppl never realise this shit often.

                                Klonu 2 days ago
                                Even Math is math.


                                  ogre magi ulti... is math

                                  1, 2, 3, what's next? good job it's 4


                                    but ye there's so much math involved in it but a lot of it will just go in the background of our mind and be processed subconsciously like pros knowing the smallest limits and killing ppl with lowest hp


                                      Dota is dynamic. You don't have time to think about the solution. A lot of it is subconscious reflex through practice. In that sense math is pointlesss.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        cookie is obsessed with dota math to the point of trying to memorize how much dmg every spell does against base resistance to know if he has enough to kill someone on a dive.

                                        Other math, just the concepts are fine like knowing how dodge adds a shitton of ehp when there's no truestrike, and how armor increases ehp. Cus in dota you aren't given choices like hey reforge this 2 agility stat into 2 strength. You have to buy entire items, there's no leveling up 1% dodge. So you just know oh hey dodge is good this game = butterfly or I need hp = skadi/heart or something. Exact numbers don't matter too much, like it doesn't take a genius to tell you a sniper with s&y, skadi and satanic deals pathetic damage but will never die.


                                          Wtf is dodge?


                                            cookie compensates in the places he lacks with proper calculations and planning, cookie knows what is needed to win.

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              You need to calculate shits to win in 3k? 🤔

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                dodge = evasion sorry same thing

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  You can try to calculate enemy dps to you compared to yours to theirs from calculating projectile speed, ms, as, damage, armor, and block before trading or trying to be agressive

                                                  Or you can just learn it through experience and muscle memory, as long as you have your brain functioning properly you should be fine (I doubt the majority of dota community use their brain when they play anyway)


                                                    So cookie wins every game through math?


                                                      i can see where muscle memory and experience gets you, average player with 3k matches has 1-3k mmr, while i had 5k by then.

                                                      considering what stupid shit happens at low mmr, learning by experience there would literally make you worse at the game, and that's not a random guess

                                                      about literally almost every player in this game learns it wrong trough experience.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                      also jdf8

                                                        (a small amount of) dota is math

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          Dota is literally 100% math considering it's a computer program made out of mathematical and logical expressions down at the binary/processor level

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            "oh shit axe is very good against melee heroes in the laning stage especially with a creepwave near my arse i shouldnt just walk up to his arse as a melee core with creepwaves next to my arse"
                                                            Wow im 1k now

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              "oh antimage is actually a decent laner against mana dependent heroes i should try to burn their mana and hp without giving away much hp in the process"
                                                              Oh damn im 400 mmr now


                                                                that's the conclusion my dear, where does the question come from?

                                                                why is axe very good against melee heroes?, why isn't IO? etc.

                                                                which will all lead to axes ability giving him a 20% chance to do 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 pure damage when struck by an attack which will get amplified if 4 creeps, and even the enemy hero, due to getting multiple spins, and his first ability giving him 40 armor and the abiity to lock that hero in for 2.0 / 2.4 / 2.8 / 3.2 seconds

                                                                his high starting stats of 700 HP and 1 armor and 4.2 HP/s make him quite a formidable opponent in lane

                                                                you skipped to the conclusion which came from your experience because your brain learned this by example, on the other side, i didn't assume anything but rather analysed it, then i made a conclusion using my data.

                                                                The difference is simple, experience can be deceiving, meanwhile research tells the truth.

                                                                What is that sound you herd in the dark? Could it be a monster trying to eat you, or just a branch falling off a tree.

                                                                you could run inside your house all afraid because of your experience, or you could grab a flash light.

                                                                your option

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  A 40 minute average game per match of dynamic enviroment and every little decision and choice will open up another possibility, while still needing to be executed by proper clicks
                                                                  Yea, good luck calculating everything on-the-fly, but if you think you have a calculator brain to do so then go ahead but you gotta wonder why are you wasting your intelligence on a 5v5 fantasy chess game


                                                                    There's no need to do a 2nd calculation, you take a replay and analyse it like I did here, you'll make all your conclusions by the end of that replay.

                                                                    Then the next game you'll have all your plans set, and you won't need to do any more calculations, but just simply execute it.

                                                                    the difference is i can get 95%+ winrate in 0-4k using ONLY this, while everyone else is stuck there trying to learn by example.

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      I get your point, that's why I said you gotta keep your brain up and running instead of blindly doing whatever you've been doing for the past 1k games because "it worked somehowwwww"

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        Idk maybe I'm just overestimating people's ability to just experience something and instantly thought process it with logical thinking

                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                          ^GJ cuki

                                                                          Btw can you calculate my meme level?

                                                                          and I sleeping with 2 gurl in my side,envy me HAHAHAHAHA


                                                                            you should download some 1-3k games, almost every player there has like 3k+ matches

                                                                            you'd think with 3k+ matches, which is basically being subjected to every hero in the game at least 20+ times each, and all of those scenarios... do you think people would've actually learned, by example, to properly play against them... well, get some 1-3k games and watch them and try not to cry laughing.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              But then again, people in 3k barely even try to think about the game
                                                                              They just click the find match button, play whatever they feel like playing, and blame their team for their incompetence
                                                                              I doubt that kind of people will even try to think "eh, ive played against this shit before, hmm maybe i can avoid getting crushed by that by doing smth...."

                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                I dont have to download trench replays to experience the stupidities if I play there 😏


                                                                                  You don't get good by calculating every scenario in your head unless you are some kind of genius, for most people calculating takes longer than playing by instinct. Dota is a fast paced game so you generally don't have time to sit there and do the math. Getting good is all about playing and learning until the calculation becomes second nature and you can do it just by instinct.

                                                                                  I know I can go into a fight or I can make a dive or I can last hit a creep not because I sat there with my calculator in one hand and my dick in the other but because I've played this game thousands of times and I can just feel in my brain whether a move I might make is good or bad. Sometimes I make mistakes but that's why I'm not 10k mmr.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    Dota really is meth

